Stomach ulcers are most often experienced by people who are under stress, who eat in a hurry, drink coffee, smoke cigarettes, and cannot rest … Read on to learn how to avoid the suffering of peptic ulcer disease.

Peptic ulcer diseasemay initially develop symptoms that are easily confused with indigestion or explained by overeating, stress, or neurosis. You need to be aware of this, because at this stage you can still prevent the formation of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer. Sometimes it is enough to make some lifestyle changes, other times it is also necessary to take medication. If this is not done in time, chronic gastritis may result, erosion formation (lesion only in the mucosa, more superficial than an ulcer). Eventually, they develop peptic ulcer disease which significantly worsens the quality of life, leads to serious complications (e.g. gastrointestinal bleeding) and increases the risk of stomach cancer. Ulcers are often found in young, middle-aged, overworked and neurotic people, but they also happen to teenagers.

Symptoms of peptic ulcer disease

The most common symptoms of peptic ulcer disease:

  • discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen 1-3 hours after a meal and decreasing after eating;
  • pain waking up in the morning or occurring in the morning (on an empty stomach);
  • feeling full after a meal;
  • lose weight.
  • If you notice them, see a doctor immediately. Ulcers need to be treated to avoid complications.

Stress and bad food responsible for peptic ulcer disease

High levels of adrenaline strain the lining of the stomach and duodenum, obstructing blood flow and impairing epithelial regeneration. As a result, the mucosa is more susceptible to the action of hydrochloric acid. In addition, stress provokes the body to secrete more hydrochloric acid, and its excess damages the mucosa. All this leads to a weakening of the epithelial immunity and inflammation of the mucosa, which promotes the formation of erosions and ulcers. There are talk of stress ulcers, which may appear overnight under the influence of severe tension. An ally of ulcers is eating highly processed products, fatty and fried foods, overusing coffee and alcohol, s alt, spicy spices, and avoiding vegetables and fruits.Another cause is the regurgitation of bile into the stomach. It is normally only found in the duodenum. When the digestive system fails, it goes back into the stomach and damages the mucosa.

Peptic ulcer disease - causes

Peptic ulcer disease is mainly caused byHelicobacter pylori . This bacterium is infected over half of people in the world and as much as 80 percent. adult Poles. You can get infected through the digestive tract, e.g. through: water, food, medical equipment, even a kiss (probably the bacterium is transmitted through human secretions, e.g. saliva).

The infection usually occurs in early childhood through the use of toys put in the mouth. In countries with poor hygiene, nearly 100 percent are infected. population. The risk of transmitting bacteria to adults is low.

Most bacterial carriers do not feel any discomfort, so they learn about the bacteria by accident. You can be a carrier of it and never have ulcers. However, about 10 percent. peptic ulcer disease develops. It is not known exactly why some people get sick and others do not. It is said about a hereditary tendency - in 50 percent. ulcers run in families. People with blood group 0 (30-40%) are more susceptible to peptic ulcer disease an unhe althy lifestyle. Here, smoking takes first place - the components of the smoke destroy the mucosa - the natural protective barrier of the stomach. You can treat yourself to an ulcer by taking excessive amounts of anti-inflammatory and painkillers (NSAIDs), including over-the-counter drugs, even aspirin - they all damage the mucosa. Preparations used in the treatment of rheumatic disease also wreak havoc on the stomach.

Peptic ulcer treatment

Generally available preparations for indigestion and heartburn (protecting the esophagus and stomach mucosa, neutralizing excess acid in the stomach or inhibiting its production) alleviate symptoms, but they do not cure or blur the image of the disease. They can only be used temporarily. If you have problems, consult your primary care physician to find out what is wrong with you (if necessary, he will refer you to a gastrologist). at the same time, the test for the presence ofHelicobacter pyloriis also performed. A blood test for the detection of the bacterium can be done in an analytical laboratory or by yourself, using a kit available at a pharmacy (the reliability of such tests, however, is less than 50%). Since the presence of bacteria does not always mean disease, final diagnosis should be madeto the doctor. Depending on the diagnosis, he will apply the appropriate treatment. In the case of peptic ulcer disease, apart from changing your lifestyle, you need to take appropriately selected antibiotics and a drug that significantly reduces the secretion of gastric juice (proton pump blocker).

Stomach protection program

Take control of your stress . If stress accumulates, sooner or later it will affect the work of the digestive tract. Don't choke on bad emotions, talk about your problems with your loved ones. Try to go on vacation twice a year. Do not regret physical activity in the fresh air - you will oxygenate your body, improve the functioning of the digestive tract and relax. Give up smoking.

Be careful what you eat and drink . Limit foods that are hard to digest, fatty and fried (they increase the acidity of gastric juice and stay in the stomach for a long time). During frying, substances that irritate the mucosa are produced. Avoid processed foods - they contain a lot of chemical ingredients that are not indifferent to the stomach. Coffee, strong tea, sweets, alcohol and carbonated drinks are on the black list - they increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Use s alt and hot spices in moderation. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible - the antioxidants contained in them reduce the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection and protect the mucosa. Drink plenty of water - it improves digestion and cleanses.Eat regularly and slowly . Preferably, 4-5 times a day in small portions. Both eating irregularly and overeating disrupt digestion. Swallowing a sandwich on the go or contemplating a plate about problems interferes with the secretion of digestive enzymes and disrupts the work of the muscles of the stomach and intestines. The excessive amount of hydrochloric acid then produced irritates the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach. Don't overeat before going to bed. The digestive tract needs to rest at night.Do not abuse drugs . Read the leaflet carefully before you use any medicine with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. From it you will learn when and how to take it and what are the contraindications. Do not exceed the recommended dose. After taking a double dose, the effectiveness of most of these drugs does not increase. Do not mix NSAIDs together or you will accumulate side effects. Do not take antibiotics on your own - they disturb the bacterial flora of the digestive tract. During the treatment, the doctor will prescribe a preparation that protects the gastric mucosa.Appreciate the herbs . Problems with the digestive tract are prevented by chamomile, dill and lemon balm. They have a calming, anti-inflammatory and diastolic effect, and soothe irritations. Mint should be avoided by people who are prone to acidity, as it increases the ailment. Drink a glass of flaxseed decoction, eat a fewalmonds - they are alkaline, so they neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Aloe vera juice will soothe irritation of the esophageal mucosa.

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