How to learn to learn? This question is asked especially by people who want to pass their final exams well or go through the exam session by storm. Memory is like muscles: to be good, you just need to exercise it systematically every day. How to learn Here are some very effective techniques for practicing your memory: the chain association method, the mind map and the tab method.
How to learnso that our approach to the matura exam or exams turns out to be effective? It is worth knowing that after an hour it is said that we forget about half of the information we have just learned. After a few days, about 25 percent remains in your head. learned knowledge. How to learn so that what we assimilate remains in the memory for a longer time? There are no miracles. The brain requires the same care as the muscles, and exercising memory is a daily, systematic work. There are, of course, techniques for memorizing quickly and permanently, but training 5 minutes before the exam won't do much. Therefore, if you have an exam session, start preparing for it as early as possible.Here are some very effective memory training techniques and how to learn.
How to learn: different techniques to exercise your memory
By learning systematically, you not only save time, but also keep your brain in good shape. Our brain is like a storehouse for an infinite amount of information. With time, there are more and more of them, and the brain has to cope with the selection of material. It leaves more important information "on top", and "hides" the less important information deeper. However, the access paths to these hidden resources are gradually becoming blurred. This is where memory exercises help you find them. There are many techniques. Some appeal more to the imagination, others to the senses, e.g. sight or hearing. It is important to recognize the predispositions of your mind and on this basis to develop your own, most effective ways of learning. Memory techniques are based on imagination, associations and emotions. So the general rule is that the larger areas of the brain we engage and the better cooperation between the hemispheres, the better we will remember what we are learning.
How to learn? Do daily memory training
You can do memory exercises in many ways: by playing scrabble or chess, arranging lists of tasks forexecution or remembering various items for fun (e.g. things spread out on a desk, contents of a refrigerator, clothes of metro passengers, etc.). When learning a foreign language, it is worth using the simple method of sticking yellow cards at various points in the apartment. When you need to digest the entire textbook, you can start by memorizing the table of contents. The more you repeat the material, the longer you remember it.
1. How to learn: association method
The first is the chain method of association. It is based on the proven claim that we remember surprising information better than typical and consists in inventing stories that combine images, actions and emotions. At first glance, the associated images should have nothing to do with each other, and the more absurd the story you create with their help, the better. The images must be vivid, colorful, fun, engaging the senses and evoking some feelings. When creating them, we use exaggeration, exaggeration, minimization - everything that increases the extraordinary and extraordinary nature of our story.
Memory exercises - example:We have 10 unrelated nouns: notebook, elephant, window, shampoo, cup, tractor, moon, leg, fire hydrant, carpet. We compose a story containing these nouns: "I'm swinging on the moon, waving my left foot. Suddenly, a pink tractor comes from the side of the Earth, rattling on it. Behind it, with a noise, a bursting fire hydrant. The hydrant catches the horn of my moon. I fall … straight into the shampoo bottle. . A checkered notebook comes with help. After its page, like a ladder, I climb and come to the surface. There is a biscuit carpet under my feet. A cup with a singing elephant in the middle is spinning on it. " By inventing such stories, you will easily remember the shopping list, daily schedule, counting lists or components of a larger whole. You can use the chain association method in practice (e.g. by remembering a shopping list) or simply to exercise your memory "dry".
Take breaks every 10-15 minutes while studying.
2. How to learn: mind map
The chain method of association is not enough to assimilate more of the material. A verbal-graphic note in the form of a mind map works better here. Its model is the structure of brain cells - dendrites, which have the form of a branched tree. The principle is apparently simple: we put a topic in the middle, and individual branches (points) and twigs (sub-points) depart from it. Similar to scoring note, we only use slogans, drawings, color graphics. In fact, making a good mind map requires a lot of effort, discipline, and very goodunderstanding the subject. When compiling this type of note, the brain has to make a selection and organize the material according to a diagram. But the effect can be amazing! All you need to do later is to look at your map, and the memory is immediately activated - individual channels open in the mind like access paths in a computer. The words in the note are just the keys to what you already have in mind.
3. How to learn: tab method
A good method of remembering dates and telephone numbers is the tabbed method. The starting point is to create bookmark images that you will constantly use later.
Memory exercise - example:Imagine each digit as a picture bookmark (e.g. 1 - golf club, 2 - swan, 3 - glasses, 4 - chair, 5 - scooter etc.) and remember them. Do you have to record the date of the first book - that is, the year 1452? Make a fun story with tabs on the date, such as "I put the stick on the chair, got on the scooter and went to visit the swan."

Important rest during study
According to the priority effect, we remember best the information that reached the brain at the beginning and at the end of one learning session. Therefore, the more often you rest, the more material you will permanently remember. During a longer break, do something you like - go for a walk, go for a bike. During this time, although you are not thinking about learning, your brain is still working on the material it is absorbing, but on a completely different level. Then the right hemisphere responsible for creativity and associating facts is more active, not the left one - analytical and logical. This is the time when new messages are absorbed and integrated into what you already have in mind.
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