Stress is the result of living in constant tension - after all, there are so many things to do on your head. You would like to avoid stress or at least make it less annoying. It is possible. In many cases, you yourself, completely unknowingly, put yourself under stress and make your life difficult. We advise you which exercises will help you relax and instantly release tense muscles.
Among the types of women described below, find the one that best suits you and you will learn whystresseats you and how to help yourself. You will also findrelaxing exercisesand relaxing exercises that are right for you.
Stress and personality type
- TYPE 1 - YOU ARE AN ACTIVE WOMAN - you go through life like a storm. You do not avoid overtime or additional duties, you also learn and run a house. You do everything yourself, because who will do something better and faster than you? A typical successful woman.
Example 1. A boss wants to entrust someone with an extremely difficult task. Without hesitating, you offer to take them on, even though you have a lot of work that should be done quickly. Example 2. Your partner asks you to help him buy a suit. During the lunch break, you tour half the city with him. You come back to work exhausted.
» Cause of stress: You were probably independent at a very young age. An active woman is usually the eldest sister caring for her younger siblings or an only child whose parents demanded a lot - to gain their acceptance - had to be successful.» What to do to get rid of stress? When taking on additional tasks, ask your boss to release you from some old ones. Tell your partner that you will look for a suit with him if he, for example, cleans the apartment. In the evening, plan the next day, give up what is necessary. Set aside some time to relax. Really, no one requires constant activity from you. Some people may even be annoyed by it. Break down and ask others for help, First they will be surprised, then they will be happy to do something for you.» Exercise for you: during a day full of duties, take a few minutes to relax, Because anything that lasts a long time bores you, at home chooserelaxin 5 minutes, and at work - lightning fast.
Learn How To Fight Stress[TOWIDEO]
Example 1. A friend had an argument with her husband. Although you have a lot of work that day, you listen to her complaints and then stay in the office until midnight. Example 2. Your child forgot to bring her outfit to the prom in kindergarten. You take your clothes, although it could be done by your husband who is on the way.» The cause of stress: the roots of constant readiness to help may lie in childhood. Maybe you had younger siblings and you learned that other people's matters are more important than yours?» What to do to get rid of stress? Do not rush to help, until someone specifically asks you for it. Do not replace friends or family members, because in this way you teach them to be comfortable. And when someone tries to blame you, decline firmly and watch what happens. If any of your friends move away from you, it will be clear evidence that they've been abusing you so far.» Exercise for you: Schedule a time in your daily schedule to do 10-minute exercises. They will improve your mood and give you energy.
Example 1. The boss asks you to prepare the minutes of the meeting. You choose the phrases for a long time, you keep correcting the text, although you have other activities ahead of you. Example 2. You invited your friend for a coffee. You clean the apartment, bake a cake and prepare a snack, because you think that it is not appropriate to take a guest with only s alty fingers.» Cause of stress: you subconsciously do not believe in yourself. Through perfect planning and meticulous preparation, you try to stay in control of the situation. Perhaps you have seen this behavior in your parents and you cannot act otherwise.» What to do to get rid of stress? Stop a little. To remember that you don't have to be a top student, write on cards - 80 percent. Hang them up at home and at work. Finally, realize that the world won't collapse if you sometimes make a mistake or do something less carefully. I guess you want to be seen as a person, not just the sum of your achievements? Besides, you won't be able to please everyone.» Exercise for you: because you belong to peoplepatient and persistent,relaxin 10 minutes
Example 1. You can't decide where you want to spend your vacation. You wait until you have only the least attractive offers left. Example 2. You need to write a report. First you clean the desk, you deal with not very urgent matters. You've been writing your report in the last hour.» Cause of stress: When you were a teenager, your parents probably decided what to do and punished you for making any mistakes. You are afraid of it to this day.» What to do to get rid of stress? Flip a coin to make a decision. You will know what suits you by your reaction. Hold on to it. If you have a hard time getting to work, promise yourself to start and take a break after a quarter of an hour. You'll see, the work will go smoothly.» Exercise for you: try all the sets and choose the one that suits you.
The body's reaction to stress
- Brain - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland give a signal of danger, you start to be emotionally aroused.
- Sweat glands - work more efficiently, you are sweaty.
- Lips - the mucosa dries up.
- Liver - releases glucose into the blood.
- Heart - starts beating faster.
- Adrenal glands - release stress hormones: adrenaline, dopamine, noradrenaline and cortisol.
- Pancreas - secretes insulin.
- Intestines - slow down peristalsis
- Blood - circulates faster.
- Muscles - tense.
- Skin - it is covered with "goose bumps".
Relaxation exercises for people living under stress
Instant relaxation
It takes about a minute of exercise to relax your tense muscles from head to toe. You can even do it at work.
- Sitting in a chair, fold your hands above your head, straighten your arms and stretch them far back while stretching your torso. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 2 times.
- When sitting in a chair, put your feet apart. Bend your head to the left against the shoulder (you can carefully press it with your left hand). Hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times in each direction.
- Stand one meter from the chair, put your right foot on the seat. Press down on the bent knee with your hands until you feel the muscle tension in your thighs. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 2 times for each leg.
Relax in 5 minutes
You need a chair for this set of exercisesand two pillows. Allow just over a minute for each exercise.
- Lying on your back, lift your lower legs, bent at the knees at a 90-degree angle, and place them on the chair seat. Move close enough to the chair that there is also a right angle between your thighs and hips. Place your hands loosely along your body. Close your eyes. Breathe calmly and deeply.
- Sit on the floor with your legs bent at the knees. Feet your mouth in the position that is most comfortable for you. Rest your forearms on your knees. Bend your torso forward, close your eyes. Remember to take a calm, deep breath.
- Lie on your back on the floor. Bring your hands together under your knees and pull your thighs towards your chest. Raise your buttocks slightly. Take it easy. If you feel uncomfortable, you can put a small pillow under your head.
- Kneel on the floor. Place one pillow on your calves and the other on the floor in front of you. Slowly tilt your torso until your thighs rest on the first pillow and your head rests on the second. Keep your hands loosely along your body. Breathe calmly all the time. Warning! If you have back problems, do this exercise carefully. Stop them if you feel any pain.
Relax in 10 minutes
- Stand up straight with feet together and shoulders loosely lowered. Put your hands on the arms and circulate with your arms - forwards and backwards. Exercise for 2 minutes.
- While standing in the same position, slowly tilt your head to work, lower your left arm and shoulder as if you are pushing down. Keep the muscles tense for 40 seconds, then relax them and repeat the exercise on the other side. Exercise for 2 minutes.
- Sit on the chair. Set your legs fairly wide. Bend the torso, making the so-called Cat's back. Loosely lower your arms, hands and head. While in this position, breathe deeply and calmly. Exercise for 4 minutes.
- Raise your hands to chest height, clasp your fingers together, and turn your hands over. Hold on for a moment and raise your joined hands above your head. After a few seconds, lower your hands. Repeat it. Exercise for 2 minutes.