How to tell if a child has ADHD? What are the most common symptoms? Hyperactive children cannot sit still and absorb their behavior. Often, through no fault of their own, they are perceived as rude and ill-mannered. More than half of them will not grow out of ADHD, and in adulthood it will be very difficult for them to control their emotions. See what rules to introduce to raising a child with ADHD.
It is not true that ADHD develops as a result of parenting mistakes, lifestyle, diet or loneliness of one of the parents, although these factors may aggravate its symptoms. Hyperactivitychild , also called attention deficit disorderhyperactivity disorder( ADHD- from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ), it disturbs the environment, classmates and teachers. Such a student is perceived as rude, ill-mannered or selfish. Works faster than he thinks, e.g. he climbs furniture and trees - and has more frequent accidents than his peers. In such situations, do we only deal with a case of unruly or maybe already with disorders that require specialist help?
How do I know if my child has ADHD?
Source: Press materials of the Polish ADHD Society
How to recognize ADHD in a child?
ImportantReading about ADHD
We recommend a book by Tomasz Wolańczyk, Artur Kołakowski and Magdalena Skotnicka: "Psychomotor hyperactivity in children", "A way for a difficult child", "ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A guide for parents and educators. "
When to see a specialist?
- If you notice that a child has symptoms of motor hyperactivity, you should go with him to the district psychiatrist. This person should refer you to blood hormone tests and specialist tests that will rule out another congenital abnormality of the nervous system.
- The psychiatrist makes a written report about the disease. It should contain recommendations on pedagogical and educational procedures. He or she may also prescribe mild psychotropic or tranquilizers to suit your child's needs. The decision on pharmacological treatment will be made every month during the follow-up visit.
- You must work closely with the tutor and teachers so that the child is surrounded by loving and consistent care.
- Dyslexia and dysgraphia often go hand in hand with concentration disorders. It is worth confirming these defects of the child with appropriate documents. You need to go to a psychological and pedagogical counseling center for help. With such a decision, you can submit a request to the school head to provide the child with special conditions for taking exams or assessing his written work.
- On the basis of a medical certificate about ADHD, the regional psychological and pedagogical counseling center issues a consent to an individual course of study. Learning is free and includes at least basic subjects. A child is promoted to the next class if it is present at least 80%. classes. If he is ill, for example with tonsillitis, he must attend at least half of the classes. The optimal place to study for such a child is a small, integrative class, preferably with two teachers.
- Do not celebrate home rituals, do not attach importance to forms and conventions, do not be rigorous, simplify your lifestyle.
- Don't give your baby too many toys at once.
- Recommendperform only one task, e.g. do not say "clean clothes", but: "fold your pants" and then: "put them in the wardrobe".
- Establish a daily routine that will give your child a sense of stability. But don't stick to it rigidly - it's about following a predetermined order, not strict hours.
- Give your baby the main meals regularly, and snacks in between. Hunger causes anxiety and irritation, while meals at a fixed time increase the feeling of security.
- Put your baby to sleep in an atmosphere of love and relaxation.
- Develop a code of domestic conduct: what should be rewarded and what should be punished.
- Let your baby pick out games and toys. It is good if they require cooperation with a second child or adult.
- Don't make him eat dislikes, wear clothes he doesn't accept.
- Learn to give short commands, eg "take off your shoes", "wash your hands". Don't talk yourself over because you won't get anything done. Too meticulousness makes communication difficult.
Commandments for the family of an ADHD child
Issue commands in a friendly but firm tone. Refer to your child by name frequently to get their attention. If he deserves a punishment or reprimand, do so right now. As much as 65 percent children who see a doctor have difficulty obeying and obeying orders.
This is not due to hyperactivity itself, but is a consequence of it. The child is punished for his behavior, that is, for the symptoms of the disease. They are constantly reprimanded and told to him: "you are lazy, rude, you disturb." As a result, the teenager perceives himself as inferior to others, unsuccessful. He may react with aggression or resignation and adopt an attitude: I will not try, because it will be okay anyway. da.
It is difficult to say when the disease starts, as parents only ask for help when their child's mobility and impulsiveness make learning difficult. However, this does not mean that the first symptoms of the disease did not appear until the age of seven. Hyperactivity is already visible in early childhood. Parents remember their child's high irritability, trouble falling asleep and having problems with hunger. The most visible is hyperactivity and difficulties in assimilating social norms, which leads to numerous conflicts with colleagues.
In school age, a child with ADHD is more and more different from their peers. In the younger grades, his mobility is the most troublesome for others. The child walks around the class, answers without asking, interrupts the teacher and accosts his friends. He has more and more problems with attention, and this affects his academic performance. In third grade, he only fidgeted with his chair, but still can'tconcentrate. Then the symptoms of the disease diminish. During adolescence, two-thirds of patients have them, but in 30 percent. are also visible later.
Where to go for helpAssociation for Supporting Hyperactive Children "Over", 37 Andersa Street, m 59 A, post office 38, 00-956 Warsaw, tel. (022) 423-17-43The best profession for a person with ADHD
There are classes where hyperactivity is an advantage. So it's good when people with ADHD become journalists, directors, work in advertising agencies, large stores, etc.
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