Do you know what the differences between the different types of pepper are? How to recognize them and in which dishes do they taste best? See what the difference between Tabasco and Habanero peppers is, and which type of pepper is the most spicy on the Scoville Scale.

Europe gainedpaprikathanks to Columbus' first expedition. The flight doctor said it was a pepper sharper than Caucasian pepper. Initially, paprika was called Spanish or Indian pepper. It quickly conquered the Pyrenees Peninsula, where it was first cultivated as an ornamental and medicinal plant, but soon its culinary qualities were also appreciated.

In the 16th century it was known in Germany and the Czech Republic, in the 17th - in Hungary, in the 18th - also in Russia. Today it is grown mainly in hot and warm climates - in the Americas, the Antilles, Africa, India, China, Japan and the Mediterranean countries.

Bell Peppers

Bell- popular pepper grown in Poland. It is native to Mexico, Central and South America. Red, yellow, orange, chocolate, lilac, cream, purple, and green have round, sweet and juicy pods with a fresh, refreshing flavor (0 SHU ). You can eat it raw, bake it, boil it, and fry it. It is suitable for salads, sauces, stews.

Pimento peppers

Pimento- red pepper (pods 7-10 cm long), sweet and not too hot (100-500 SHU). It comes from South America. An indispensable ingredient of Portuguese and Spanish cuisine, it is added to paella and tapas, grilled, marinated, and filled with olives.

Anaheim peppers

Anaheimalso known as Californian chili comes from South America. The green pods have a mild, sweet, slightly spicy flavor (500-2500 SHU, plants grown in Mexico even 4500-5000 SHU). Suitable for sauces, cheeses, pork and poultry dishes. It goes well with corn, eggs, black beans, cumin and coriander. Red pods (popular in the United States) are sweeter than greens (1000-500 SHU), taste good with baked potatoes, tacos, steaks, and are suitable for soups.

Papryka Hungarian hot

Hungarian hotbrought to Hungary around 1540 by invading Turks, gives flavor to Hungarian, Serbian and Moldavian cuisine. Sweet and spicy(1000-5000 SHU, according to some sources up to 15,000 SHU), gently warming or burning, it is versatile (suitable for freezing), does not require peeling.

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Pasta Harissa

The name of this spicy paste comes from the word "harrassa", meaning "crush", "rub". It is a spicy spice that is the essence of Tunisian cuisine, where it is added to almost everything - couscous, pasta, soups, sandwiches. It is also served as a snack with olives and olive oil, which slightly soften the searing taste. Popular in the Maghreb and Armenia countries. It is based on roasting piri-piri peppers, called the African devil, which are mixed with garlic, coriander, cumin, cumin and / or olive oil. It is sold in tubes and cans. Locals prefer to make Harissa at home.

Jalapeño peppers

Jalapeño- the name comes from the Mexican city of Jalapa. May have red (slightly sweeter) or more popular green pods (2500-5000 SHU). Perfect for salsa, guacamole, chutneys, soups, bread, dips, pasta and cheese. The most spicy is the smoked jalapeño (chipotle) ​​- 5,000-10,000 SHU. It has a characteristic sweet and smoky taste with a hint of chocolate. An ingredient in salsas, ketchups, pork marinades (with oil, garlic, s alt).

Tabasco peppers

Tabascoare small red or yellow pods, an ingredient in the sauce of the same name. Native to Central America, it has a sharp taste with a fruity note (30,000-50,000 SHU), but the smoking disappears quickly. It sharpens the taste of Mexican dishes.

Tabasco pasteis a type of spicy Tabasco pepper spice. It is made of natural ingredients according to the recipe developed by Edmund Mc Ilhenny in 1868 (the Mc Ilhenny company has the exclusive right to produce the sauce from the mid-19th century). Ripe peppers crushed with s alt mature in oak barrels for 3 years and then mixed with wine vinegar. The sauce, sold in slim bottles, is popular in Japan, Germany, Great Britain, Mexico, Singapore, and Canada. It is used for marinating and seasoning grilled meat and bean dishes. It is an ingredient of the world famous Bloody Mary (vodka with tomato juice) and Mad Dog (vodka, raspberry or blackcurrant juice).

Habanero peppers

Habanerois one of the sharpest in the world. It is spherical in shape and red in color, almost black when dried. It is part of sauces, it is suitable for marinades, and when ground it is added to chili seasoning. Her special variety red savina habanero has 577,000 SHU

Scoville Scale (SHU)determines the degree of sharpness, the higher the value,the more spicy paprika.

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