Self-mutilation in children and adolescents is one of the manifestations of aggression. Cutting with razor blades and other forms of self-harm most often mean that the person has a problem that they cannot cope with. For her, inflicting pain on herself is the only way to solve it. Find out what the causes and types of self-harm are and how they are treated in such cases.
Self-mutilation,which is the most commonin childrenandadolescents(three times more common in girls than in boys) is deliberate and suicidal inflicting wounds on one's body.
The most common form of self-harm iscutting yourself with razor blades , mainly in the forearm and upper arm, less often in the legs. Other sharp tools that serve the so-called cut, there are glass and a knife. Other ways of inflicting wounds on yourself include:
- scratching (e.g. with an insert, a pin);
- biting;
- intense rubbing of the skin, leading to skin tearing;
- plucking your hair and eyelashes;
- ingestion of sharp objects;
- scalding with water;
- burning with a lighter;
- dealing blows;
- hitting your head against a wall or hitting your head with hard objects;
- bumping into walls.
Self-harm: causes
Self-harm may be caused by a traumatic experience - sexual, physical and / or psychological abuse. The victim of violence feels anger, self-hatred, has a feeling of helplessness, as well as hurt, fear, shame and guilt at the same time. Often the only (in her opinion) method of dealing with experienced emotions is self-harm. Asking yourself physical pain is a way to stop emotional pain, distract yourself from it, and relieve your inner tension.
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Aggression towards oneself may also result from a feeling of rejection by peers and loneliness. This is what happens with teenagers who do not want to or cannot fit in with the current trends, cannot cope with pressure from the environment, such as having a slim figure, fashionable clothes, etc.
Self-mutilation is a cry forhelp, listen to or understand the problem. In this way, the person wants to get attention
There are also other causes of self-harm. Some feel they are guilty and need to be punished in some way. Then, injuring themselves, they punish themselves. Others are looking for pleasure in pain.
Self-mutilation can also be an attempt to force some kind of behavior on the environment. Then inflicting wounds is a kind of emotional blackmail (e.g. a girl talking to a boy who wants to break up with her - if you leave me, I will cut myself). However, according to psychologists, such a person does not consciously manipulate the environment, but cannot cope with the problem differently.
Self-mutilation also occurs in the course of disorders such as mental retardation, autism, schizophrenia, behavioral disorders, depression, etc. The tendency to self-harm may also be associated with epileptic attacks caused by activity in the frontal and temporal lobes.
Self-mutilation brings immediate relief, but does not solve the problems and only worsens the already difficult situation.
Wounding tendencies are also observed in the course of many genetic disorders, such as Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (patients often bite their fingers and the surrounding area), fragile X syndrome and Cornelia de Lange syndrome (patients tend to bite their fingers). and hitting in the face).
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Self-mutilation - treatment
In the case of self-harm, you need the help of a specialist - preferably a psychiatrist. As the injured person has some difficulties, the goal of therapy should be to learn to constructively solve problems - to communicate your needs in a socially acceptable way (not through self-harm) and - equally important - to safely express negative emotions. Inability to cope with one's own emotions usually affects adolescents, which is why they most often self-injure.
It is also important to support relatives and their full understanding of the problem of the injured person.
Drug treatment should only be used when there are symptoms of mental illness or depression.
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ImportantSelf-harm can turn into addiction
A person injuring their body may become addicted to the pain they inflict. This is especially true of people who are looking for pleasure in it. Besides, over time the person has tohurt yourself more to feel relief and there must be more wounds.