The baby is crying because he has to. After all, there is no other way to say that he has a problem, is bored, wants to put his hands on or wants to take a nap. Therefore, do not be nervous, just try to guess what he means. In the first days of life, hunger is the most common cause of crying. It is enough to give the baby a breast or a bottle to make him fall asleep when full. Learn ways to soothe your baby's crying.
Slave criesoften and every parent should knowways to cry a baby . The chances of your baby calming down quickly increase when you know why he is crying. And the reasons for a baby crying can be very different.
A baby of several months may cry because of colic or erupting teeth. If the crying is high-pitched, extremely intense, or gets worse when you hug your baby, see your he althcare provider as soon as possible. It is also disturbing when a crying baby breathes heavily and just looks sick.
In other cases, you can soothe the baby yourself. There are many ways, the trick is to find the one that works best for you. It is important to react without delay; Babies to whom parents pay a lot of attention develop better.
Causes of newborn crying
How to calm a baby crying?
- Take them out of the crib and hug them. The child gets a sense of security from this.
- Rock - in the arms, cradle, stroller. Rocking calms the baby down, because it is a movement he knows well from the times when it was still in the tummy.
- Get interested in toys - turn on the music box, show the stuffed animal. They will interest the little one, even if he cannot play with them yet.
- Gently stroke the face, starting from the forehead, through the eyelids - up to the cheek. This makes the little one automatically close his eyes. He can also fall asleep if he is tired.
GOOD TO KNOW: Colic in young children
- Wear it while massaging his back. Light, circular hand movements stimulate the release of stress-reducing endorphins. You can also lie down with the baby on the bed and stroke his back or tummy.
- Put your baby on his stomach to see the world from a different perspective.
- Dance with the baby in your arms (holding his head at the same time) and sing to him. So maybeinterest the little one enough to stop crying.
- Wrap the baby tightly in a swaddle from a light blanket. Many babies are often concerned about the movements of their arms and legs, and the cocoon in which they are almost unable to move reminds them of safe times in the womb. Fold the blanket or sheet in half and place the baby so that his neck is above the fold line. Then cover the baby with one side of the fabric, wrapping it under his back. Do the same with the other side of the fabric. Fold the edges under the baby's feet.
- Carry the baby in a scarf over your chest. It's three methods in one: a scarf gives the effect of a hug, rocking and wrapping a baby wrap.
- Give him a pacifier. Perhaps the cause of crying is an unmet urge to suckle. Bathe if baby usually enjoys bathing. Maybe now the water will loosen them enough to calm down?
- Go for a walk if possible. A ride in a stroller usually calms the child down.
Ways to prevent colic-induced babies crying
If you suspect that the cause of crying may be baby colic (a toddler starts crying after feeding, has a red, sweaty face, curled legs and a hard, bloated belly, loud gas, downpour), try:
- warm his tummy with a warm towel
- give him a tummy massage - make gentle circular movements with your left hand, and make a semicircle with your right hand, starting from the outside to the center of the tummy
- wear it so that your head is higher than the rest of your body and your belly is close to your forearm - this position helps to drain gas from your belly; if you have a rocking chair, sit in it with your baby on your forearm and rock slowly
CHECK: The baby is crying, snoring, drooling heavily - is this a cause for concern?
- hug your belly in such a way that the belly touches your belly - in this position, the baby often manages to get rid of gas, and also calms down, feeling the parent's warmth; gently massage his back
- provide a special colic soothing preparation - among the over-the-counter remedies there are preparations with carminative and antispasmodic properties based on chamomile and fennel. Some also contain simethicone or dimethicone - compounds that facilitate the evacuation of gas bubbles from the intestines. If you are breastfeeding, you can drink a special anti-colic tea, the ingredients of which pass into the food. In this case, however, do not give the child any preparation without first consulting a doctor.