You need to take care of your child's he alth as long as possible and prevent him from hypertension, heart attack or stroke. And preferably from the first days of his life. Take care to strengthen your child's immunity, as frequent infections can weaken the heart and joints.

What is the shell of a youth … This proverb contains the well-known truth that the he alth capital ofof the childmust be taken care of from its birth. Breastfeed your baby, it will give him a naturalimmunityfor many years. This, in turn, protects against infections that can harmthe heart . In addition, in breastfed babies, the risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood is reduced by as much as a quarter.

For a he althy heart …

- Don't overfeed the baby. If you are making mixes, do not put more powder into the bottle than you need to, and do not force you to eat the entire portion at a time.
- Get your baby used to drinking unsweetened water.
- The older child's diet must be rich in vegetables and fruits. Sweets cannot reward good behavior or act as a comforter, and fast food cannot substitute for dinner.
- Encourage your child to play outdoors, play sports. Children with little exercise are often obese and this puts a strain on the circulatory system.
- Take care of strengthening the child's immunity. Frequent infections can negatively affect the cardiovascular system, weaken the heart and joints.
- Don't impose too many responsibilities, extra activities on your child, don't expect them to always be the best. Stressed, even young people often develop not only hypertension, but also left ventricular hypertrophy.

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