Why is it worth taking a walk with a newborn baby? Regular walks will keep your child he althy and help you regain your former shape. We advise you on how to prepare your baby for a walk and how to choose the best stroller.
On warm spring days, spend as much time outside as possible withyour child . A properly oxygenated organism functions better and develops faster. Thanks towalks, the newbornwill get less sick in the future, because its immune system comes into contact with various microorganisms outside and learns to react to them. Finally, under the influence of the sun's rays that reach the baby's skin, vitamin D is produced in its body, which is of great importance for the proper development of bones.
When to go for the first walk with a newborn baby? Check! [TOWIDEO]
Newborn's walk - start with verandering
Before you go out for the first walk (i.e. in the third week of a child's life), familiarize your baby with fresh air using the so-called verandering. Warmly dress the child and put him in the stroller with the window open - first for ten minutes, then even for half an hour. After a week of verandering, weather permitting, you can go outside for a quarter or a half hour (extend this time from day to day, even up to three hours).
Newborn's walk - where to go and when?
The best is a park, a forest, a square. Do not walk along the main streets of the city with your child - noise and exhaust fumes are an unfavorable environment for them. Also, avoid shopping malls - they are usually drafty and too noisy. Adjust the time of the walk to the baby's rhythm. When he falls asleep around noon, go out early or in the afternoon with him. Always feed and rewind him before going out so that you can walk freely. On hot days, avoid taking walks between 11 am and 3 pm, when the sun is the most hot.
Newborn baby walk - the right outfit
Children are born with an immature thermoregulation center. It matures in the first month of life - for this reason, a newborn baby must be dressed warmer than an infant. On the other hand, the weather can be fickle in spring. Therefore, for the first walks, it is best to dress the child "on the onion" - if suddenly the sun comes out from behind the clouds, you will be able to take off onelayer of clothing. Clothing should be loose so that it does not restrict movement. Light fleece coveralls that can be unbuttoned along their entire length are practical. It is enough to put on a romper and a jacket underneath, and a light cap on the head. It is worth taking a blanket with you so that you can cover the child if necessary.
You must do itPack the bag
It should be roomy and open with one hand. There should be:
- carrying accessories - 2-3 nappies, wet wipes, anti-chafing cream, bag for used nappies
- change clothes
- pacifier (if your toddler uses it)
- 2-3 nappies or cloths (to cover the breasts during feeding or to wipe the baby's mouth after eating)
- oilcloth to be put under the bottom during the sweeping
- rain cover for the stroller, foldable umbrella for you
- something to read.
How to protect your newborn's skin
A newborn's skin is very delicate and it is damaged by changing weather conditions. There is also very little melanin in her cells, so she is practically defenseless from the sun. Therefore, half an hour before leaving the house, it is good to cover the baby's face with a suitable cream. If the day is sunny, use a cream with a UV filter. Cosmetics containing SPF 50 physical filters (reflecting UV rays from the skin) are suitable for babies. They should protect against UVA and UVB rays. On such days, also cover the child with an umbrella attached to the frame of the stroller and raise the booth. On cold days, a greasy protective cream that will protect the mouth from the wind will be better. Use only cosmetics for babies, because they contain a minimum amount of preservatives and are not perfumed. Before buying, make sure that the cream can be used from the first days of a child's life. A hazelnut-sized portion is enough for one application. Gently brush the baby's face and hands with it, then lightly pat. The cosmetic should not be rubbed in too much so as not to damage the skin.
Food in the field
It can happen that your little one gets hungry outside, even if you fed him just before leaving the house. Therefore, if you are breastfeeding, wear a button-up blouse for a walk. Look for a secluded place for feeding - preferably a secluded bench in a park. When you are bottle feeding, take a measured portion of the mixture and warm water in a bottle, tucked away in a heat-insulating container. It is easier to change the nappy - you can change your baby's nappy even in a pram. Then it is worth placing an oilcloth under the bottom to avoid dirt on the mattress in the event of an "accident" while overturning.
A good stroller is the basis for a successful walk
Buying a cartfor a toddler it is, to put it mildly, difficult. Because even if you have limited funds, you can choose from dozens of models, differing in color, size, functionality or the number of available accessories.
- How many functions in one?
Trolleys you will find in stores can be roughly divided into three types: 1. multifunctional stroller - one for the whole childhood; it serves the toddler from birth to three years of age: first as a gondola, then - when the child is securely seated - as a stroller; there are two types of such strollers: dual-function (gondola and stroller) and three-function (a car carrier can be additionally attached to the frame); 2. deep stroller - will be used by the child until he starts to sit up, so no later than 1 year of age; but it also has advantages: if the carrycot is detachable from the frame, it can be used as a crib for a toddler for the first few months, and when it has a special system of fastening for seat belts, it can be used as a car seat; 3. a stroller that folds to a lying position - a solution for people who have not enough space in the apartment to put a deep stroller in it.
- On a solid basis
Do you already know which stroller will work best for you? So it's time for some useful information. When buying a stroller, take a close look at its frame. It should be stable, but light at the same time. If it folds (which is a very convenient solution), it has to fold slightly. A useful patent is the ability to change the position of the stroller handle so that you can lead the toddler sitting in front or back to you. If a shopping basket is attached to the rack, make sure there is enough space between the rack and the base of the carrycot to accommodate more than a newspaper and a loaf of bread. As important as the rack is the suspension. It should be soft and absorb shocks well - but it should not be too soft, because then the stroller will swing on any unevenness. If you are going to walk on tarmac and park paths, look for a model with adjustable suspension, and take a close look at the wheels of the stroller. The stores have models with small and large wheels, plastic or pumped. Which one you choose should depend on the quality of roads in your area. If they are smooth, you can buy a stroller with small wheels. Models with large, solid wheels are better suited for holes and uneven surfaces. Unfortunately, they are heavier and take up more space when folded. Regardless of the size, the wheels should be swivel (but they must also be able to set them in one position), and have brakes (trolleys withreversing direction should have brakes on both the front and rear wheels).
- A few words about the gondola
The space in which you place your baby is equally important. The gondola - whether it is stiff, in a deep pram or foldable, in a stroller - should be waterproof and have a solid, foldable booth that protects against wind or sun. Its mechanism should not make noise when folding and unfolding, so as not to wake the baby up. The gondola cannot be too small, because apart from the child, it must also fit a blanket or a sleeping bag. It should be deep enough so that the child does not fall out of it when it starts to sit up (minimum depth is 22-25 cm). It is good if it has a harness that can be used to attach an older child. If you intend to use the carrycot as a car seat, make sure that it can be removed from the stroller and attached to it before buying.
ImportantBefore you buy a stroller …
- Checked, certified
From the moment Poland joined the European Union, the prams do not need to have Polish safety certificates. But it's better when they have them. This means that the manufacturer makes sure that its product is safe for the child. Therefore, before buying, ask the seller whether the stroller is certified by the Children's Memorial He alth Institute, Institute of Mother and Child or other organization authorized to issue certificates
- Useful accessories
Before you buy the stroller, make sure you can buy it: an umbrella, a rain cover, a sleeping bag or a warmer for colder days, a bag for a walk (it is good if it has a folding changing table), a mosquito net.
- Practical questions
Before buying, think about how high you will have to carry the stroller. If you live in a block of flats without an elevator, in addition on the top floor, buy a lighter model - too heavy may discourage you from daily walks. When there is an elevator in the block, measure the stroller before purchasing. Some models do not fit into old lifts, so is where you store your cart is also important. There is no point in investing in a great vehicle with goodies, if it will be standing in the basement or in the staircase, from which it can quickly disappear.
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