Gases are a natural, but rather unpleasant, function of our body. It can put us in a very embarrassing position. In addition to the standard name - gases, the phrase - winds is also used. Scientists describe this feature - in the elegant word - flatulence.
Flatulenceis an excessive gas emission. This process takes place when carbohydrates, undigested and unabsorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract, reach the large intestine - under the influence of intestinal bacteria, they are fermented there. Its product is foul-smelling gases such as the smell of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and nitrogen. When ingested while eating and drinking, air facilitates fermentation.
Excessive gas production (flatulence) - troublesome flatulence
Accumulation of air in the intestines causes an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity. The diaphragm rises up, and we are plagued by heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, belching, and sometimes the regurgitation of stomach contents into the esophagus. But the most distressing symptom is abdominal pain. Characteristic for flatulence is that after expelling the gases, the unpleasant ailments disappear. However, the problem should not be underestimated.
Experts say that some people have a hereditary tendency to produce more than normal amounts of gas. This condition is also the first sign of digestive and absorption disorders, e.g. pancreatic insufficiency, inflammation and intestinal cysts, as well as celiac disease (gluten intolerance).
Other causes include parasites or diverticulitis and intolerance to lactose, i.e. milk sugar. But the most common cause of trouble is dietary mistakes.
Excessive gas production (flatulence) - when to see a doctor
If your stomach hurts or you experience intestinal cramps a few hours after a meal, see your doctor. As a rule, he or she orders a general blood test, stool culture and an ultrasound of the stomach. The results allow you to determine whether the digestive tract is he althy and whether there are no parasites in it.
If the specialist finds no disease - you should change your diet and, most of all, avoid gas-forming foods.
It is also worth reaching for preparations that reduce gas production (Manti, Gastop) and agents leading to the breakdown of gas bubbles formed in stomachs andintestines (Espumisan).
Excessive gas production (flatulence) - inadvisable rush
The causes of flatulence may also be not related to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These include:
- Excessive swallowing of air (aerophagy) when eating quickly, or swallowing air when speaking quickly, interruptedly.
- Too much carbon dioxide production during the reactions that take place between acids and bicarbonate after eating a large, high-protein or high-fat meal.
- Intensification of the fermentation processes of the bacterial flora in the large intestine, which occur after eating beans or peas.
Excess gas production (flatulence) - explosive list
The most gas generating products are:
- Oligosaccharides - Found in beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, dry peas and lentils. They don't get digested thoroughly because humans lack an enzyme (alpha-galactosidase) to break them down. Therefore, they increase the production of gases in the large intestine (beans up to 12 times).
- Lactose (milk sugar) can increase normal gas production up to eight times if the body does not have enough lactase, the enzyme needed to digest this sugar. Lactose intolerance will be detected by appropriate allergy tests or blood tests. Lactase can also be taken in tablets after agreeing the dose with your doctor.
- Soluble fibers - contained in bran (beta-glucans) and in apples (pectin) pass into the large intestine only partially digested and become a material for the production of gases. Drinking three glasses of apple juice a day quadruples the amount of gas in your body.
- Starch - Wheat, oats, corn, potatoes, and even plain bread or pasta can be a source of trouble. The safest grain is rice.
- Vitamin C - can cause gas and gas if more than 500 mg per day; so it is better to give up the pills and instead eat more citrus fruits and sweet peppers. Natural Vit. C does not cause intestinal sensation.
- Troublesome gases - how to avoid them
- Excess gas - the cause may be aerophagy, lactose or fructose intolerance
- Herbs for flatulence and gas: cumin, fennel, mint, sage, anise