Yoga is a natural remedy for stress, depression and anxiety. On the one hand, asanas reduce tension that causes stress, and on the other hand they oxygenate, remove fatigue and give you energy. Learn 6 asanas that relieve symptoms of stress, depression and ward off disturbing thoughts.
Yogarestores mental balance and thus helps fightdepression ,stressi anxiety. It is also a natural therapy recommended in periods of nervous exhaustion and reduced vitality.
The following items have been selected to both relax and energize the mind and body. By doing them regularly, you will ensure a good mood and free yourself from internal tensions.
Yoga for depression and stress - how often do you exercise?
To feel the effects of the exercises, perform these asanas at least 3 times a week. However, you can come back to them whenever you feel the need to do so. Allow 2-3 minutes for each item. Remember to take a strong, deep breath.
1. Mountain Pose with Raised Arms (Urdhva Hastasana in Tadasana)
This pose builds a sense of inner balance and stability. Stretching your arms up will cheer you up and build your confidence.
Performance:Take the tadasana position: stand straight with feet together, weight your body evenly distributed over both legs. Pinch your shoulder blades together, lower your shoulders and tuck your tailbone up so that your pelvis is perpendicular to the floor. Then raise your arms up so that they form a line with the body. The elbows should be completely straight with the palms facing each other. While inhaling, pull your arms up trying to stretch your spine as much as possible. Look straight ahead. Breathe steadily and calmly. To get out of the pose, slowly lower your arms down.
2. Head Down Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
A dog with its head down oxygenates the brain, and thus revives and energizes people struggling with symptoms of depression. It also allows you to get rid of the tension accumulated in the shoulders, neck and loins.
Execution:go to the knees and support yourself in front of your hands. Curl your toes up and smoothly lift your hips up while straightening your arms, legs, and back. Your body should take shapeinverted letter V. Hide your head between your shoulders. The hands, head, neck and spine should be in line. Relax your shoulder, neck and neck muscles. Hold the position for a few deep breaths. To get out of the position, take a step forward bringing your right leg first, then your left leg to the hands on the floor and slowly, rounding your back, return to the standing position.
3. Snake Pose (Bhujangasana)
Strongly bending the spine in this position removes the tension in the lower back and stretches it thoroughly. Opening the chest deepens your breathing and gives you energy.
Performance:lie on your stomach with your face to the floor. Bring your legs together and press the backs of your feet against the ground. Place your hands flat on the ground under your shoulders, keeping your elbows close to your body. While inhaling, raise your chest up - try not to press down with your hands, but to lift your torso using the strength of your back muscles. Press the pubic bone to the floor, release your buttocks. Do not straighten your arms completely (do not hyperextend yourself). Stretch your neck and head up. With each breath, open your chest, and as you exhale, try to pull your spine up as far as possible. Coming out of the position slowly, vertically lower your torso to the floor.
4. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana II)
In this position, the main emphasis is on the footwork - they should be stable and firmly attached to the ground. The feeling of the ground under your feet gives you courage and increases your self-confidence. Asana also promotes concentration, restores harmony and peace of mind.
Performance:stand in tadasana (position description in exercise 1). Inhale and exhale make a wide stride as you slide your foot to the side. Extend your arms and raise them to the sides (they should be perpendicular to the ground), with the palms facing downwards - hands and shoulders should form one line. Turn your right foot 90 degrees outward (hips remain stationary). Pressing your left heel against the floor, begin to bend your right knee and slowly work your way down until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Make sure that your arms and shoulders are at the same height all the time. Point the top of the head up. Finally, turn your head to the right. Take a few breaths in and out. Get out of the inhale position by twisting your feet inward and bringing your legs together. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
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5. Intensive stretching in a deep bend (Uttanasana)
A highly relaxing position that removes fatigue, oxygenates, fights insomnia, relaxes the head and intensively stretches the back and legs.
Performance:stand in tadasana, feetshoulder width apart, place your hands on your hips. Bend halfway while exhaling - so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Lower your palms down and try to touch the ground with your fingertips. Place your weight on the front of your feet. Then bring your chest close to your thighs, deepening the bend, and place your hands next to your ankles. If you can't reach the ground with your hands, bend your knees slightly. Move your hips towards the ceiling and press your heels to the ground. Pulling your head down, lengthen your spine. The head should hang loosely. For more relaxation, close your eyes and calmly breathe count to 30. Return to the starting position while inhaling, lifting your torso up. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
See also: Lotus flower - yoga pose step by step
6. Baby Pose (Balasana)
The baby pose completes the asana sequence, calming the mind and leaving the body in a state of harmony.
Made by:sit on your heels, put your feet together, place your knees hip-width apart. As you exhale, bend forward so that your chest rests on your thighs. Place your forehead on the floor (if you have difficulty, place a rolled-up blanket under your head). Stretch your arms back and lay it freely on the floor, palms facing up. Relax your shoulders and neck, don't stiffen your fingers. Try to pull your hips back away from your body, put your head forward. Breathe.