The Border Collie is the first dog that comes to mind when we see a quadruped somewhere in the photo flying behind a Frisbee or jumping over a high obstacle. Border collie - lively, agile, and tireless, are a symbol of the group of active dogs. If you're a homebody, this isn't the best breed for you.

The history of the breedborder colliebegins in Roman times, but a dog with the appearance and characteristics we know today appeared around the 16th century. It was then that the outstanding herding abilities were recognized in the breed and they began to be used for herding herds.

In fact, until the present day, only the Shepherd Dog, the shepherd's assistant, was seen in the Border Collie. Only recent years have brought a change in this matter.

The friendly, affectionate, loyal nature of these dogs meant that targeted breeding started to make the Border Collie a family dog ​​as well.

This breed is also used in sports - border collies are masters of agility - running through obstacles, during which the dog carries out the instructions of the owner on time.

Border collie: appearance

The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog with a well-proportioned body and quite athletic appearance.

Reaches about 50 cm at the withers, the body is oblong, the limbs are strongly muscled, the head is quite broad, the muzzle is long. The whole silhouette indicates elegance, grace and harmony.

As for the coat, this breed comes in two varieties: semi-longhair and shorthair. In the longer-haired variety, there is a profuse ruff on the neck.

All color variations are allowed, for which there are about a hundred. The breeding regulations only stipulate that white cannot predominate in the color of the coat.

Border collie: character and behavior

The representative of the border collie breed is a dog with great temperament and a happy disposition. Friendly and trusting, without a trace of aggression, he is not so suitable for a watchman. On the other hand, it is fantastic as a herding dog - when working with a herd, it impresses with its determination and strong character.

At the same time, paradoxically, he can be submissive, devoted to his master or the family in which he lives. He needs close contact with the owner and can be caring and caring for childrenpatient, perfect as a companion for children.

Expression of affection and the desire to be constantly with the owner can be tiring, so you have to take it into account when deciding to buy a dog of this breed.

He is tolerant towards other dogs, he doesn't attack or start fights. He likes to play with dogs, although few are of equal condition. Weaker than himself usually ignores, has no tendency to dominate.

Border collie: care

Border Collie Sheepdogs do not require any special grooming treatments.

Their hair is resistant to weather conditions (it has a two-layer structure). However, it is necessary to brush it regularly, because dogs of this ration shed quite a lot. It is worth getting your dog used to this activity from an early age, so that he can do it without hesitation.

We perform the bath only when necessary, using preparations available on the market.

Border collie: feeding

There are few dogs as active as Border Collies. For this reason, the demand for food of this breed is also high.

Although these dogs do not have special nutritional requirements, it is important that their diet is not only caloric, but also balanced and wholesome (high protein and fat content, less carbohydrates contained in some ready-made foods).

Therefore, it is popular among breeders to use the BARF diet based on feeding the animal, among others raw meat.

Border collie: he alth

Border collies live to a pretty old age, even up to 17 years of age. They are not at risk of too many diseases.

They are prone to eye diseases - collie eye anomaly (CEA) consisting in underdevelopment of the choroid and progressive retinal atrophy.

There are hip and elbow dysplasia and neurological diseases. Borders also show hypersensitivity to ivomec and drugs used in narcosis.


Border collies are very active dogs. As few breeds need exercise, it is therefore unsuitable for homeowners.

A dog full of energy will be bored within four walls, and can express its dissatisfaction by destroying furniture.

Extremely intelligent animals, they learn extremely quickly, so you can achieve great results in training.

They will be devoted and obedient, but they can be even tiring in showing cordiality to their master.

If you are ready to be such an absorbing friend, this sheepdog will give you a lot of fun.
