There is a carcinogenic food? Scientific research shows that alcohol, red meat, excess protein and fat, especially animal fat, increase the risk of cancer. A diet rich in s alted products, sugars and highly processed carbohydrates is also carcinogenic. Check what not to eat (or at least limit it) so you don't get cancer.
Carcinogenic food , or rather the idea that what we eat influences the development of cancer in the late 1970s was treated abstractly by scientists. Now, however, there is no doubt - what we eatmay increase our risk of developing cancer .
The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) - the world's largest organizations researching the impact of lifestyle, including diet, to the risk of cancer development - estimate that genetic predisposition is responsible only for 5-10 percent. cases of cancer, while inadequate diet, overweight and obesity, and lack of physical activity - for 3-8 times more cancers.
Environmental factors contribute significantly to the development of cancer has been confirmed by migrant studies and observations in Asian countries where the incidence of cancer was rising too quickly to be attributed to changes in genes.
For example, the incidence of breast and colon cancer increased threefold in the second generation of Japanese immigrants to the US, which, according to researchers, is associated with the adoption of the American way of life, including eating habits. Other studies show that the increasing popularity of the Western lifestyle in Asian countries means that the incidence of breast and prostate cancer is systematically increasing there.
Carcinogenic foods are:
Research shows several important cancer risk factors.
Alcohol- has been confirmed to increase the risk of cancer of the mouth, larynx, throat, esophagus, breast, colon in men, possibly also colorectal cancer in women and liver cancer.
The risk of developing colon cancer increases by 25%. when drinking 2 glasses of wine a day or 1/2 liter of beer compared to non-drinkers. Even light to moderate drinking of alcohol increases the riskbreast cancer (alcohol alters estrogen metabolism).
S alt- a diet rich in s alted products increases the risk of nasopharyngeal and stomach cancer. S alt irritates the mucous membranes.
Red meat- has been confirmed to increase the risk of colon and rectal cancers, and the results also suggest cancers of the pancreas, lungs, esophagus, stomach, prostate and uterus. Meat products (cold cuts) are the most dangerous - they increase the risk of colon cancer by approx. 36%. with a meal of 100 g per day.
The heme iron contained in red meat is a catalyst for the formation of the so-called oxidative stress, i.e. inflammatory changes, and thus also carcinogens (so-called N-nitrosamines). Red meat increases insulin levels and increases insulin resistance. Carcinogenic compounds are formed in roasted and grilled meat.
Dairy products- Research suggests that it increases the risk of prostate cancer, but on the other hand, a diet high in calcium reduces the risk of colon cancer.
Fat(total) - excess fat may increase the risk of breast cancer in women. A low-fiber diet with a high proportion of fats, especially animal fats (typical Polish diet), favors higher estrogen concentrations and slower metabolism (excess estrogens are to a lesser extent removed in the faeces and reabsorbed into the liver).
Protein- excess protein, mainly from animals, increases the concentration of the IGF-1 hormone (insulin-like growth factor 1), which causes cells to divide rapidly. While in children it causes the body to grow, in adults, excessive stimulation of cell division can promote the development of cancer.
Sugars and highly processed carbohydrates- promote overweight, increase the concentration of insulin, which in large amounts is a pro-cancer hormone, induce insulin resistance, and increase inflammatory processes in the body.
What foods should be consumed in the prevention of cancer? See [TOWIDEO]
ImportantOverweight and obesity increase the risk of endometrial, esophageal, pancreatic, gallbladder, kidney, breast and colon cancer. The risk of falling ill increases from BMI 23 (>>>CALCULATE YOUR BMI). Overweight and obesity increase inflammation in the body, which promotes the formation of blood vessels in the tumor and the division of its cells.
They also induce insulin resistance, and a large amount of this hormone promotes the growth of neoplasms, promotes the multiplication of cancer cells, and hinders their death. Overweight and obesity in postmenopausal women increase the production of estrogen, which stimulates the division of cancer cells.
Diethigh fat increases the risk of cancer recurrence
Many studies confirm that among the factors influencing the risk of cancer recurrence, excess fat in the diet is very important, especially in breast cancer. For example, in studies conducted in the USA in postmenopausal women with breast cancer, the use of a high-fat diet (mainly saturated fat) promoted the spread of cancer cells to the lymph nodes.
In another study, women with breast cancer increased their risk of dying by 40 percent. with each 1000 g of fat consumed per month (a low-fat vegetable diet provides approx. 600 g of fat, a typical Polish diet - approx. 2100 g). One study also showed that the chances of survival in women with breast cancer are reduced due to excess body weight - women with the highest BMI had a 2.5 times greater risk of death for 5 years after diagnosis compared to women with the lowest BMI.
Smoking and alcohol are also important. A study comparing women with breast cancer in both breasts versus women with cancer in one found that avoiding alcohol, maintaining a he althy weight, and not smoking, all reduced the risk of another breast cancer. Obese women had 50 percent. higher risk of cancer in the other breast, and in those who drank more than 7 drinks a week, it increased by as much as 90%.
This will be useful to youAnticancer Decalogue
Here are the WCRF and AICR recommendations for cancer prevention:
- Maintain a he althy body weight (BMI 18.5-24.9).
- Practice at least 30 minutes each day.
- Avoid sugary drinks.
- Limit foods that are high in energy density (high in calories in a small amount).
- Eat more different vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes.
- Limit your consumption of red meat (e.g. beef, pork, lamb) and avoid processed meats (cold cuts).
- Limit alcohol consumption to 2 drinks for men and 1 drink for women per day (drink is 330 ml of beer, 125 ml of wine or 25 ml of vodka or whiskey).
- Limit s alty foods and s alt-preserved foods.
- Do not take supplements to protect yourself from cancer.
- Do not smoke or chew tobacco.
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