ASIA syndrome is an adjuvant-induced autoimmune / autoinflammatory syndrome, i.e. the occurrence of an autoimmune or autoinflammatory disease under the influence of an adjuvant - a component of the vaccine. This is what the authors of the ASIA syndrome theory claim, which are used by anti-vaccines to discourage parents from giving their children immunizations. Meanwhile, this theory has no scientific basis.
ASIA Syndromeis an adjuvant-induced autoimmune / autoinflammatory syndrome, i.e. the occurrence of an autoimmune or autoinflammatory disease under the influence of an adjuvant - a component of the vaccine. An adjuvant is e.g. aluminum hydroxide (aluminum). The authors of the ASIA theory link vaccination with the occurrence of an autoimmune or autoinflammatory disease. Unfortunately, in most cases of these diseases it is impossible to determine the cause of their occurrence and therefore different theories are put forward. Meanwhile, it is worth knowing that vaccines, before being placed on the market and entered into the Calendar of Protective Vaccinations, are subjected to many years of research, determining their safety and effectiveness. In addition, post-approval studies of vaccines are also conducted to investigate the potential long-term effects of vaccination.
What are adjuvants?
Adjuvants are substances that enhance the immune system's response to the vaccine antigen, but do not have antigenic properties on their own (they do not trigger the immune system to respond to each other). It is precisely because they increase the response of the immune system that they have been used as vaccine components. The role of adjuvants used in vaccines is to increase their effectiveness. The addition of an adjuvant allows the dose of antigen in the vaccine to be reduced and the vaccination frequency to be reduced.
ASIA Syndrome - Autoimmune / Autinflammatory Adjuvant-Induced Syndrome - Causes and Symptoms
The creator of the ASIA syndrome theory is an Israeli doctor dealing with autoimmune and neurological diseases - Yehuda Shoenfeld. He works at the Sheba Medical Center in Tel HaShomer and at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at Tel-Aviv University. His articles by him published since 2011 in scientific journals show that there is a connection between non-specific light symptoms (e.g.muscle aches, chills) and serious autoimmune diseases and vaccinations. The cause of the alleged ASIA syndrome is not only the adjuvants in vaccines ( although it is mainly associated with them). Apparently, it can also appear after:
- silicone breast implant surgery
- injections with various chemicals (e.g. mineral oils, guaiacol, collagen) for cosmetic purposes
- exposure to strong toxic compounds (e.g. war gases, pesticides)
The proposed symptoms of ASIA syndrome are:
- muscle pain, muscle inflammation or weakness
- joint pain or inflammation
- chronic fatigue
- sleep disturbance
- neurological symptoms (especially related to demyelination)
- cognitive impairment, memory impairment / loss
- fever
- dry mouth
Among the main criteria for the diagnosis of pseudo ASIA syndrome, exposure to external stimulation (infection, vaccination, silicone or other adjuvants) before the onset of clinical symptoms of the disease is the most important. The second criterion is the appearance of symptoms. The third major criterion is improvement after removing the factor associated with the symptoms.
As ASIA clinical teams, the Israeli doctor reports: Gulf Syndrome, Sick Building Syndrome, Silicone Breast Implant Disease, and Macrophage Myofascial Inflammation Syndrome.
ASIA syndrome - is aluminum in vaccines harmful to he alth?
Autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases are diseases in which it is difficult to determine the etiological factor, i.e. the cause of this disease. So far, there are no studies supporting the theory that adjuvants can cause autoimmune diseases. However, studies show that the frequency of autoimmune diseases in the vaccinated population is the same as in the unvaccinated population. So we can think that vaccines are not the causative agent of these diseases - said Prof. dr hab. n. med. Ewa Bernatowska, Head of the Immunology Clinic of the Institute "Monument - Children's He alth Center". The authors of the ASIA symptom complex theory do not present any scientific studies that would indicate a link between autoimmune diseases and vaccinations, they only put forward unsubstantiated theses. Single cases of the disease are often reported, several months after the vaccine was given, which is difficult to combine as evidence of the harmfulness of vaccinations, as these diseases also occur in unvaccinated people.
The authors of the ASIA symptom complex theory nopresent no scientific research that would indicate a link between autoimmune diseases and vaccination, they only make unsubstantiated theses.
The adjuvant that raises the most doubts is aluminum hydroxide (aluminum), which is a very effective vaccine-response enhancer that has been used in many vaccines around the world for many years. Its negative effects have not been confirmed by any studies, including those commissioned by the World He alth Organization (WHO). Since 1990, the World Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety has repeatedly determined the safety profile of this adjuvant. The maximum allowable dose of aluminum for an adult human is 60 mg per day. On average, we consume 45 mg of aluminum with food per day. The maximum dose allowed in vaccines is 1 mg / kg body weight per day.
In the registration leaflets of vaccines authorized in Poland, you can check that the content of aluminum in these preparations does not exceed 0.5 mg of aluminum hydroxide. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about the harmful effects of such small doses administered with the vaccine - said Assoc. dr hab. n. med. Bożena Mikołów from the Department of Paediatrics, Rheumatology, Immunology and Metabolic Diseases of Bones, Medical University of Bialystok.
ASIA Syndrome - Autoimmunization / Autoinflammatory Syndrome Induced Adjuvants is a non-existent theory of the anti-vaccine movement
Publications on ASIA and other side effects that may occur after vaccination increase the distrust of vaccination.
ASIA syndrome is a non-existent theory of the anti-vaccine movement.
This means that more and more parents do not decide to protect their children against dangerous diseases in such a way. In 2016, over 23,000 parents in Poland refused to vaccinate their children. The impact of anti-vaccination movements has been very evident recently in the field of HPV vaccination. The safety of these vaccines is being called into question precisely because of the presence of aluminum hydroxide in them. Meanwhile, the effects of vaccination against HPV are already visible. In Australia, there was a decrease in high-grade cytological abnormalities among vaccinated women. The safety of this vaccine has been monitored since 2006, also in pregnant women or patients with other heavy loads. In Poland, more and more local governments decide to finance HPV vaccinations. Unfortunately, the interest in them decreases year by year, and more and more parents do not decide to vaccinate their daughters, despite the fact that over 1700 die of cervical cancer in Poland every yearwomen. And yet the HPV virus causes not only cervical cancer, but also genital warts or malignant lesions in the oral cavity - said Prof. Bernatowska.
Worth knowingSimilar "notoriety" came with the MMR vaccine (against measles, mumps, rubella) published in 2004, saying that it causes autism in children. This harmful thesis was quickly refuted, and its author, Andrew Wakefield, was disqualified from practicing as a medical practitioner. To prove that there is no link between MMR vaccination and autism, a large study was published in 2015 comparing children at increased risk of ASD (autistic siblings) with children not burdened with ASD. It showed that there is no correlation between vaccination and the occurrence of autism in children at risk of ASD. MMR is a safe and very effective vaccine. Lack of vaccination is a greater threat to the child, as well as to society as a whole. The problem will become serious when the number of vaccinated people in society drops below 95%, as this could trigger an epidemic of a very dangerous disease such as measles. In a few EU countries, due to the decline in vaccinated children, measles is starting, and also because of it. Immunologists agree that it is necessary to implement top-down regulations to effectively stop the harmful effects of anti-vaccine movements.
The article uses the materials of the 16th Congress of the Polish Society of Experimental and Clinical Immunology, which took place on June 8-10, 2022 in Warsaw.