One of the well-known Polish drugs for the treatment of malaria can also be used to treat COVID-19. Unfortunately, patients who take it on a permanent basis may have problems buying it.
- Coronavirus drug: chloroquine phosphate
- Coronavirus cure: is it enough for everyone?
Drugs for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are still in the research phase, but it turns out that perhaps to fight the COVID-19 disease caused by this virus, it will be possible to use those preparations that have long been well known to doctors and used to treat malaria.
The Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products has decided to add a new therapeutic indication for the drug Arechin, available only on prescription, which can be used as an adjunct in coronavirus infections, including SARS-CoV-2.
Coronavirus drug: chloroquine phosphate
The active substance is chloroquine phosphate, which has a protozoal effect, which has been used for decades to treat malaria and autoimmune diseases: lupus erythematosus, amoebiasis, rheumatoid arthritis.
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Research from Belgian scientists as well as clinical trials in Chinese research centers have shown that chloroquine may also be effective in treating COVID-19 by stopping the development of pneumonia.

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Coronavirus cure: is it enough for everyone?
Treatment of infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 in Poland was first implemented by Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny im. J. Gromkowski in Wrocław (with the consent of the bioethics committee and the patient).
As we read on the manufacturer's website, the drug is produced in Poland. Its stock has also been secured for the needs of the Ministry of He alth and the Material Reserves Agency and will be distributed to patients in accordance with the instructions of the Minister of He alth.
Therefore, for some time patients who take it constantly will have a problem with buying it in pharmacies. The production of the drug continues, therefore - as we read on the website of the Polish SocietyDermatology - there is a chance that soon "after the most urgent needs of people infected with coronavirus are met, the drug will return to pharmacies". The Polish Dermatological Society has also issued recommendations for patients taking Arechin for specific diseases.
- Patients suffering from lupus should contact a specialist or primary care physician to determine another treatment method. PTD reassures that in most cases, even a few weeks' break in taking Arechin does not significantly affect the course of the disease, although its symptoms may worsen during this time.
- Patients with late cutaneous porphyria - because Arechin is used in this disease off-label, you should visit a hospital with a dermatological department.
- Patients suffering from other dermatological diseases recommended by Arechin by the doctor should contact the Polish Dermatological Society at [email protected] - the doctor will provide them with general information on the possibility of temporary withdrawal of the drug.
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