Minister of he alth prof. Łukasz Szumowski announced that from March 13, 2022 - by way of an ordinance - a state of epidemic threat was introduced in Poland in accordance with the Act on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans.
The state of epidemic threat means that the minister of he alth, by means of regulations, may introduce various restrictions for citizens, trade or industrial production, as well as introduce specific obligations, apply special orders. All this is aimed at preventing and combating the coronavirus epidemic in Poland.
State of epidemic threat - temporary restrictions
This means that in subsequent ordinances the minister of he alth may introduce, for example :
- temporary restriction of a certain type of movement,
- temporarily restricting or prohibiting the marketing and use of certain items or food products,
- temporary limitation of the functioning of certain institutions or workplaces,
- ban on performing shows and other gatherings of people,
- obligation to perform specific sanitary procedures, if their performance is related to the operation of specific production, service, commercial or other facilities,
- order to provide real estate, premises, land and provide means of transport for anti-epidemic measures provided for by anti-epidemic plans.
State of epidemic threat - what does it mean for he althcare professionals?
In art. 47 of the Act on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans says that employees of he alth care entities, people performing medical professions and people with whom contracts for the provision of he alth services have been signed, may be assigned to work in combating epidemics.
Other people may also be referred to work on combating the epidemic, if their referral is justified by the current needs of entities managing the epidemic.
- Thanks to this, we will be able, in accordance with the law, to assign medical personnel to work in units that are important to counteract the spread of the epidemic - says prof. Szumowski.

Together Against Coronavirus
State of epidemic threat - preparation of the he alth protection system
The Minister of He alth emphasized that the government and the ministry are working to prepare the he alth care system for the rapidly increasing number of positive results in the coming days.
The minister of he alth announced that they are preparing for the fact that more and more people will need medical help. This is why the ministry decided to transform 19 medical facilities into infectious diseases hospitals. Such guidelines have already been provided to voivodes.
List of hospitals that will be transformed into infectious diseases hospitals
- We are organizing a network of homonymous and infectious hospitals - says prof. Szumowski. - Yesterday there was a conference with voivodes. Such an additional infectious diseases hospital will be established in each voivodship, and two in larger regions. These facilities will only deal with people suspected of being infected with the coronavirus. We want a minimum of 10 percent. places in the transformed facilities were respirator beds. We know that they are needed when their he alth deteriorates, he added.
The minister of he alth emphasized that the National He alth Fund would pay for the availability of such facilities. - As expected by experts, in a moment we will have 100, and in a week - 1000 patients infected with coronavirus and we have to prepare for it - says Prof. Szumowski. - Whether there will be more or less of these cases now, it mainly depends on whether we will remain in isolation for the next two weeks.
In Poland, diagnostic tests for coronavirus are carried out by 15 laboratories. The minister announced that the diagnostics is also considered to include laboratories in clinical units of the BSL-2 class, which meet the requirements of the World He alth Organization
The he alth minister emphasized that the number of tests will increase rapidly. - There used to be a high probability of infection for people who came, for example, from China or Italy and we tested them, and now we are testing more and more people who had contact with an infected person - says Szumowski. - So we change the procedure and start testing those who are sent to quarantine.
The Minister of He alth announced that we have tens of thousands of tests and contracts for further deliveries are being signed. - The World He alth Organization is checking whether rapid screening tests can be used - said prof. Szumowski. - Whenever such a recommendation appears, we will implement it immediately.
The Minister of He alth emphasized that there is already a possibility of teleporting to family doctors and specialists in specialist clinics.
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