I am tired of dealing with everyday life, I tried to commit suicide, sometimes I think that this is the best solution for all my unsolved and unsolved matters. I do not want to live, I do not have the strength to find new solutions. I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of life, I don't believe in myself. Everyone thinks I'm strong and I'm doing great, but that's not true. I no longer have the strength to look after everyone. I wish someone would take care of me for a while. I have no one to turn to. Today, by accident, I was circling the web, typing in the search engine the term: "color symbolism". With surprise, I noticed the inscription: "energotherapist". Tell me what to do, because I can't find the answer myself. Help me if you can. I feel very lost. Agata

Hello. When we help others, we often forget about our needs. By trying our best to let someone notice us, we feel needed and appreciated. However, people very quickly get used to the help given to them and forget the magic word - thank you. In such a situation, we become increasingly frustrated, we feel used and lonely. We cannot understand why no one appreciates our efforts. When we need help, our cry for it remains unanswered and then we feel very lonely, we lack the strength to do anything, we run away from all matters. We do not want to see the troubles that surround us, we are troubled by thoughts - "we cannot cope alone". Then we subconsciously escape into the disease with the conviction that it will free us from responsibility and from making any decisions. This is a misconception because life goes on all the time and in the end we are forced to do something in a given direction. In the world of energy, the one that surrounds us and the one that is within us, like attracts like. And so, when we are sad, we encounter sadness on our way and we feel bad. When joy is present in our hearts, and our troubles do not have the strength to knock us down, we find a solution easier, because we always meet someone nice, kind or friendly. So let's strive to attract positive energy with your thoughts. It is enough to repeat to yourself every day immediately after waking up: today's day brings only good events or: every day my mood is getting better. We can create our own magic words and sentences thatthey will be helpful in getting out of the mental hole. After a month of such affirmations, you can already notice the first positive changes in us and around us. We will see that our problems no longer have such power over us, and we ourselves find solutions that would not have occurred to us before. It is a very arduous way, but in fact the only one - to feel your life, to tell yourself "we consciously create our thoughts". Let us not take our problems as punishment but as a personal lesson to learn. It is good then to consider what the given event is supposed to teach us? Patience? Peace of mind? Self-confidence? Or maybe openness to other people? Please try the path I propose; I'm not saying it will be easy, but the reward will be great - inner peace, self-esteem and the ability to cope with life. Isn't it worth a try? Best wishes. Ewa Morawska Rus

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Ewa Morawska

Master of SKHM Seichim and Reiki, energotherapist and healer, life counselor. Reception in Marki (Lisi Jar 12 estate, mobile phone 0 501 076 298)

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