The liver cleanses the body of harmful metabolic products and toxins, secretes bile, and stores energy and vitamins. These are just a few of the 500 functions it performs in the human body. And although it is extremely resistant to damage, it can undergo diseases and degenerative changes over time. How to protect her from it?
The liverhas extraordinary regenerative abilities, but it too has its limitations. An unhe althy lifestyle lasting for years - a high-calorie, fatty diet, lack of physical activity, alcohol and other stimulants abuse make it overload and more difficult to regenerate, and untreated viral infections and chronic diseases contribute to inflammation and destruction of its cells.
You may not notice for a long time that something bad is happening to her -the liver does not hurt , does not call for help, and when disturbing symptoms appear, it is often too late, to reverse dangerous changes - fatty tissue and cirrhosis. Therefore, it is worth taking care of her and pampering her in all possible ways. Check what your liver likes. And find out how important the liver is for the body!
Check the products that serve the liver!

Small and frequent meals
Instead of three larger meals a day, eat 5-6 small ones. The liver can handle a light load more easily and will make good use of all the ingredients provided. Food should be moderately warm and not cold or hot. Remember to eat at the same times in a relaxed atmosphere, never in a hurry. Eat slowly, nibbling every bite.
Do you know what are the best me altimes for your body?
Easily digestible diet
Meals should be freshly prepared, not reheated. Avoid frying - it is better to eat all products boiled or stewed, with the addition of vegetable oils or baked in foil. Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw or steamed.
The liver works badly when the daily diet lacks raw products rich in digestive enzymes and fiber, so vegetables should constitute at least half of the daily menu; to this, add products made of whole grains and groats.
It is worth limiting the amount of raw meat and wheat flour products (bread, pasta) and not using mushrooms.
Eat lean meat and dairyfish should also be permanently on your menu.
Recommended fats are rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, olive oil, small amounts of butter; eliminate fatty meats and animal fats such as lard, lard and bacon. Learn more about how vegetable oils work on the body!
Use mild herbs for seasoning, such as:
- marjoram,
- mint,
- lemon balm,
- ground cumin,
- basil,
- tarragon,
- vanilla,
- cinnamon,
- carnations.
Give up hot spices.
Minimize highly processed products with preservatives, improvers and artificial colors.
Learn more about artificial food additives!
Herbal support
Artichoke, dandelion and milk thistle regenerate liver cells, act cholagogue and cholagogue. Occasionally perform a treatment: for 20 days, before going to bed, drink a glass of dandelion and artichoke root (pour a teaspoon of herbs with a glass of hot water and infuse for 10 minutes). You can also help yourself with ready-made preparations with artichoke extract, as well as milk thistle, which contains silymarin, which is beneficial for the liver.
Drinking alcohol moderation
Let's face it: alcohol is a substance that requires a lot of effort from the liver to metabolize, so its overuse additionally burdens it and hinders its regeneration. It does not matter in what form we consume alcohol. Even if we regularly drink beer, wine or light drinks, we "poison" ourselves a bit with the ethanol they contain, and the liver has to detoxify us. Therefore, moderation is recommended, and preferably - complete abstinence from alcohol.
Physical activity
When grown on a regular basis, it provides important benefits for the liver. First, exercise helps to remove toxic substances from the body. Second, it helps maintain a he althy body weight and reduce body fat (obesity is one of the major risk factors for developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). Third, it reduces the insulin resistance of tissues, which interferes with the functioning and regenerative processes of the liver and leads to its steatosis and the resulting chronic inflammatory process.
Find out what the obesity disease really is and how it is treated!
Virus protection
It is also important to protect the liver from attack by viruses that induce acute or chronic (more difficult to detect) inflammation. The basic thing is to follow the rules of hygiene - washing hands, using sterile equipmentinjection (e.g. in the treatment of diabetes). These activities reduce the risk of HCV infection, which causes hepatitis C. It is also worth having a vaccination against hepatitis B, especially before surgery in a hospital or even an aesthetic medicine procedure.
It's important! Make sure you wash your hands properly!
Preventive examinations
Diseases, ailments and silent viral infections of the liver usually do not give obvious symptoms, so it is important to check its condition through laboratory tests. Your GP may order tests that will allow you to initially assess the condition of your liver: the level of bilirubin and liver enzymes AST, ALT. This is especially important if you are taking chronic cholesterol-lowering statins or other medications that affect your liver.
It is also recommended to have your blood tested for anti-HCV antibodies and HBs antigen every few years (especially if you do not have an up-to-date hepatitis B vaccination). This is enough to make you sure that nothing dangerous is happening to your liver.
It is worth enriching your diet with products that facilitate the work of the liver, such as:
- Avocado - is a rich source of L-aspartate, an amino acid necessary for the course of many metabolic cycles in the liver. It also contains vitamin K, which inhibits the growth of many cancers, including liver cancer.

- Broccoli - they are a good source of chlorophyll, a green dye that binds with harmful substances (including heavy metals) and facilitates their excretion from the body. The condition of the liver is also ensured by the vitamin K present in broccoli, as well as glutathione and sulfur - compounds supporting the liver in removing toxic substances from the body.
- Beets contain betanin - an amino acid that intensifies the production of bile and supports the cleansing effect of the liver, and protects its cells. They are rich in soluble fiber that supports detoxifying and cleansing functions of the organ.
- Lemon - its juice intensifies the secretion of enzymes, supporting the liver in cleansing the body.
- Garlic - abundant in sulfur, an element important for the proper functioning of the liver: it increases the secretion of bile acids and also supports the liver in removing toxins, including heavy metals, from the body. Garlic is also a good source of glutathione, an antioxidant that acts as a detoxifier.
- Turmeric - protects the liver against the effects of toxic substances, improves its work by stimulating the production of bile and its secretion into the duodenum.The glutathione present in turmeric helps to cleanse the body of impurities.
- Kale - extremely rich in antioxidants, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
- Nuts and almonds are a good source of arginine - an amino acid that helps the liver detoxify the body (converts toxic ammonia into less harmful urea, which is then excreted from the body). The cleansing effect of the liver is enhanced by the glutathione present in nuts.