Natural hangover remedies are as effective as pharmaceutical remedies. Thanks to them, you will quickly get rid of headache, muscle pain, nausea, hand tremors or photophobia. Check how to effectively cure a hangover with natural methods.
Natural hangover remediesinclude drinking sauerkraut juice, beetroot leaven or eating asparagus. Whichever method you choose, you'll alleviate the symptoms of alcohol poisoning, such as headaches, nausea, and hand tremors.
We advisehow to effectively cure a hangover with home remedies .
Natural remedies for a hangover - sauerkraut juice
Sauerkraut juice is a rich source of vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin C and those from group B, as well as potassium, calcium and iron), therefore it quickly replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and elements that have been "rinsed out" "out of the body through alcohol.
In addition, probiotic bacteria contained in sauerkraut have a positive effect on the intestinal flora and support the removal of toxins from the body. It is worth knowing that a glass of sauerkraut juice drunk on an empty stomach helps to effectively and quickly quench your thirst.
The juice of pickled cucumbers has similar properties.
Natural hangover remedies - beetroot acid
Beet acid, i.e. the juice from pickled beetroot, similarly to silage, supplements the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body and has a positive effect on the process of its detoxification.
To get rid of a hangover, drink half a cup of beetroot acid 3 times a day (preferably after a meal). You can also have a glass of raw beetroot juice - to soften its taste, combine it with freshly squeezed apple juice.
- BEETROOTS: nutritional value and healing properties
Natural hangover remedies - asparagus
As researchers from the Institute of Medical Science and the National University of South Korea have found, amino acids and minerals found in the shoots and leaves of young asparagus can help ease hangover symptoms. It is worth knowing that if eaten before a party, they will help protect the liver cells from harmful alcohol metabolites.
Natural remedies for a hangover - tomato juice
Body tremors and palpitations are among thehangover symptoms. They are mainly a consequence of "washing out" by alcohol of potassium - an element which, among others, regulates muscle tone, nerve conduction and heart rhythm. To replenish the deficiencies of this and other mineral elements, just reach for a glass of tomato juice.
Natural hangover remedies - honey
Honey, thanks to its fructose content, supports metabolism and cleanses the organism poisoned with alcohol. To find out, just mix a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water. The effect of the mixture can be enhanced by adding a lemon slice to it. It's best to drink the prepared mixture twice a day. Natural methods for a hangover: mint and chamomile
Freshly brewed mint and chamomile will help to deal with the feeling of heaviness in the head and nausea. Wormwood infusion is also recommended for alcohol poisoning (pour 10 g of herb into 1/2 liter of boiling water). This type of herbal tea should be drunk twice a day.
Natural methods for a hangover - sweet howenia
According to research by scientists from the University of California, one of the ingredients of sweet howenia - dihydromyricetin - weakens the effect of alcohol and additionally reduces the desire to drink it. Therefore, i.a. prevents severe hangovers.
Unfortunately, research has only been done on animals. Those involving humans are rumored to start soon. Therefore, even people who grow howenia at home cannot find out about its properties yet.
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