Cistus is a very popular herb. Cistus tea has been used in natural medicine as a means of fighting many ailments. Some argue that drinking tea from the purge helps with weight loss, tick-borne Lyme disease, gout, and even cures cancer. However, opinions regarding the properties of Cistus are divided. Does purging really have so many healing properties? What are the opinions of specialists about this herb? What is the effect of purges on the body and what are the contraindications for purging?
Czystek - what does he help?
Cistus( Cistus ) is a very popularherb . However,opinions aboutabout its he alth properties are divided. On the Internet you can find information thatpurge tea , the basis of which is the herb of this plant, is effective in fighting many diseases and is increasingly used in natural medicine.
All thanks to the content of polyphenols - strong antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on he alth. Does purges really have a healing effect and is an "antidote" to most diseases, as some argue?

What are the types of purges?
Cistaceaeis a plant from the Cistaceae family ( Cistaceae ). There are a dozen or so wild species in southern Europe, mainly in the Mediterranean and the Canary Islands. Most of the purges take place in the Pyrenees (Portugal and Spain).
Their habitat is usually dry, rocky slopes. They are an important component of thorny shrubs (phrygans) and pine and oak forests. In our country, purges only grow in cultivation.
where it grows | appearance | |
Cistus gray, gray | in the Western Mediterranean | has pink flowers |
Cretan Purges | in the Mediterranean and Black Sea | pink flowers |
Ladan Cistus | Southwest Europe | has exceptionally large flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, with white petals, often with dark red spots at the base |
Sage Cistus | in the western Mediterranean | the flowers are white, 3-5 cm in diameter |
purple purge | in the Canary Islands, Portugal, Spain Apennine Peninsula | has purple flowers |
What active substances does Cistus contain?
Cistus is characterized by a high content of polyphenols (apparently even greater than red wine) - powerful antioxidants. These are substances that:
- have antioxidant properties, i.e. neutralize free radicals that can contribute to many diseases, including cancerous ones
- inhibit the formation and development of inflammation in the body
- strengthen, energize
- protect blood vessels and inhibit the oxidation of "bad" LDL cholesterol, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques
- also support the functioning of the immune system and fight against microbes and fungi
- have antiallergic properties as they inhibit the release of histamine
Due to polyphenols, the purge is credited with many healing properties. However, they are often over-interpreted, and thus - untrue. There are many types of Cistus, but the most popular is Cistus incantus.
Cistus - healing properties
Cistus has a number of healing and he alth-promoting properties.
The most important features of the purge:
- protects against cancer thanks to the high content of polyphenols
- strengthens and energizes
- protects blood vessels
- prevents atherosclerosis
- inhibits the formation and development of inflammation in the body
- strengthens the immune system
- helps fight fungi and microbes
- accelerates metabolism.
Cleanse and birth control pills
Can cistus tea weaken the effect of birth control pills?
Dr. Barbara Grzechocińska, MD, gynecologist: Nothing is known that tea from the purge reduces the effectiveness of contraceptive pills.
Cleanliness and slimming - does it make sense?
Contrary to popular opinionCistus tea has no propertiesslimming . While drinking it, it slightly speeds up the metabolism (thanks to the content of polyphenols) and reduces swelling, but it is not a cure for overweight and should not significantly reduce body weight.
Cleanse and ticks and Lyme disease
Cistus is also a way to treat Lyme disease and ticks - argue the supporters of this herb. However, is there any scientific evidence for this?
On the PubMed website - the largest database of scientific research results from around the world - you can find information that so far only one study has been carried out, the purpose of which was to check whether purges have an effect on the bacteriumBorrelia burgdorferi .4
It was conducted by German scientists from the University of Leipzig, and its results were published in 2010 in the journal "Pharmazie". In vitro tests (i.e. in the laboratory) showed thatCretan Cretan essential oil( Cistus creticus L. ) inhibited the growth of bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi , which is responsible for the development of Lyme disease. During the study, the following components of the Cretan volatile oil showed the highest antibacterial strength - manoyl oxide, 13-epi-manoyl oxide, 3-acetoxy-manoyl oxide, carvacrol, 3-hydroxy-manoyl oxide.
Cistus for gout
Does purging help people with diabetes? Scientists from Gazi University in Turkey conducted research on the antidiabetic properties of extracts from cistus in vitro and in vivo.
They showed a hypoglycemic effect (i.e. lowering blood sugar levels) and blocking the activity of enzymes (α-glucosidase and α-amylase) that digest polysaccharides to glucose.5
Cistus - antibacterial and antiviral properties
We can learn from the Internet that "purges block the growth of all types of viruses, such as the bird flu virus", and that it "destroys intestinal viruses and herpes". So far, no studies have been conducted that would confirm the antiviral properties of the purge. However, Greek scientists have shown thatCretan leaf essential oilhas antibacterial properties, ¹ against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. However, these were only in vitro tests.
In turn, Portuguese scientists from the University of Beira Interior found thatLadan Cistus extractshowed an inhibitory effect on the fungusCandida tropicalis , bacteriaHelicobacter pyloriiKlebsiella pneumoniae(pneumoniae bacillus). The studies also confirmed an inhibitory effect against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( Staphylococcus aureus ) .²
Researchers from Spain and Portugal confirm thatladan cleansinghas potential fungicidal properties. They showed that the hydroalcoholic extract fromCistus ladanifer L.inhibits the growth of such fungi asCandida albicans ,C. glabrata ,C. parapsilosisiC. tropicalis(at a concentration of 0.05 mg / ml, it already inhibited the development ofC. albicansorC. glabrata- MIC<0.05 mg/ml).³
Cistus - analgesic properties
Cistus also haspotential analgesic properties . Turkish scientists from Gazi University have identified substances responsible for the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of the laurel purge; these are 3-O-methylquercetin, 3,7-O-dimethylquercetin and 3,7-O dimethylkaempferol.6
Cure for cough, runny nose and even cancer
Purges can be not only in the form of tea, but also lozenges or capsules. Then it is supposed to help with throat diseases and cough. In turn, purge tea can be used in such ailments as:
- diarrhea
- allergy
- skin diseases
- shingles
- this is what the supporters of this herb say. However,has no scientific evidenceto back this up. Just like the fact that purges can help with heart disease and cancer.
Remember!Cistus is only a dietary supplement and does not cure any diseases !
ImportantCzystek - doctors' opinions
The properties of Cistus have so far been studied mainly on animals (mice, rats), moreover on tissue and cell models, and finally on bacteria and fungi in vitro. On their basis, it cannot be stated unequivocally that purges can fight Lyme disease or other diseases.
These results cannot be directly applied to a sick person and to expect that the plant will cope with cancer, severe bacterial or virus infection. That is why purges should be treated only as a dietary supplement, and drinking tea from purges as a dietary supplement with polyphenols valuable for the body, which will certainly strengthen the body, improve its functioning and general well-being.
Purge - important recommendations
How long can you drink purges? Are purges and antihypertensive drugs a good combination? Who should drink purges and who should avoid them? It is worth knowing the answers to these questions, especially if you are taking any medications on a regular basis - in this case, consult a doctor who will assess whether the purge interacts with any of the preparations you use.
When using purges it is worth remembering the following:
- Cistus tea is a supplement(a dietary supplement), not a drug! Therefore, the therapy prescribed by the doctor cannot be dispensed with. This can have very dangerous he alth effects.
- People who struggle with some diseases and take medications should consult a physician before consuming a purge. Mixing certain herbs with medications can sometimes have serious he alth consequences. Herbs can change the effect of drugs - either increase or decrease the recommended dose and cause the harmful effects of the prescribed drug. In addition, any herb, even taken by he althy people, can cause harm if used improperly.
- Cistus, like all other herbs, it is better to buy in herbal shops and pharmacies (and not, for example, in bazaars).
Cleanse - contraindications
Cistus is one of the few herbs for which there are practically no contraindications. It is also assumed that it can be safely used in young children, it can also be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding women - however, there is still no reliable research here that would fully confirm this recommendation.
Certainly, you should not exceed the recommended doses for consumption, which in the case of cleansing capsules are indicated on the packaging, and in the case of infusion - two portions a day.