Ataxia refers to problems with coordinating movements and maintaining balance that get worse over time. Additionally, they are joined by other disorders that make the body inert. Ultimately, ataxia becomes severely disabling. What are the causes and other symptoms of ataxia? Is it possible to cure her?

Ataxiameans impaired coordination of movements and balance as a result of the loss of nerve cells. Ataxia is not a disease in itself, but a set of symptoms that can indicate many diseases.

Ataxia: causes

Ataxia may be congenital or acquired. In the first case, we are talking aboutheredoataxias(congenital cerebellar ataxias), which are the result of an error in the genetic code.

These are hereditary diseases of the central nervous system, the dominant symptom of which is ataxia. Autosomal dominant heredoataxias include i.a.spinocerebellar ataxiaand episodic ataxia. In turn, heredoataxias inherited autosomal recessively include i.a. Friedreich's ataxia.

In the group of acquired ataxias, the following are distinguished:

1. Cerebellar ataxia, which is the result of damage to the cerebellum, which is responsible for coordination and maintaining balance. It can happen as a result of:

  • diseases of the cerebellum (e.g. a tumor);
  • degenerative diseases of the brain (e.g. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease);
  • cardiovascular diseases (stroke, subarachnoid haemorrhage);

2. Spinal (sensory) ataxia, which is associated with damage to the spinal cord. It can happen as a result of:

  • trauma, degeneration, transverse inflammation, tumor or spinal cord compression or pressure;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • multiple sclerosis;

The development of ataxia may also be affected by a deficiency of vitamin B12 and vitamin E. Ataxia can also be a side effect of the use of certain medications, such as phenytoin, piperazine, some cytostatics, lithium s alts, or alcoholism.

Ataxia: Symptoms

In the case of cerebellar ataxia, a characteristic symptom is problems with maintaining balance, both in standing position (rhythmic shaking of the head and torso is observed) and while walking (the patient hasdifficulties in maintaining the vertical position of the body, his gait is slow, unsteady, on the so-called wide base).

In addition, there are:

  • muscle flaccidity, frequent and painful muscle spasms;
  • dyssynergy - movement becomes less fluid, it is broken down into stages;
  • dysmetria - it is not possible to stop the movement at any time;
  • dysdiadochokinesis - inability to perform fast, alternating finger movements (e.g. the patient cannot play the piano);
  • intentional tremor - occurs when the patient performs a specific, deliberate movement (limb tremor is usually observed);
  • speech disorders in the form of slow and slurred speech, voice tremors;
  • visual disturbance in the form of nystagmus, inability to hold the eyesight on a specific object;

In turn, spinal ataxia, apart from the loss of motor coordination and imbalance (aggravated when trying to close the eyes in a standing position), also contributes to the disturbance of the sense of touch, position and vibration.

Ataxia - diagnosis

The diagnosis of the disease is made on the basis of a conversation with the patient and a neurological examination. If there have been cases of ataxia in the patient's family, the doctor will also order genetic tests.

Ataxia - treatment

Congenital ataxia is incurable, but physical therapy may slow down disease processes.

In turn, treatment of acquired ataxia depends on the underlying cause. Occasionally, impaired coordination and balance may resolve after the cause of the disorder has been eliminated.

  • Muscular dystrophy - types of muscular dystrophies and their symptoms
  • Sensory disturbance - causes, symptoms, treatment
  • Myoclonus (involuntary movements): causes, symptoms, treatment
