Bile is secreted by the liver to help digest fat and absorb many vitamins important to he alth. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the composition of the intestinal microbiome. Check what other important functions this substance performs and why its proper flow is so important for the body. Find out if bile in the stomach is always a sign of a serious disease and what unpleasant consequences can be caused by stagnation in the bile ducts.
Bileis a sticky fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It mostly consists of water (depending on whether it is hepatic bile or vesicular bile, the water content ranges from 97% - 89%) and solids (they constitute from 3% -11%).
Bile composition
The solid components of bile include :
- bile acids,
- cholesterol,
- phospholipids,
- fats and fatty acids,
- bilirubin
- and other, less important ingredients, not exceeding 5%.
Acids in bile include:
- cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid
- and deoxychyl
- and lichtolowy.
They make up 64% of bile solids and are produced in the liver, or more precisely - in hepatocytes. From there, they are secreted into the gallbladder, from where they travel to the duodenum, and then are absorbed in 95% in the peripheral ileum. Then they return to the liver through portal circulation. They circulate between the liver and intestines 6-12 times a day in this way.
Cholesterol constitutes 8% of bile and is present in free and esterified form. It has the ability to dissolve in micelles composed of bile acids and phospholipids, and thus easily stays in the bile.
If bile is well composed, the correct ratio of cholesterol to bile acids in it is between 1:20 and 1:30. When these proportions change and there is a drastic decrease in the amount of bile acids in relation to cholesterol, deposits begin to precipitate from the bile and cholesterol stones are formed.
Phospholipids together with bile acids form micelles in which bothcholesterol as well as other lipids. The main form of phospholipids found in bile (18% of its composition) is lecithin. Present in food, it can be taken from there and absorbed by the intestines, and then used by the body.
Bilirubin constitutes 2% of bile and is a breakdown product of heme, which is a component of red blood cells. This breakdown occurs in the liver, therefore bilirubin is trapped by hepatocytes and excreted into the bile. Its concentration increases after its concentration in the bladder and bile ducts (disturbance in the amount of bile pigments such as bilirubin and their accumulation in blood and tissues leads to the development of jaundice).
Functions of bile
Bile plays a very important role in our body. First of all, it facilitates the digestion of fat, as it acts as an emulsifier in which lipids dissolve. Without it, it would also be difficult for us to absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins, such as:
- vitamin A,
- vitamin D,
- vitamin E,
- vitamin K.
Helps protect the body against microbes by removing pathogens from the small intestine and stimulating the gut bacteria to produce antibacterial compounds.
It plays an important role in detoxifying the body, as it surrounds toxic compounds, e.g. drug metabolites and other fat-soluble harmful substances, and transports them to the large intestine (5% of bile goes there), enabling them to be removed with the faeces.
In addition, it is essential for the proper functioning of the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC), which is responsible for removing food debris from the intestines in the interdigestion period.
Diseases related to improper bile flow or composition
One of the most common diseases associated with disorders of the flow and composition of bile is gallstone disease. It consists in the formation of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts.
They arise, for example, from cholesterol deposits, as well as mucus or calcium and protein billirubates. They are formed when the amount of cholesterol in bile exceeds the ability to dissolve it in a micelle mixture consisting of bile s alts and phosphatidylcholine.
An important factor that promotes the formation of gallstones are all kinds of disorders in the contractility of the gallbladder, as well as cholestasis and biliary dyskinesia.
The formation of this type of deposits is often genetically determined, and the factors increasing the risk are:
- obesity,
- biliary tract infection,
- nutritionparenteral (after operations),
- coexistence of other diseases, e.g. cystic fibrosis.
Bile in the stomach
Bile present in the stomach may indicate the presence of bile reflux. However, it is always necessary to distinguish physiological gastro-duodenal reflux from pathological, because the former has no consequences in the form of gastric damage, and the latter gives symptoms such as inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Physiological reflux is associated with the natural regurgitation of bile from the duodenum to the stomach in the interdigestion period, and more precisely - in the second period of action of the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC).
In the third stage of the MMC, the stomach is cleared of bile, and this phenomenon does not cause any disease consequences. It is only in people who struggle with gastroparesis, i.e. a long time of gastric emptying, that the period of bile contact with the gastric mucosa is prolonged, and this may result in the appearance of erosions.
The bile in the stomach, often detected in gastroscopy, may or may not indicate the presence of bile reflux. It may be the result of the procedure itself, during which the pylorus is irritated with the end of the endoscope. Besides, the mere presence of bile is not a measure of complaints.
To be able to talk about bile reflux, it must be accompanied by other symptoms:
- presence of erosions,
- gastric congestion,
- encrustation of the mucosa with bile,
- Is greater bleeding tendency.
If no such symptoms are noticed during endoscopic examination, it cannot be confirmed that the bile in the stomach is the result of pathology. The presence of the aforementioned accompanying symptoms also does not always give this certainty, as a similar picture is found in chemical gastritis, which may be caused by the abuse of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The decisive factor in this case is his pathological examination.
Natural substances used to stimulate bile
Improper diet or lifestyle can lead to an excessive concentration of bile in the gallbladder, which causes later problems with digesting fat, and also increases the risk of gallstone formation.
In order to prevent this type of situation, it is worth reaching for properly composed mixtures of herbs and supplements that will improve the functioning of the gallbladder and improve liver function in the case of problems with bile secretion or its stagnation.
Common artichoke
Artichoke is one of the more commonly used ingredients in supplements aimed at improving the compositionyellow.
Clinical and preclinical studies confirm its numerous he alth properties, incl. cholagogic and choleretic effect as well as protective in relation to liver cells. The medicinal raw material is the dried artichoke leaves harvested before the flowers develop on it.
Artichoke extract is used primarily in inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts, as well as in liver diseases or in poisoning caused by toxic substances.
Much has been said about the valuable properties of honey, but it is rarely considered in the context of a "drug" to improve bile secretion.
However, as research (including Herald) shows, honey facilitates the flow of bile, because it stimulates contractions of the gallbladder, and thus helps to eliminate mechanical jaundice caused by blockage of the bile ducts by gallstones. In addition, it eliminates the stagnation of bile in the gallbladder and improves the motor function of the biliary system (studies by Mikołajenko and Starcew).
Herbal blends to prevent gallstone disease
Herbs are more potent when combined with other herbs. Therefore, their proper composition can better improve the flow of bile and even prevent gallstones. For example, the combination of Helichrysum, peppermint and calendula stimulates the production of bile and prevents its stagnation.
In turn, a mixture of mint drops (available at the pharmacy) together with the juice of the shoots of Kurdybanka blossoms prevents bile from accumulating in the gallbladder, and thus protects against gallstone disease.