Dust mite allergy is a problem that affects about 6,000,000 Poles today, very often it also affects children. Do you have an allergy all year round, which worsens during the heating season? It could be mites! See what are the most common symptoms of dust mite allergy and what are some ways to get rid of microbes in your home!
According to the current research (ECAP prof. Bolesław Samoliński 2008), 40% of the Polish society has positive allergy tests. 30% (12 million) are symptoms of allergy sufferers whose allergies are expressed as rhinitis, asthma or skin lesions.
As many as 50% (6 million) arepeople allergic to house dust mites . Thus, statistically, in the Polish population, dust mites are as often an allergenic allergen as grasses.
Invisible mites are present mainly in house dust, they especially appreciate our bedding (mattresses, pillows), but also carpets, curtains, upholstered furniture and plush toys. They feed on exfoliated human and animal epidermis, and their faeces are the main source of allergens causing sensitization.
Dust mite allergy symptoms
Most mite allergy symptoms occur throughout the year and affect the respiratory system. The most common are sneezing, runny and stuffy nose, coughing and breathing problems, but also burning eyes and red, scaly skin lesions. These symptoms are especially aggravated in the fall, when the heating season begins in our homes. Sudden change of conditions in the apartments - heat, lack of natural ventilation due to tight, often closed windows means that there are many more allergens in the air than in summer.
Mite allergy may cause allergic rhinitis or atopic dermatitis. Untreated, it can cause the development of a very serious disease, which isbronchial asthma . That is why specialists recommend desensitization, the effectiveness of which in the case of dust mite allergy reaches up to 70-80%!
The most modern nowdesensitizationwith the sublingual vaccine is also very convenient - it is a non-invasive method and you can use it yourself at home.
What is conducive to the development of mite allergy?
- Heat (temperature above 20 degrees C) and humidity (approx. 60-80%).
- The remains of the epidermis in the bed (vmattress and bedding) are an ideal breeding ground for mites.
- The beginning of the heating season - a change in the temperature in the apartment causes the mites to dry out and decompose, periodically increasing the amount of allergen in the air.
- Acaricides - although they break down mites, they also increase the amount of allergen in the air. So you have to make sure that the allergic person does not stay in the apartment for a few days after using them.
How to prevent the development of dust mite allergy?
- Regularly wash, change and ventilate bedding (and the whole apartment) - it's best to change pillowcases every 7-10 days and fillings (pillows and duvets) every 3-4 months. Wash at a minimum temperature of 60 ° C.
- Vacuum the mattress - preferably with each bed linen change, this way you will get rid of the remnants of the epidermis.
- Keep pets in the bedroom - pet hair and skin are also food for mites.
- Do not go to bed with a wet head - moisture is one of the elements of the natural environment of mites. Water in the pillow, like sweat, increases the risk of their reproduction.
- Desensitize - treating the cause, not only the symptoms of allergy through the use of modern vaccines - e.g. in the form of drops or tablets administered sublingually, permanently increases the tolerance to the allergen
- Allergic to dust mites is a problem that affects about 6 million Poles, i.e. half of people diagnosed with symptomatic allergy. - Most mite allergy symptoms occur throughout the year and affect the respiratory system. The most common are sneezing, runny and stuffy nose, coughing and breathing problems, but also burning eyes and red, scaly skin lesions.
- Allergen immunotherapy, i.e. desensitization, eliminates symptoms or reduces their intensity in patients allergic to mites. After the end of the 3-5 year desensitization period, patients often remain symptom-free for 5-10 years, and there are remissions of symptoms lasting even longer. - The effectiveness of desensitization in the case of house dust mites is up to 70-80%.
- Sublingual vaccines are the most modern method of desensitization