Superfoods are natural, unprocessed products containing ingredients that are extremely beneficial to the body. It's not only exotic chia seeds, spirulina or goji berries. Pumpkin, kale, linseed, honey and cranberry are Polish superfoods.
This vegetable contains a lot of immunity-boosting and anti-cancer ingredients, so it should appear in the autumn / winter menu as often as possible. A glass of pumpkin puree provides 10 mg of vitamin C and covers seven times (!) The need for vitamin A.
Has a lot of fiber (7g per glass) and carotenoids to protect against heart disease, cancer and eye disease. It also contains magnesium, calcium and potassium. Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc - in a handful (16 g) they contain 2.5 mg. They also provide phytosterols that limit the absorption of cholesterol from food.
How to eat a pumpkin?Pumpkin is great as an ingredient in cream soups, as well as in curries, stews and pasta sauces. It is also delicious along with the spices as a base for cakes, cookies, pies and desserts.

These green cabbage-like leaves (kale belongs to the cabbage family, by the way) seem new, but they are not. Kale was one of the most popular vegetables in medieval Europe. No wonder - this plant is a treasure trove of nutrients. It is rich in protein, fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium.
Powerful antioxidants such as chlorophyll, lutein, and sulforaphane eliminate substances that damage DNA and cause cancer in the body, and also stop the growth of cancer cells.
A glass of kale satisfies 90% of the requirement for vitamin C, 100% - for vitamin A and 450-600% - for vitamin K. It also contains vitamins E and B vitamins. Kale feels great in our climate, even likes frost. It can be grown in a home garden, bought in a greengrocer or in a supermarket - washed and cut, it should be available in the refrigerator all year round.
How to eat kale?Kale can be used raw (with lemon juice and olive oil), stewed, fried, in soups, and baked - as chips. Like any green leaf, it is great as an ingredient in pesto.

It is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, which can easily compete with chia seeds in this respect. The ALA acids contained in it lower the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. It also has a lot of fiber (3g per tablespoon).
Semia is the richest source of lignans, thanks to which it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, prevents cancer, heart disease and inflammation. Flax seeds lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.
They also provide a lot of calcium - 400 mg per glass. Linseed kissel protects the throat, therefore it has a beneficial effect during an infection.
How to eat flaxseedsTo absorb as much fatty acids and lignans as possible, grind the grains just before consumption. Ground seeds can be added to smoothies, salads, soups, and baked goods. Whole seeds will be diversified with breakfast cereals or bread, poured with boiling water and mixed with fruit to form a kissel.

These are the best nuts in terms of nutritional value. They have the most omega-3 fatty acids - only 3 pieces are enough to cover the daily requirement. They are rich in protein (4 g in 7 nuts), fiber, folic acid, magnesium and phosphorus.
They provide antioxidants: selenium, polyphenols and vitamin E. Compared to other nuts, they have the highest antioxidant capacity. They contain arginine, an amino acid that protects against blood clots.
Despite their high fat and caloric content, they do not get fat. Research shows that people who eat walnuts regularly have a lower risk of weight gain. They most likely accelerate the burning of calories, and the combination of fiber, protein and fat reduces the appetite.
How to eat walnuts?Due to the high fat content, shelled ones quickly go rancid, so keep them in the refrigerator. It's best to buy shelled nuts and shell the appropriate portion just before eating. They are filling, so you can't eat a lot of them, but it's worth adding a few to your porridge or salad. They will replace pine nuts in pesto. They also work well when carried in a purse as a quick snack.

Honey and other bee products
Honey, bee bread and propolis are products with extraordinary nutritional and healing properties. They are rich in minerals, probiotics, enzymes, antioxidants and other beneficial substances with antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Bread (pollen collected by bees) is a rich source of easily digestible protein (25 g / 100 g), it provides all the necessary amino acids.
It also contains vitamins B, C, E, carotenoids, lecithin. Propolis strengthens immunity and acts as an antibiotic. Many substances in bee products are still unknown. They differ in composition depending on what plants the bees are producing.
How to eat honey?Do not boil honey, because in high temperature it loses some of its beneficial ingredients. In order to assimilate as many of them as possible, it is worth dissolving a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water every evening and drink it after waking up. Dried bee bread can be eaten directly (starting with a tablespoon a day) or added to cocktails.

These small red fruits have medicinal properties proven by research. Cranberry has strong antibacterial properties, thanks to which it is effective in combating diseases of the urinary and digestive systems, as well as inflammation of the gums. The proanthocyanides contained in these fruits do not destroy bacteria, but prevent them from adhering to the walls of organs such as the bladder or stomach, to the teeth and gums.
This is how they eliminate, for example, the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, considered to be the main cause of stomach ulcers. But cranberry juice as well as fresh and dried fruit should be included in the menu not only therapeutically, but also prophylactically. Cranberries are a mine of antioxidants.
Contains vitamin C, beta-carotene, as well as polyphenols and flavonoids. These compounds counteract heart disease by reducing the level of bad cholesterol, increasing the level of good cholesterol and preventing hardening of the arteries. Polifelnol - ellagic acid contained in cranberry can destroy cancer cells and eliminate carcinogenic substances from the body.
How to eat cranberries?In the fall season you can buy fresh cranberries, and all year round - dried, frozen and their juice (buy unsweetened!). These tart fruits are best mixed in cocktails with sweeter fruits. Dried can be added to porridge, baked goods, salads. You will find the same amount of antioxidants in a glass of juice with 25% cranberry, 1.5 cups of fresh or frozen fruit, in 28 g of dried fruit.

Millet, from which millet is made, for hundreds of years was the basis of the diet of not only Slavs. Only the potato pushed the "queen of groats" into the background. Why is she en titled to this? It is one of the few grain products with alkaline-forming properties.
This feature is very beneficial for the body, because the average diet is rich in acid-forming foods such as meat, dairy and sugar. Millet is rich in beta-carotene,B vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and lecithin. It contains a lot of silicon, which is essential for he althy skin, hair and nails, and also prevents atherosclerotic changes.
Provides protein and complex carbohydrates. It is worth knowing that millet does not contain gluten. It is the optimal food during an infection - it is easily digestible, provides many nutrients, and removes excess mucus from the upper respiratory tract.
How to eat millet?Some people complain about the bland aftertaste of the groats, but the lack of a strong flavor can be an advantage. Thanks to this, it is universal - it works both sweet and in dry dishes. With apples, cinnamon and nuts, it makes a delicious breakfast, with pesto and vegetables - a nutritious salad. It is a good base for vegetable cutlets and a soup thickener. Blended with fruit, such as a banana, and cocoa, it makes a delicious pudding.

These orange fruits are underestimated here, which is a pity - sea buckthorn is one of the most valuable plants in our climate. It is also highly valued in the world (in Asia and Europe) as a superfood that equals goji or açai berries.
Contains a combination of ingredients not normally found in individual products. Depending on the variety, it can provide 300-3000 mg of vitamin C in 100 g. Importantly, it contains substances that significantly reduce the loss of this vitamin during cooking or storage. It is also rich in carotenoids, vitamin E (four times more than sunflower seeds) and K. It provides omega-3 and omega-6 acids, potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, folic acid and phytosterols.
It has strong anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anti-cancer properties. It strengthens immunity, soothes the course of atopy and psoriasis.
How to eat sea-buckthorn berries?Sea-buckthorn berries, as well as the squeezed juice, are quite tart. The juice is best added to smoothies and sweet fruit juices. Fresh fruit can be used to prepare various preserves, preserves, tinctures and even mustard.

Parsley usually serves as a decoration of dishes, but its properties make it definitely deserve more! Just one tablespoon of parsley will satisfy the daily requirement for vitamin C. It not only strengthens immunity, but also supports the absorption of iron, which is also abundant in parsley (5 mg / 100g). This makes parsley an essential component of the diet of people struggling with anemia.
It also contains a lot of beta-carotene, vitamins B and K, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, fiber (40 g / 100 g). Thanks to flavonoids and chlorophyll, it has a strong effectantioxidant.
How to eat parsleyInclude a little more parsley in your diet than a few potato or soup leaves. Mixed with olive oil, almond flakes, s alt and garlic, it makes a delicious pesto that can be eaten with pasta or on sandwiches. You can get a he althy smoothie by blending half a bunch of parsley with banana, orange and a little water.

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