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Yoga is not only a training for muscles, but also for the mind. It improves flexibility, increases the range of movements, strengthens the muscle tissue, improves concentration, expands the capacity of the lungs, eliminates back pain, and also increases the level of sexual life, relaxes and calms down. It is difficult to find such holistic advantages in the strength training most often chosen by men.

According to a 2010 study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, yoga improves all sexual function in men. These benefits are due to better pelvic muscle tone and improved mood. In turn, according to the British Psychological Association, yoga also increases concentration and alleviates the feeling of stress.

Yoga in application

An alternative to traditional yoga is beat yoga. Practicing it allows you to increase mobility and improve not only physical but also mental condition. Training helps to lengthen the muscles and eliminate tension. It improves joint endurance by strengthening the muscle tissue and also strengthens the deep muscles that support the spine. The originator of the yoga beat training method is Karolina Erdmann. The founder of the Yoga Beat Studio in Warsaw has created an original Yoga Beat Men program for the Fitnoteq application, which can be practiced under the supervision of an expert at home. The application is available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and the web version can be downloaded for PC and Mac.

Alternative for the gym

Yoga beat is a dynamic form of yoga. It consists not only of traditional asanas, but also contains numerous reinforcements - elevations, excavations and supports. The training is designed in such a way as to make the body more flexible, burn calories, and reduce the tension of the body and mind. What's more, thanks to its intensity, it also has a positive effect on deep muscles, which ensure the stabilization of our spine - says Karolina Erdmann.

Yoga beat is also an alternative to gym exercises. Men, when performing strength training, focus on the muscles of the abdomen, arms, buttocks and hamstrings. Monotonous movements when lifting weights or pressing them on the bench, in the long run, result in a limited range of movements and an increase in muscle tissue. Practicing yoga increases muscle flexibility and overall mobility.

Better in sports, better inwork

Yoga sessions are also a way to return to sports after an injury. Moreover, such training can be used as a warm-up. Thanks to the simultaneous strengthening and stretching of muscles and tendons, as well as increasing the mobility of joints, yoga is an anti-trauma prevention. It also widens lung capacity and increases heart endurance for better performance in sports such as running and other endurance sports.

Yoga is also a supplement that improves concentration, memory and brain condition. As shown by research conducted by experts from Boston University's School of Medicine, its practice clearly improves performance at work. That is why it is more and more often trained by employees of startups in the Silicon Valley.

Yoga sessions are also a way to improve your mood and relax. Harvard Medical School researchers also say it helps fight depression.

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