Cob alt allergy, or allergy to cob alt, is very common. Cob alt (Co) is an element that occurs in the human body in trace amounts. It is necessary for its proper functioning. It is also considered one of the strongest contact allergens. It can be found in food, cosmetics, paints, and more. What are the symptoms of cob alt allergy and how is it treated?

Cob alt allergyis a contact allergy, i.e. one that appears after contact of objects or substances containing an element with the skin. Experts believe that on the European continent it affects nearly 8% of the population. Cob alt allergy affects people of various age and professional groups.

Cob alt has been recognized for years as one of the strongest and most common allergens. In trace amounts, cob alt is essential for proper development and life, as it is a component of vitamin B12.

Cob alt allergy - what is it?

Cob alt is a heavy metal belonging to the group of ferrous metals. It was discovered in 1735 by Georg Brandt, a chemist from Sweden.

Cob alt is found in the Earth's crust in the form of sm altine and cob altine. The largest deposits of this element are in Africa.

The name of the element derives from the name of a malicious dwarf - Kobold, who was accused of throwing worthless cob alt at that time (17th century) in place of the desired iron.

Before the 19th century, cob alt was used as a dye. Currently, it is used as a component of the electrodes of lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium batteries.

Cob alt is used in medicine to sterilize medical equipment, neutralize medical waste, and also in radiotherapy (cob alt-60).

In the natural environment, it occurs in the Earth's crust in the form of rare minerals - sm altines and cob altines, as well as in iron, copper and nickel oxide minerals. Breaking free from the ground, it penetrates the soil to plants for which it is an essential growth factor.

This way it is found in food products in the form of which it is delivered to the human body. It also plays an important role here, even though the daily demand for the element is minimal. The main food source of cob alt forman is:

  • meat
  • milk
  • corn
  • lettuce
  • cereal grains
  • spinach
  • cabbage
  • green vegetables

Unfortunately, for some people it is a highly sensitizing substance.

Cob alt allergy and the body's needs

Cob alt participates in the regeneration processes of the body. It has a large share in the production of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) because it is its central atom. Vitamin B12 is extremely important for our he alth, and its vitamin B12 deficiency leads to anemia.

The element regulates the production of red blood cells, participates in the metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins. It is also an essential element for pregnant women because it is involved in the production of vitamin B9, i.e. folic acid.

Cob alt also has anti-cancer properties and is involved in the formation of neurotransmitters.

The correct level of cob alt in the body:

  • improves concentration
  • improves thought processes
  • regulates the mood and general mental balance
  • regulates our appetite
  • supports immunity
  • affects the regeneration of the skin after burns and injuries

Cob alt deficiency is manifested by vitamin B12 deficiency followed by blood clotting disorders.

Cob alt deficiency can manifest itself as:

  • general weakness
  • apathy
  • losing weight
  • pale skin
  • vision problems
  • maintaining mental balance
  • depressive states
  • confusion

However, due to the risk of cob alt overdose, its supplementation should be carried out under strict medical supervision.

Cob alt allergy - symptoms

It manifests itself, like other contact allergies, by the appearance of a rash on the skin. Typically, cob alt allergy occurs along with allergy to other metals such as nickel or chrome.

Maculopapular nipples appear in an allergic person. Trouble breathing is extremely rare.

Eczema is the most common. Skin changes can also occur on the hands, legs, abdomen - wherever metal comes into contact.

Cob alt allergy - what makes us allergic?

Cob alt allergy may develop in people who come into contact with porcelain paints, but it is certainly a very small group.

Cob alt can also be found in cleaning agents commonly used in households. It is also in cement and concrete.

The element may also be present in low-quality paints fortattoo. We find it in imitation jewelry, belt buckles, etc.

Cob alt consumed with food sometimes causes sowing of potnica in people allergic to this metal, but this is quite rare.

Cob alt in food is almost universal, certain amounts of this element are also found in water, although the concentration largely depends on the region of the world.

Cob alt can be present in vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, carrots, potatoes, green onions, grain products such as rice, mushrooms, animal products. The highest concentration of cob alt is found in seafood.

It is also worth remembering that cob alt is also found in cosmetics and acts as a pigment in them, because it has a blue color. It is used in the production of eye shadows, hair dyes, and antiperspirant deodorants. Cob alt in cosmetics is marked with the number CI 77346.

But, let's stay calm, cob alt itself does not penetrate the epidermis, because its oxides do not dissolve in water or our sweat. They dissolve in fluids containing amino acids, such as exudates from allergic bubbles. According to doctors, this is why cob alt allergy is more common in people who are allergic to other metals.

Cob alt allergy - diagnosis and treatment

A diagnosis of cob alt allergy is required for proper treatment.

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor performs patch tests. A special patch with chambers, which is filled with various allergens, is placed on the back skin of a person suspected of having this type of allergy. The patch remains on the skin for 48 hours. After this time, the doctor checks for an allergic reaction. The patient is also observed for several consecutive days. This is because an allergic reaction may not develop until several days after contact with the allergen. The test gives the answer to which metals the patient is allergic.

Treatment is primarily based on avoiding contact with products that may contain cob alt.

Topically applied glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines. It is also important to systematically moisturize and lubricate the skin with changes.

About the authorAnna Jarosz A journalist who has been involved in popularizing he alth education for over 40 years. Winner of many competitions for journalists dealing with medicine and he alth. She received, among others The "Golden OTIS" Trust Award in the "Media and He alth" category, St. Kamil awarded on the occasion of the World Day of the Sick, twice the "Crystal Pen" in a nationwide competition for journalists promoting he alth, and many awards and distinctions incompetitions for the "Medical Journalist of the Year" organized by the Polish Association of Journalists for He alth.

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