Grass pollen allergy is the most common cause of symptoms of periodic allergic rhinitis and atopic pollen asthma. The symptoms of grass pollen allergy are most noticeable in June and July - it is then that the grasses in Poland are dusty the most. What are the symptoms of grass pollen allergy? What shouldn't you eat if you are allergic to pollen?
- Grass pollen allergy - symptoms
- Grass pollen allergy - treatment. How to deal with an allergy?
- Grass pollen allergy - which grasses sensitize?
- Allergy to grass pollen - cross-reactions. What not to eat if you are allergic to pollen?
- Grass pollen allergy - when do they dust the grasses?
Grass pollen allergyusually manifests itself when the concentration reaches at least 20 grass pollen grains in 1 m3air - at such concentrations, 1/4 of allergy sufferers already have symptoms of allergy. This may occur in the first days of May if the weather is favorable, but the most common symptoms of allergy in grasses allergic to pollen occur in the last decade of May (usually between Mother's Day and Children's Day).
The symptoms of grass pollen allergymay begin to appear as early as the end of April, but at that time the concentration of allergens in the air is so low that most allergy sufferers have no problems with it.
Grass pollen allergy - symptoms
Grass pollen allergy is the most common cause of periodic allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis. In people allergic to grass pollen allergens, symptoms typical of periodic allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis dominate:
- watery discharge
- itchy nose
- sneezing
- nasal obstruction
- tearing, redness and burning of the conjunctiva
During increased pollen time, people allergic to grass pollen may develop symptoms of atopic (allergic) asthma, i.e. severe shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, severe cough and wheezing.
Grass pollen allergy - treatment. How to deal with an allergy?
If a person begins to develop symptoms similar to allergy symptoms, it is worth undergoing tests that will allow to diagnose the problem. It is enough to perform blood allergy tests that can detect the presence of specificIgE antibodies in the blood, confirming the presence of grass pollen allergy.
If the tests reveal a pollen allergy, treatment should be started to reduce persistent allergy symptoms.
You can only prevent the appearance of allergy symptoms (at least partially) by mowing the lawn regularly to prevent the grass from blooming. You should also avoid walking around grasses or farmland.
It is also a radical move to leave the village for the city, where there is much less grass, but it should be remembered that, unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cut it off. Even a small amount of pollen in the air causes unpleasant symptoms of allergy.
You can also start taking antihistamines to help yourself, which will make your allergy symptoms a little less bothersome. It is worth going to a doctor who will choose the right medicine.
Another method of fighting allergies is desensitization. However, it should be done gradually and under strict medical supervision.
Grass pollen allergy - which grasses sensitize?
We know about 800 types and nearly 10,000 species of grasses that are wind-pollinating plants. All grass species are so closely related (up to 95 percent agreement) that the allergens of each species are essentially the same.
Most specialists believe that the most universal allergen for diagnostics and desensitization of patients with grass pollen allergy is timothy pollen. In addition to timothy, the most allergenic fodder grasses in Poland are also:
- cocksfoot
- common broom
- red fescue
- meadow grasshopper
- tomka wonna
- meadow grass
while the cultivated grasses include:
- wheat
- rye
- barley
- oats
- millet
- corn
- rice
- sorghum
- bamboo
- sugarcane.
The genetic similarity of the allergens contained in grass pollen causes that if you are allergic to the pollen of one of them, also others may cause allergy symptoms.
Allergy to grass pollen - cross-reactions. What not to eat if you are allergic to pollen?
The similarity in the structure of grasses means that cross-reactions may occur in the case of these allergens. They apply not only to pollen, but also to food. All because the proteins present in pollen are sometimes identical or very similar in terms of chemical structure to some food allergens.
Consequently, IgE antibodies are produced by the systemin response to contact with an allergen, they may treat them as the same, not recognizing the differences in the structure of individual antigens.
Classic cross-reactions usually occur between pollen and certain types of fruit or vegetables, but not only.
Allergens cross-reacting with grasses / grains are:
- birch
- ash
- olive tree
- rape
- bylica
- sunflower
- stone fruit:
- apple
- pear
- plum
- peach
- kiwi
- melon
- celery
- tomato (raw)
- potato
- parsley
- soybeans
- pea
- ginger
- thyme
- onion
- flour:
- rye
- wheat
- oatmeal
- rice
- latex
Grass pollen allergy - when do they dust the grasses?
The main period of grass pollination in Poland is the second half of May, June and the first half of July. If you are allergic to grass pollen and you are planning a trip, you have to take into account that in different parts of Europe, grass pollen is dusty at different times.
In northern Europe, the most intense grass pollination period is in the second half of June, July and the first half of August.
In southern Europe and the Mediterranean in May.
In addition, pollen periods vary in length in different climatic zones, and the pollen concentration in the air varies from country to country.
- Plant pollen calendar
- Pollen allergy - how to fight the symptoms
- Tree pollen allergy. Symptoms of tree pollen allergy
- Pollen allergy in children: causes, symptoms, treatment