Your skin is itchy, you have spots, red spots … Skin allergy can be caused not only by washing up liquid or mascara, but also jewelry, belt buckle, sun and sea water. If you know the culprit, it's easier to avoid sensitization. How does contact eczema develop? Treatment of skin allergy.
A polluted environment, processed foods, chemicals, stress - all this makes the immune system unable to cope with the allergens (sensitizing substances) around us. The effect is thatskin allergy( contact ), the symptom of which iscontact eczema , also called eczema it appears after contact with, for example, harmless ingredients of shampoo or printing ink. In people with contact allergy under the influence of the allergen, the so-called sensitized lymphocytes. They trigger a reaction that enhances the activity of histamine and other pro-inflammatory factors. Skin inflammation develops, accompanied by a characteristic eczema. Contact eczema can also be the result of normal skin irritation (known as toxic contact eczema). This happens when irritants (e.g. detergents) change the natural pH of the skin and damage its protective barrier. This is also when the skin's inflammatory process develops. Chronic inflammation facilitates the penetration of contact allergens into the body, which may lead to allergic hypersensitivity to the substance in question.
Skin allergy: itchy spots, erosions, wounds
Slightly swollen and red skin with foci of itchy tiny lumps or tiny bubbles filled with clear fluid (serum) are typical features of contact eczema. But the skin lesions can take the form of oozing erosions. The type of lesion and the degree of itching depend on the severity of the inflammation. In the period of exacerbations, the diseased area is bright red in color and itches very much. It is difficult to refrain from scratching, but better not to do so because it is easy to infect a wound. In the case of chronic eczema, the changes on the skin turn pale and light pink. The skin becomes dry, thickened. Itchy lichen develops at the site of the eczema.
Skin allergy: not only rash, but also coughing and vomiting
Eczema usually occurs where the skin comes in direct contact with a sensitizing (irritant) substance. The most common target of the attack are the hands (washing up liquids, cleaning agents, paintprinting), leather between the fingers (rings), on the wrist (watch, bracelet), on the lobes (clips, earrings), on the neck (chains), on the nose and behind the ears (glasses frame). But changes can occur anywhere - around the navel or on the abdomen (from a trouser button, zipper or hooks), on the head (from shampoo, hat or perfume). Sometimes blemishes not only appear at sites where it comes in contact with the triggers, but they are spread all over the body. They may be accompanied by symptoms typical of inhalation (runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis) or food allergy (vomiting, diarrhea).
Check what you are allergic to: do the test
Try to observe how your skin reacts to various substances. If the changes appear on your face and they disappear after discontinuing the new cream, you are probably allergic to one of the ingredients of the cosmetic. If itchy spots have formed on your feet since you are wearing woolen socks, wool is probably the allergy behind. If you avoid contact with the allergen, acne breakouts will heal and disappear without a trace within a few days. But tracking down the culprit is not always easy, because contact eczema is often delayed. When an itchy rash develops, it is difficult to associate it with, for example, a bath lotion or a hair clip that you have used for some time. It is all the more complicated that we can also be sensitized by e.g. paper, a black blouse, shoes, a toy, and even air. If the eczema does not heal, it recurs, or you suspect you are allergic to a substance, see a dermatologist. An experienced specialist will make a diagnosis based on an interview and visual inspection. It may also recommend the so-called patch tests. They should be performed in the period of disease remission - obtained during the exacerbation of symptoms, give a false-positive result, related to skin hypersensitivity to irritating stimuli, and not to allergy. The examination consists in placing suspicious substances on the skin (usually on the back) under a special dressing. After 72 hours, it is checked for an inflammatory reaction. The standard test contains 20 allergens: some metals, rubber components, resins, external drugs, preservatives, fragrances. But they can be modified. There are even tests for specific professional groups, e.g. printers.
Treatment of skin allergies
The best medicine is to avoid any sensitizing or irritating substance. The longer the skin is in contact with the allergen, the more difficult it is to cure the disease. Topical steroid preparations (prescribed by a doctor) are used. The form of the drug depends on the type and location of the eczema. Sprays, lotions and creams are recommended for oozing wounds. Inointments are best for keratinized and flaky skin. If the changes occur on the head, the doctor chooses liquid preparations. If a bacterial infection has joined, antiseptics and even antibiotics are also needed. Often the therapy is supported with oral antiallergic drugs (Allertec, Alerzina, Lirra Gem, Zyrtec, Claritine) and topical preparations (Soventol, Flexiderm). It is also worth using care products for sensitive skin (Linoderm Omega, Unibasis, Der-Med).
You must do itIf you have sensitive skin or a tendency to contact allergy:
- avoid housework without gloves;
- do not wear artificial jewelry, protect the skin from contact with metal buttons, buckles, etc.;
- do not wear clothes made of synthetic fibers or wool; l avoid dark colors - dark dyes irritate the skin;
- do not grow plants that have irritating properties, e.g. chrysanthemums, tulips, geraniums, poisence, philodendron, diffenbachia;
- use neutral or slightly acidic agents (pH 5.5) for washing;
- for body care use preparations designed for sensitive or allergic skin, which reduce skin dryness;
- protect your skin from wind, dry and frosty air, sun.
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