What are the diseases of the labyrinth? The group of diseases that cause imbalance includes i.a. harmless but very troublesome motion sickness. However, this group also includes serious conditions that pose a direct threat to life. Check what are the diseases of the labyrinth. What is their diagnosis? How is the treatment of labyrinth diseases?
Untreatedlabyrinth diseases , apart from motion sickness, can lead to partial deafness or complete loss of hearing. That is why the quickdiagnosisis so important. The more so thatsymptomsof labyrinth diseases are very similar to each other and only detailed examinations ordered by an ENT (otolaryngologist) or a neurologist will make the final diagnosis possible.
Diseases of the labyrinth: motion sickness
Motion sickness, or motion sickness, is not a disease in the literal sense. It is an overreaction of the body to the disagreement between stimuli indicating movement, which are perceived by the brain from the labyrinth, eyes and organs of movement.
While driving by means of transport, the eyes, observing the changing landscape, send information to the brain about the change of the environment, which it interprets as movement. However, the labyrinth - the organ of balance - does not notice any changes in the position of the body. So it sends information to the brain about the lack of exercise. The divergence of stimuli causes the autonomic nervous system to trigger many defense reactions, such as:
- dizziness
- nausea
- vomiting
Therefore, before a long trip by bus, train or plane, it is worth taking a tablet for motion sickness.
CHECK>>Remedies for motion sickness
Meniere's disease, or idiopathic hydrocele in the labyrinth is a rare disease of the labyrinth, the cause of which is the accumulation and increase in pressure of the endolymph in the labyrinth. The disease manifests itself suddenly with dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, a feeling of distraction in the ear, progressive hearing loss and nystagmus. Diagnostics: audiometric tests (of the hearing organs), tests of the equilibrium system, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. It is also necessary to visit an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. Treatment: The doctor may decide to administerantihistamines or injection of corticosteroids / gentamicin directly into the tympanic cavity. If pharmacological treatment is ineffective, the procedure is performed by cutting the vestibular nerve or labyrinthectomy (complete removal of the vestibular organ). Inflammation of the vestibulocochlear nerve is a disease possibly caused by viruses (suspected herpes virus, as well as mumps, measles and influenza, shingles and chicken pox). The vestibular nerve is responsible for the proper functioning of hearing and the sense of balance. It transmits auditory information from the cochlea to the brain, as well as stimuli from the semicircular canals and the pollen tube, which arise as a result of changing the position of the human body. As a result of the damage to the vestibular fibers, the patient complains of hearing loss (or complete deafness) and the characteristic dizziness, described as "spinning of the environment", which causes imbalance and deviation of the legs. The accompanying symptoms are also nystagmus, nausea and vomiting. Diagnostics: otoscopy (ear endoscopy), audiometric tests, X-ray of the temporal bone, computed tomography of the head (if in doubt). Treatment, which is under the supervision of a doctor, includes the use of antihistamines, scopolamine, and when the symptoms are very troublesome, also anti-emetics and sedatives. The most common neoplasms that cause damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve, and thus disrupt the work of the labyrinth, are the pontocerebellar angle tumors. Their symptoms, such as dizziness, imbalance, nausea and vomiting, increase slowly. In the advanced stage of the disease, memory deficiencies, problems with speech, and emotional instability appear. The presence of signs of increased intracranial pressure is characteristic. The most common type of intracranial tumor (80% of cases) is acoustic neuroma, the remaining 20% are other types of neoplasms that, by pressing on the nerve, can contribute to its damage. Diagnostics: audiometric tests, equilibrium tests, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and other tests ordered by a neurologist. Treatment takes place under the supervision of a neurosurgeon. Stereotactic radiotherapy is also necessary. Labyrinthitis is a condition in which the inner ear is inflamed. Ear pain, hearing problems, disturbancesbalance and headaches are the first symptoms of the disease. Later, nausea and vomiting, varying degrees of tinnitus, and nystagmus may appear. Inflammation of the inner ear carries a risk of serious he alth complications, as the bacteria that cause the inflammation not only destroy the structures of the inner ear, but also gradually colonize adjacent structures in the skull. Diagnostics: otoscopy (ear endoscopy), audiometric tests, X-ray of the temporal bone, computed tomography of the head (if in doubt). Treatment takes place in a hospital setting. Antibiotics are usually given by the intravenous route. Otosclerosis is a disease affecting the bony labyrinth in which there is a membranous labyrinth - responsible for the sense of balance and orientation in the field. In the course of the disease, an abnormal callus develops, which immobilizes the base of the third auditory ossicle - the stapes. Symptoms usually appear in people between 15 and 40 years of age. These are: progressive bilateral hearing impairment (without preceding or concomitant inflammatory diseases of the ear). Characteristically, the patient hears speech better in noise than in silence. In addition, patients develop tinnitus (usually of low frequency), greater in the worse hearing, dizziness and balance disorders. Diagnosis: due to the fact that the most common cause of otosclerosis are hereditary factors, a family history is very important, during which the doctor determines whether the hearing loss appeared at an early age in parents, siblings or other relatives. In addition, an ENT examination is performed - otoscopy (ear endoscopy), audiometric tests (hearing tests), reed tests, Weber's test, Rinn's test, Gellé's test. Treatment: The usual treatment is surgery (stapedectomy or stapedotomy). In the initial stage of the disease, the doctor may decide to put on a hearing aid.Diseases of the labyrinth: Meniere's disease
Diseases of the labyrinth: inflammation of the vestibulocochlear nerve
Diseases of the labyrinth: tumors of the sternocerebellar angle
Diseases of the labyrinth: labyrinthitis
Diseases of the labyrinth: otosclerosis (otospongiosis)