You cough, fever, feel unwell - and wonder if it's the "regular" flu or maybe you have the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and COVID-19 infection? We explain what the difference between these two viruses and the two diseases is.
- Chinese coronavirus and flu: similarities
- Chinese coronavirus and flu: differences
- Do you have the flu or COVID-19?
InfectionChinese coronavirus- the official name of this disease isCOVID-19- it is sometimes compared to the flu, because it gives similar symptoms. However, both infections cause completely different viruses. What are the similarities and what are the differences?
Chinese coronavirus and flu: similarities
Influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2 virus are surprisingly similar.
- Both viruses are similar in shape and attack the epithelium of the respiratory tract. The influenza virus and the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are spherical-shaped, single-strand RNA viruses. Both have receptors that allow them to attack respiratory epithelial cells
- Both influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2 virus are transmitted primarily by droplets (they are present in particles of secretions from the respiratory tract of sick people, in their urine and feces) and can be infected by standing too close to a person being sick or touching objects that were previously touched by the sick person and then spreading the virus to the mouth, nose or eyes.
- The symptoms of infection with China virus and flu virusare similar. This:
- fever
- cough
- fatigue
- muscle pain
- in more severe cases of breathlessness
- chest pain
- Both infections can cause serious complications
In case of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection, the following may develop:
- severe pneumonia
- sepsa
- acute respiratory distress syndrome
In the case of flu, complications are:
- pneumonia and bronchitis, which often require hospital treatment
- myocarditis
- neurological complications
- myositis
- Both viruses are dangerous for the elderly and those suffering from chronic diseases. The immune system of such a patient is not able to fight infection.
- In the case of both infections, infected people can infect others, even before themselvessymptoms of infection appear.
Chinese coronavirus and flu: differences
There are also important differences between these viruses and the diseases they cause.
- For now, COVID-19 is considered a more deadly disease than the flu. Estimated data show that 2-3 percent die. infected with the coronavirus. In the case of seasonal flu, the mortality rate is less than 1%. (such data was provided at the press briefing by the head of WHO).
- There is no cure or vaccine for COVID-19. Work on it is ongoing (currently there are over 20 different preparations in the research phase). You can, however, get a flu shot. Influenza can also be treated: if you become ill, your doctor may prescribe a prescription antiviral drug which, when given at the start of an infection, shortens its duration and reduces the risk of complications.
- The new virus from China is described as more contagious - experts estimate that on average each person with flu infects 1.3 people, and each person with COVID-19 infects two people.
- Coronavirus is milder on children than the flu. More than half of those suffering from flu are children and adolescents under the age of 14, which is due to the fact that their immune systems are not yet fully mature. Influenza in children is often associated with hospitalization and serious complications. In turn, infection with the coronavirus from China in children is usually very mild: in the vast majority of cases, the symptoms of infection are negligible.
- The Chinese virus is more dangerous for men (unlike the flu, which attacks both genders fairly).

Together Against Coronavirus
Do you have the flu or COVID-19?
This can only be assessed by a doctor on the basis of symptoms and an interview (in which he will ask, among others, about staying in the last days in areas affected by an epidemic, e.g. in Italy, or contact with someone who has been diagnosed with an infection), and confirm - specialized tests.
Rapid flu tests can be performed at the clinic during a medical visit: the material for the test is taken in the form of a nasopharyngeal swab and you wait 15-30 minutes for the result.
Coronavirus tests are not carried out routinely: they are performed by specialized research centers when there is a justified suspicion of infection: e.g. a person suffering from COVID-19 symptoms returned from the areas affected by the epidemic. The waiting time for the result is several hours.
It is worth noting, however, that people who suspect infection with the new virus from China cannot report to the clinic or emergency department: they should contact the nearest sanitary and epidemiological station, wherewill get further tips.
You can also compare the symptoms of flu and colds in the graphic below:

More about the coronavirus from China
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