Hepatic colic most often affects women in their forties. The pain comes suddenly and it is very strong. It appears on the right side under the ribs and radiates to the right shoulder blade. Often an attack of hepatic colic is associated with gallstone disease. What are the causes of hepatic colic and how is it treated?
Seizureof hepatic colicindicates overloadof the gallbladder . About 15 percent of Poles know this problem well from their own experience. It affects women 3 times more often, especially those who are obese and in their forties. How does an attack of hepatic colic occur?
The gallbladder, popularly known as the gallbladder, is a type of storehouse that stores bile necessary for digestion. When you eat something, it begins to contract and pushes bile into the duodenum.
Sometimes the gall bladder builds up that obstruct the flow of bile. Then he has to contract more intensively, which causes severe pain.
Causes of hepatic colic: how are plaques formed?
One of the tasks of the liver is to capture and eliminate toxic substances and to produce bile, which is primarily needed for the digestion of fats.
If the diet is dominated by products rich in animal fat, sooner or later an attack of hepatic colic can be expected. Fatty foods increase the secretion of cholecystokinin - a hormone that provokes follicle contractions.
Fatty diet also leads to excess weight, and excess body fat promotes the crystallization of cholesterol going to the bile. This is how deposits are formed in the gallbladder. This was confirmed by a study by Harvard scientists: in women who are overweight, gallstone disease was found 6 times more often.
Symptoms of hepatic colic
Symptoms of colic appear suddenly and can last for several hours. One of the first complaints is a strong and continuous pain in the right part of the abdomen, which lasts for several or even several hours.
If severely severe, the pain may radiate to the right shoulder blade and arm. Sometimes the attack is so severe that it causes vomiting with bile. When the stone passes through the biliary tract and reaches the duodenum, the pain is reduced.
Pain is usually accompanied by:
- vomiting
- nausea
- flatulence
- heartburn
It is worth getting tested
It is important to establish the cause of the colic. Ask your doctor for a referral for a blood test, ultrasound of the liver and bile ducts. If the bile ducts are found to be he althy, the causes of colic attacks must be looked for in a poor diet. Then changing your eating habits will avoid pain. If it happens that the stone permanently blocks the exit of the follicle, mechanical jaundice may occur, and this requires the intervention of a surgeon.
Hepatic colic attack - home remedies
Relief will be provided by applying a warm compress or an electric pillow set to the medium heating level on the stomach. A diastolic and analgesic suppository will help. In herbal stores there are also preparations recommended for bouts of biliary colic.
During an attack, as well as 1-2 days after it, you should give up solid foods, limit fruit juices and sweetened drinks. As your he alth improves, you can eat gruels, boiled vegetables and a small amount of butter.
To protect yourself from another attack of colic, you can use the gall bladder cleansing treatment developed by Father Klimuszko: drink the juice of one lemon mixed with a similar amount of oil before going to bed for 12 days.
Hepatic colic: symptomatic treatment
Symptomatic treatment of hepatic colic consists in relieving unpleasant ailments. In addition to the above-mentioned home remedies, painkillers and diastolic medications are also given.
Hepatic colic: surgical treatment
The surgical treatment allows you to remove the cause of hepatic colic attacks. Most often, cholecystectomy is performed - surgical removal of the gallbladder, either laparoscopically or after opening the abdominal wall.
In addition, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) can be performed with prosthetic biliary tract or widening of their mouths into the biliary tract, which facilitates the release of stones from the bladder into the duodenum.
Ways to prevent colic
In a diet that reduces the formation of gallstones, protein products should be the source of energy at each meal. The most valuable are skim milk, cottage cheese, lean meats (turkey, rabbit, veal) and fish.
You should limit s alt, alcohol and animal fat.
The way of preparing the dishes is also important, the best is cooking and baking in foil. You can also use over-the-counter preparations to support liver function and aid digestion.
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