Total biology is a psychobiological concept of living organisms. Total biology assumes that the source of every disease lies in the psyche - they are strong, negative, long-lasting emotions. When the mind is unable to cope with them, disease arises. To heal a sick body (Living Organism), you only need to heal the soul. This is what the proponents of total biology say. Meanwhile, total biology is … total nonsense.
Total BiologyLiving Organisms is a psychobiological concept of living organisms.Total biologyassumes that the source of every disease lies in the psyche - these are strong, negative, long-lasting emotions. Total biology says: "Disease is not a mistake of nature; it is the brain's best solution to keep the body alive. The mind never gets confused and does not work unnecessarily, always choosing the biologically perfect solution. Every disease is therefore an adaptation of the body to existing conditions; problem for man, in fact it is his biological asset. To heal a disease, one must discover its source in oneself ".¹" Disease is the manifestation of an unresolved internal conflict; it is common to all living organisms .¹
Total biology - what is it?
When we experience intense stress, the brain - whose role is to keep the body alive - is unable to perform its function effectively. Most of the energy is used to think about a problematic situation, which in turn triggers a series of energy-consuming reactions in the body (called the Living Organism). As advocates of total biology argue, it does not make sense from the point of view of biological survival, which is why a solution has been developed through evolution, which consists in reducing stress to the level of tissues and organs. In this way, the part of the brain responsible for survival recovers its portion of energy necessary for its proper functioning, and thus can guarantee the body's survival.
According to Total Biology, the causes of diseases are not physical injuries, genetic mutations, hormonal disorders or birth defects, but strong, negative, long-lasting emotions. This is the only source of disease.
The place in the body where the stress is brought is not accidental - it isdependent on the relationship between the type of sensations that accompanied the emotional shock and the origin (ecto-, endo-meso-derm) and the function of a given tissue. When triggered in this way in the body, for example in an organ, the reaction at some point triggers symptoms that we used to call disease. However, as long as we deal with stress and trauma, the symptoms of the disease will disappear. "The brain works like an electronic device. Disease is one of its programs, turned on in specific circumstances, such as severe stress, emotional conflict, and turned off when prolonged stress or conflict is eliminated!" - advocates of total biology.
Proponents of total biology emphasize that not every emotional shock leads to disease. Stress is brought down to the tissue / organ level when it meets certain criteria. It is dramatic, experienced as a tragedy, burdensome, and does not allow you to feel calm. It is unexpected - we were not prepared for it, it meets us at the wrong time. It cannot be accepted. We live it alone, in isolation, we do not share our deepest feelings with anyone. At the time when we feel it, we do not see its solution, we are powerless, therefore we perceive the situation that caused it as a threat to our future existence.
Total biology - heal breast cancer … "confiding in someone of deep suffering"
As already mentioned, in total biology, "Disease is one of its programs, turned on in specific circumstances such as severe stress, emotional conflict, and turned off when prolonged stress or conflict is eliminated." This applies to all diseases, including cancer. "Once the brain has triggered the cancer cells into action, it will cancel them if the right conditions are created"5and the trauma is defeated or the conflict is resolved. There is no need for chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery (tumor excision). According to the theory of total biology, healing by consciousness will make the tumor disappear.
And what causes cancer? Trauma from the past, conflict in the family, a situation that cannot be de alt with, argue the supporters of total biology. For example, the cause of breast cancer in a woman is "an internal conflict that is a strong need to support someone from your nest." "Mammary gland cancer arises as a result of feelings related to the threat of a" nest ". A nest can be a home, people to whom a woman mothers - a spouse, child, child's friends, parents. A woman who inherited this program may also develop breast cancer as a result of a broken relationship and lose hope for"Establishing one's nest" (for a husband, for children) "." Recovery for good requires: confiding in someone of a deep suffering, making it heard, and especially ensuring that the threat never repeats itself. " 1
According to conventional medicine, the causes of breast cancer (or breast cancer) are unknown. It is known that female gender is the greatest risk factor for developing breast cancer. Another very important factor responsible for the development of breast cancer is age. Mammary cancer can be hereditary and accounts for about 10% of the total cancer rate. cases of this disease. Most inherited cases of breast cancer are associated with abnormal BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Regardless of what causes breast cancer, "confiding in someone your deep suffering" will not make the tumor in your breast go away. Appropriate treatment for breast cancer is imperative.
Husband using domestic violence may be a cause of diabetes
An equally absurd theory applies to diabetes. According to advocates of total biology2the diabetes program serves to deal with the conflict of constant readiness to fight. It may be a willingness to fight someone, but also a willingness to fight something. If a person is struggling with a problem, he has to fight for his own, be constantly prepared to fight, his blood sugar level is constantly at a high level. Sugar is pure energy, which in this case is to serve to maintain a state of readiness for a possible duel, fight for life or an issue important for a given person. It does not have to be literally a war or a physical fight with an opponent ( although this conflict originally came from here), but it can be a fight against adversities, life difficulties. It may be accompanied by fearfulness, a constant feeling of being in danger, and a willingness to fight. For example, a woman lives with an abusive husband who uses physical violence. A woman must be constantly vigilant, because it is not known when the "clash with the opponent" will take place, she lives in fear and a constant feeling of danger. So her blood sugar level has to be constantly high in order to be prepared for an eventual fight. Following the line of thinking of the supporters of total biology, in order to cure diabetes, it is enough for a woman to part with her aggressive husband. Then the sugar level will return to normal. What does science say? Diabetes is a chronic, incurable disease - the patient has to take medications that normalize blood sugar levels for the rest of his life. Otherwise, serious complications may occur. Healing by consciousness won't help here. The cause of the disease is not a husband who abuses domestic violence.
According to total biology, Lyme disease is not a disease transmitted byticks. It is caused by people around us who prey on us like parasites.
Total biology and the thyroid gland, or nonsense, continued
Total biology also explains the causes of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.3The author of the book "Total Biology. Biological and Emotional Meaning of Diseases" explains, using the example of a little girl, where it came from overactive thyroid gland. Well, the girl has to watch the time every time her mother takes her to school because she is afraid they will be late again. The girl still has to hurry. In total biology, the organ that speeds up action, increases activity, and reduces lag, giving us time to do things, is the thyroid gland. The girl's brain "ordered" the thyroid gland to speed up because it needed a lot of energy in the face of stress. Metabolism accelerated - all biochemical reactions were stimulated to help the girl achieve her goal (make it to school on time). This led to an overactive thyroid gland. With hypothyroidism, time is also a problem, but running too fast. When a person is in a stressful situation where time passes too fast or it is important to slow it down ("I have to act fast, but I can't do it), the mind asks the thyroid to slow down its metabolism, hence hypothyroidism.
Recall that the real causes of hyperthyroidism are Graves' disease, toxic nodular goitre or toxic diffuse goitre, inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland, the use of drugs that contain a lot of iodine. In turn, hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto's disease, surgical removal of the thyroid gland caused by, for example, thyroid cancer, Graves' disease, treatment with radioiodine, thyroiditis or iodine deficiency.
The child feels unnoticed by his parents? Let him get fat, then they will definitely notice them
Another absurd example: "a child suffers because it feels unnoticed by its parents, for a child the lack of parents is associated with a sense of danger comparable to a life threat, so at the biological level the brain finds a solution: to become bigger and more visible, then starts the process of gaining weight. " 4According to the supporters of total biology, it is a way to solve the problem in the relationship between the child and parents.
Where does the cough come from? "In the air territory that we share with someone else (we breathe the same air as they do), it is imperative to have some minimum space just for ourselves - so that we can breathe all the time.far enters our space, we are suffocating. The air we need is supplied to the alveoli through the bronchi. In the phase of active conflict [with the person who has entered our airspace] - the walls of the bronchi erode and their diameter increases to allow more air to flow. In the repair phase, the reverse process takes place - mass / mucus (even a tumor) is formed to fill the cavities. and the remains are "thrown away" by coughing. " 4
Supporters of total biology are able to find the cause of any disease - they argue that "allergies in infants may symbolize an old conflict between parents and angina … a struggle for territory".5
What's more, total biology also takes into account the fact that some traumas and stresses are transmitted generational. Thus, a grandfather's trauma can manifest itself as a disease in his grandson if certain circumstances occur that activate a biological conflict. This clarifies the theory of genetic diseases while pointing to the way to proceed in such cases - argue supporters of total biology.
ImportantTotal Biology is a pseudoscience. Don't be fooled!
Of course, there is no evidence that the mechanism described by total biology is true. It's not hard to guess that this is another way of making money by charlatans. It is enough for a sufficiently desperate person to be persuaded that he will recover, if he follows the instructions, fixes some "past mistake", "resolves the conflict", of course they pay the appropriate amount of money for the "consultation" beforehand. Total Biology is not a method of healing and has nothing to do with biology and science. Therefore, patients are warned against believing in the reassurances of the effectiveness of this form of treatment, and especially against giving up conventional methods of treatment.
2. Why does breast cancer arise ?, Total Biology. Information page of the Virgo Publishing House, The excerpt comes from the book by Patrick Obissier “Understand your diseases. Biological decoding ":
4. Gilbert Renaud, Recall Healing: Total Biology. The biological and emotional importance of disease.
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