Apitherapy means treatment with honey and other bee products. However, the role of honey, propolis or royal jelly is not limited to home use. Substances derived from bee products are also the basis of drugs that are used today in many areas of conventional medicine. Check what apitherapy is and what diseases it is used in the treatment of.
Apitherapy(from Latinapis- bee and Greek.therapia- treatment ) means treatment of diseases with bee products such as:
- honey,
- beeswax,
- pollen,
- feathers,
- propolis (bee putty),
- royal jelly,
- honey cake,
- bee venom.
However, the role of popular bee products is not limited to home use only.
They are also the raw material from which extracts are extracted, which are later the main active ingredient of many drugs, which are professionally calledapitherapeutics . They are used today in almost every field of conventional medicine, incl. in dermatology, paediatrics, gynecology, ENT, surgery, cardiosurgery and orthopedics. The advantage of preparations based on bee products is that they can be consumed almost without restrictions, because - unlike some other products - they cannot be overdosed.

Apitherapy - treatment of which diseases can honey help?
- multiflorous honey -alleviates respiratory allergies, protects the heart and blood vessels, strengthens the body in the event of physical and mental exhaustion;
- buckwheat honey -protects against atherosclerosis, and thus against cardiovascular diseases, supports the treatment and prevents iron deficiency anemia, detoxifies and supports the work of the liver;
- linden honey -has a diaphoretic, antipyretic and expectorant effect, therefore it supports the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. In addition, it strengthens the heart, supports the work of the nervous system, increases resistance to stress;
- acacia honey- it can be used as an aid in digestive disorders (heartburn, hyperacidity), supportsthe work of the kidneys and urinary system, it alleviates the symptoms of colds;
- rapeseed honey- it can be used in inflammation of the respiratory tract to strengthen the heart, support the work of the liver and bile ducts;
- honeydew honey- this one from coniferous trees can be used, among others in constipation, diarrhea or neurosis, and the deciduous tree supports the work of the liver, kidneys and urinary tract;
- heather honey- can be used in inflammation of the mouth, pharyngitis and prostate problems;
In order for bee products to show their healing properties, they must be consumed properly. For example, honey should be consumed in its natural form and temperature, without being heated. It's a big mistake to dissolve it in liquids. Then only water-soluble substances enter the body. In turn, these insoluble - plant hormones - settle on the walls of the vessels.
Apitherapy - healing properties of other bee products
- Beeswaxhas been used in cosmetics as an ingredient in, among others, creams and ointments that can be used, for example, in difficult-to-heal wounds, boils, arthritis and rheumatic diseases.
- Flower pollen(bee pollen, bee pollen), due to the high content of protein substances, is recommended for people who struggle with protein deficiency in the diet (e.g. vegetarians) . In addition, it can be used as an aid in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer disease or in chronic hepatitis and biliary tract. It also has antibiotic, detoxifying and strengthening properties. Scientists say pollen will help ease PMS symptoms
- Pierzga , or fixed pollen, has a regenerating effect, therefore it can be used in conditions of chronic fatigue, after diseases or surgery. In addition, it strengthens the nervous system, which is why it will work well in states of mental fatigue, depression or during intense mental effort. Due to the content of vitamin K, it can be used in ailments resulting from the poor condition of blood vessels. In addition, the bee bread contains much more protein than pollen.
- Propolisis a sticky substance that bees seal the hive with (hence another name -bee putty ). Propolis can be used as an auxiliary in diseases within the oral cavity, e.g. in gingivitis, after tooth extraction or periodontitis. In addition, thanks to the strong antibacterial andIts antifungal properties support the treatment of skin diseases, such as mycosis and acne, and soothe burns and speed up wound healing. Bee putty is also recommended for people struggling with ulcers and pharyngitis.
- Royal jellyhas a positive effect on the cardiovascular system (e.g. prevents atherosclerosis, lowers blood pressure, increases the number of red blood cells, and thus prevents anemia) and the system nervous (reduces fatigue, adds energy, improves mood). In addition, royal jelly has been used in dermatology, as it shortens the healing time of wounds, bedsores and burns, and also supports the treatment of seborrhea and seborrheic eczema or lichen.
- In turn,treatment with bee venom( apitoxin therapy)consists in stinging bees or administering injections of venom to the patient. Bee venom can also be used in the form of creams, ointments or inhalation. Apitoxin therapy is helpful in conditions such as rheumatism, arthritis and rheumatism. In addition, it is used in the treatment of neuroses, neuralgia and hypertension. People suffering from multiple sclerosis are also treated with bee venom. Bee venom also usesapipuncture(bee venom acupuncture).
It is worth knowing that the base for the production of apitherapeutics are also bee larvae DNA extract (so-called bee brood) and honey cover extract (it is made of wax, bee bread, propolis and honey). They show antibacterial properties and initiate the processes of renewal of damaged tissues.
Worth knowingBeeswax candles delicately smell, eliminate unpleasant smells, ionize the air, soothing the body. They clear the sinuses, soothe the runny nose, soothe the nervous system and calm the heart, lower blood pressure and, according to bioenergotherapists, neutralize the harmful effects of radiation from electrical devices (mobile phone, computer, microwave oven). If there is no allergy sufferer at home, it is worth using them every day. 10-15 minutes a day spent with a lit candle will improve your well-being, strengthen the body and soothe the nerves.
Bee pollen. What advantages does it have?
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN
Apitherapy - contraindications
People allergic to honey and other apitherapy products should give up apitherapy.Allergy to honeyand other bee products are rare and usually appear in people allergic to pollen and insect venom.
People with diabetes should consult their doctor before apitherapy.
ImportantBee venom only under supervisiondoctor
Bee venom is a powerful substance that can cause anaphylactic shock in allergic people - which can even lead to death. Therefore, the use of bee venom must take place under the supervision of a doctor, after appropriate tests have been performed.
Honey like medicine. Which one to choose?
Source: x-news.pl/Agencja TVN
- Natural honey. How to recognize real honey?
- Honey - cosmetic properties. Recipes for homemade cosmetics with honey
- Beekeeping, or the fascination with BEES, passion and lifestyle