The "Kambo Ceremony" involves placing the venom of an Amazon frog under the skin. Among the indigenous tribes, this substance has been considered a natural vaccine for thousands of years, hence the other name of the venom - "Kambo vaccine". As the supporters of the "Kambo ceremony" argue - it is a panacea for all ailments, but there is no scientific evidence for it. There is evidence, however, that the "Kambo vaccine" is deadly - a woman died after it was administered.
"Kambo ceremony"is - as the followers of this ritual argue - a way to restore the body to its full he alth potential - harmony of the body, soul and mind, cleansing the body of toxins and strengthening the immune system . In their opinion, Kambo is one of the strongest natural antibiotics with a strong anti-inflammatory effect, combating various types of bacteria, viruses and fungi. They add that it is also an excellent remedy for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, depression, migraines, circulation problems, cancer, fertility problems, Lyme disease, malaria, AIDS and viral hepatitis.
"Kambo Ceremony / Vaccine" - What is it?
"Kambo vaccine" is the venom of the Amazon frog, which is secreted in an emergency by the skin glands. Its components are about 200 substances, including toxins, which are used by the frog to provide protection against predators. Animals that try to eat a toxic amphibian vomit or die by the poison. There are also antibiotics and anti-inflammatory substances in the venom. However, at the Kambo ceremony, a complete blend of 200 ingredients is served - not only substances with potentially positive he alth effects, but also substances, many of which are highly toxic.
"Kambo Ceremony / Vaccine" - what is it?
The Kambo ritual lasts approximately 3 hours. A dozen or so people gather in the hall where it is held. First, the person conducting the ceremony introduces the right mood - he incenses the room, chants the songs. Then the person undergoing the ritual burns the epidermis with incense - usually a few minor burns are made on the arm or thigh. After scratching the epidermis, balls made of powdered secretion of the Amazon frog, or cambo, are glued in these places.
Kambo should not be used, among others, by people with hypertension, heart diseases, allergic to insect venom or pregnant women.
After gettingsubstance enters the body, violent vomiting occurs, which lasts 20-40 minutes. Sometimes there is also diarrhea. It is supposed to be a cleansing reaction of the body. During this time, the assistants give the participants water. Often an element of the ceremony is to watch the vomit and judge the he alth of a person based on its color.
Many participants say that they feel better after such surgery. Here are some positive opinions about the "ceremony", which can be found on the website :
Regarding well-being after Kambo - I got up in the morning sore, by the afternoon I was very calm, and at the end of the day I got an amazing kick - I went into a completely different turn everything is completely different, such a light and wonderful body and soul a completely different game. I'm curious and I would like to try the frog ceremony with chakras.
Thank you for the opportunity to attend the ceremony. After the ceremony, I get better sleep, dream every day, and generally have more energy and willingness to act. I also feel significantly less attraction to stimulants. Both me and my friends began to pay attention to what we eat, drink and do, in line with the slogan "Your body is your temple". Overall, I am slowly planning another meeting with kambo cura, because I feel the need and willingness to purify further. Mateusz B., Warsaw
Despite flattering opinions, doctors strongly advise against this type of treatment. They warn that some patients may develop a severe allergic reaction.
I waited a long time before accepting Kambo, but when I felt the moment I was fully determined and aware of my decision. The first application cleared me a lot on a physical level. Thanks to the second one, I got rid of my financial fears, awakened my creativity and started to earn money for what I love. After the third application, I felt more confident, my self-esteem improved. In addition, I noticed that I have greater empathy for myself and others, and my assertiveness and the ability to set limits has grown significantly. Thank you Konrad! - Patrycja, 26, Warsaw
It is difficult to determine whether the positive opinions are a matter of auto-suggestion or the effect of the substances contained in the secretion of the Amazon frog. However, attention is drawn to the structure of the entries, from which you can learn about the benefits of the ceremony, such as better sleep, increased energy, aversion to stimulants, and even … better earnings. They show that Kambo is the answer to the problems most people struggle with.
Shamanic venom healingamazonian frog. "This is an example of paramedical insanity"
Source:ń Dobry TVN
Important"Kambo Ceremony" may end in death
One thing is for sure - the "Kambo vaccine" has not been scientifically proven to have therapeutic effects. There is no evidence that such procedures have any beneficial effect on the human body. As you might have guessed, violent vomiting and diarrhea certainly do not improve your he alth. However, there is evidence that the "Kambo ceremony" could end tragically. In November 2016, a 30-year-old woman who had previously undergone the "Kambo ceremony" passed away. The woman vomited and passed out. She died after being transported to the hospital. An initial post-mortem examination revealed that the cause of death in the 30-year-old was cerebral edema and circulatory and respiratory failure caused by the administration of frog venom. A woman also reported to the prosecutor's office, claiming that she suffered leg paralysis after using the secretion of the Amazon frog.
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