The feathery is a plant that has a wider medicinal use than aloe. Due to the high amount of vitamin C and the richness of micro and macro elements, it has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties. By using compresses made of livebear leaves and drinking juices preserved with alcohol, we will cure respiratory diseases, alleviate rheumatic pains, and get rid of acne. Check the healing and care properties of the Featherfish.
The Piniformis a plant from the coarse family that comes from Madagascar. Currently, i.a. in Asia, Australia and Central America. In Poland, it is grown as a potted plant.

Medicinal properties of livebear
The viviparous plant is a treasury of micro- and macroelements, such as:
- manganese,
- copper,
- selenium,
- zinc,
- bor,
- alin,
- silicon,
- potassium,
- calcium,
- iron.
Also contains a lot of vitamin C.
This plant shows the effect of:
- bacteriocidal, virucidal and antifungal:livebug especially quickly destroys pyogenic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci);
- anti-inflammatory:inhibits the inflammatory process by destroying bacteria and decomposing the toxins they produce, it also reduces local congestion and swelling;
- regenerating:accelerates the healing of damaged epidermis, and quickly cleanses the wound of pus and dead tissue fragments, also reduces the visibility of scars;
- immunostimulants:increases the overall resistance of the body and the skin's resistance to injuries.
Viviparas for acne and other skin diseases
The juice contained in the leaves of the living plant is used to treat many skin lesions, such as acne. Viviparas exhibit anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties thanks to the content of elements such as:
- zinc, also known as the "mineral of beauty", regulates the production of sebum that clogs the pores of the skin,
- manganese - has antibacterial and antiallergic properties,
- boron - has an antiseptic and skin tightening effect.
Treatment of acne consists of lubricating the affected areas with the juice of the living plant a few timesdaily. In places where there are purulent lesions, you can put a small sheet without a membrane or a swab soaked in juice.
Viviparous juicealso accelerates the treatment of other skin lesions, for example :
- difficult-to-heal wounds,
- burns,
- bedsores,
- ulcers on the skin,
- postoperative scars,
- dermatitis,
- eczema.
All wounds, except for burns, should be rinsed with viviparous juice or leaves. A gauze pad soaked in juice should be applied to burns.
Viviparus also soothes insect bites, especially mosquitoes - it reduces persistent itching, swelling and redness after bites.
Viviparas for respiratory diseases
Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, the live vulture has an immunostimulating effect, i.e. the body is more resistant to infections, including seasonal infections (e.g. flu). Therefore, it helps to heal conditions such as:
- bronchial asthma
- allergic asthma
- bronchitis
- pneumonia (including bacterial pneumonia)
- angina
- cough
- runny nose (including chronic runny nose)
In order to heal the above-mentioned diseases, you should drink about 30 drops of livebear juice a day. In the case of a runny nose, lubricate the bridge of the nose with juice, and in the case of tonsillitis - around the tonsils.
Viviparas for dental and gum diseases
- periodontitis - mix the juice of the live bait with saliva and hold it in the area of the affected gums for as long as possible;
- bleeding gums - chew a piece of livebug leaf for 15 minutes;
- toothache - put a piece of leaf on the aching tooth and massage for a few minutes.
Viviparas for digestive system diseases
- heartburn - mix 30 drops of juice with saliva, swallow. Best used for 1-3 weeks;
- stomach ulcer or intestinal ulceration - drink 20 drops of juice three times a day before eating.
Viviparus and female diseases
- inflammation of the female genital organs
- erosion of the cervix,
- inflammation or rupture of the nipple in nursing mothers
Viviparous for diabetics
Life vodka stabilizes sugar levels that are too high - drinking 30 drops of juice a day can effectively reduce blood sugar levels.
Viviparous juice for pain of various origins
- headaches,
- rheumatic pains,
- back pain.
Lubricate the affected area with the painful area several times a day.
Other uses of livebear
- tired feet - lubricating the entire foot with the juice of livebear makes the feet tired after a few minutes. The juice will also neutralize the unpleasant smell of the feet - applying it to the feet eliminates the unpleasant smell almost immediately.
- conjunctivitis - the leaves of the viviparous plant should be applied to the closed eyelids several times a day.
- unpleasant smell from the mouth - throw the livebear leaf for 15 minutes.
Contraindications to the use of juice and leaves of livebear
Consuming spirit-preserved viviparous juice is not recommended for people whose potassium content is within or above the normal range.
Due to the alcohol content of approx. 23%, children should not consume viviparous juice.
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