Internet sex is apparently innocent. But over time, you start to think only about it and reach for cybersex several times a day. At work, after work, during the lunch break. Every night, every day. Cyberseks can take over the life of both the addict and his relatives. And then turn them into hell. What are the negative effects of Internet sex addiction?
Cyberseksin his case it started innocently, and now his problem isInternet sex addictionandsex addiction . As is usually the case with addiction. From one smoked cigarette, a snorted dose of cocaine, a bottle of good whiskey. In this case, it started with the fiancée's business trip and too much free time. - In fact, I started to visit the first cybersex websites out of curiosity rather than physical need. It was supposed to be a kind of a joke, a prank of a group of friends who met for a men's drink in the absence of their other halves - recalls Krzysiek. - Together we looked at photos of naked women, together we made fun of entries on erotic forums. But then my friends left and I didn't turn off the computer…. With time, I just stopped observing and joined the discussion. It turned out that many of my erotic fantasies are not perverse or perverted at all. I was just temperamentally different from my girlfriend. Suddenly it turned out that we just didn't fit together at all. Physicality, of course, is not the most important thing, but if we are talking about a fulfilled relationship, it also matters.
Cyberseks - for discharge
PoInternet sexcan be reached anytime and anywhere. When we don't have a permanent partner, when the wife doesn't feel like it again, when we feel lonely and rejected. Nobody judges anyone on the web. He does not ask about earnings, education and future plans. Only physicality matters. Only this is important. This is what is the most insidious about cybersex. In forums devoted to closer networking contacts, you can find people with preferences similar to ours, secret fantasies and innocent obsessions. And although most people claim that they only "watch" what is on forums, three-quarters of them sooner or later take an active part in them.
ProblemCybersex has become the basis of research by many sexologists. In Poland, the phenomenon of Internet sex is de alt with, among others, by prof. Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz and prof. Zbigniew Izdebski. Both claim that the number of cybersex addicts is growing rapidly every month.
Long-term psychotherapy is essential in the case of sex addiction. Sometimes it takes ten years to return to normal life and… normal sex. Becoming resistant to stimuli, and these are everywhere; some say they even happen at the bus stop; it is extremely labor-intensive and requires a lot of energy. The first normal intercourse becomes possible after five years of therapy.
Some people are looking for friends on forums, others are willing to have casual sex in real life, others are only looking for cybersex, which quickly leads to addiction. According to sexologists, all those who spend at least 5 hours a day online are most susceptible to addiction to online experiences. The World He alth Organization WHO estimates that at least a few percent of people around the world are Internet sex addicts. In Poland alone, there may be even several hundred thousand of them. For the cyber addict who plays in front of a webcam, because that's how it usually happens, it is an antidote to stress and frustration. Sexual tension in addicts increases under the influence of experienced stress or failure at work and requires immediate discharge. By masturbating in front of the other Internet user, he gets rid of accumulated fears. But cybersex, like all addictions, only relieves pain for a moment.
Cyberseks is highly addictive and destroys life
A sex addict cannot work if he does not satisfy his sex drive several times a day. Addiction ruins family life, he alth, and life's we alth. - I thought I had an impunity on the Internet. My fiancée was falling asleep and I was starting a second life. I started the computer, undressed in front of the webcam and looked for partners. Usually, there were three or four of the same with whom I exchanged photos and erotic e-mails, of course, to an anonymous inbox. Two or three hours passed this way. After I had an orgasm, I hid my webcam, obliterated all traces. One night I didn't hear my girlfriend getting up to go to the bathroom. She caught me masturbating and my network partner was masturbating on the computer. It was the end of our relationship. I regret it, but sooner or later it would end this way - sighs Marcin. A sexually addicted person experiences all the symptoms of hunger: excruciating muscle aches, irritability, panic, lack of concentration, depression, suicidal thoughts. Maybe temporary reliefbring only quick administration of addictive substance. Erotomaniac produces it by himself. According to the data of Al Cooper, a researcher at Stanford University, over 6 percent. with 10,000 the Internet users he surveyed are probably addicted to Internet pornography, and another 10 percent. has the best predispositions to do so. On the other hand, Patrick Carnes, author of the book "In the shadow of the Internet. Breaking free from network sex addiction, "claims sexaholics can surf the web for hours looking for new opportunities.