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Are you pregnant and feel sick at the mere sight of food? Is your nausea "morning" in name only? Every second woman expecting a baby has problems with nausea. Your loved ones are probably showering you with good advice on how to alleviate them. See which remedies for morning sickness really help.

Morning sickness in pregnancyand even persistentvomitingin the first trimester is a normal symptom. This is a sign that the concentration of progesterone, a hormone necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy, is rising in the body. The symptoms should disappear spontaneously after 12-14. week. If this does not happen, consult your doctor. As bad as you feel, try not to worry about nausea. Stress only exacerbates the symptoms and does not benefit the child. Meanwhile, even intense vomiting that engages the muscles of the entire abdomen does not threaten pregnancy and does not lead to miscarriage. Also, don't worry that the fetus is "starving" with you. It is still tiny but resourceful: it will take everything it needs from your body. If you are concerned about an embarrassing accident in a public place, always have an emergency kit handy. You won't always find a clean toilet quickly, and vomiting into a garbage can is a bad idea. You will need: plastic bags, wet wipes, tissues, a bottle of water, possibly mint drops or chewing gum (to refresh your breath). You should also have a toothbrush and a hot water bottle at work. Filled with warm water and applied to the abdomen, it will relieve muscle pain after vomiting.

Effective remedies for nausea in pregnancy

It's hard to say which of the methods listed here will prove to be perfect for you. Perhaps all of them at once? You can feel the effects almost immediately, but most future mothers feel better only after 2-3 days.

According to an expertTomasz Maciejewski, MD, PhD, specialist in obstetrician gynecology, head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw

Nausea in pregnancy belongs to the so-called physiological symptoms. default symptoms of pregnancy. They usually occur between 6 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. They are caused by the reaction of the woman's body to the increased concentration of certain hormones produced by the ovaries and the chorion. However, these symptoms do not occur in all pregnant women. If nausea does not impede food and fluid intake, it does not require interventionmedical, and only the use of soothing methods. Many pregnant women are also helped by frequent small meals. The problem arises if the nausea leads to vomiting, and these are not individual episodes throughout the day. In this case, the attending physician should be consulted - he will eliminate other causes of nausea, not related to pregnancy. Some pregnant women, who are completely he althy, vomit 3-6 or more times a day between the 6th and 12th week. This can lead to dehydration and exhaustion - in these cases, a stay in hospital and the use of parenteral hydration is necessary, as well as strong anti-emetic drugs. Note: if severe nausea and vomiting suddenly subsides, and the soreness of the breasts decreases in addition, contact your doctor - the pregnancy may have stopped developing.

  • Don't get up abruptly. It's best to lie down after waking up for 15-20 minutes and get up slowly so that your stomach does not jump into your throat. In the reclining position, you can drink a cup of tea (ask someone to make it for you) or a glass of mineral water, or bite something light (rusks, bread rolls, dried fruit, almond flakes).
  • Choose the right vitamin and mineral preparation. Many women complain that they vomit immediately after swallowing a tablet. Some people feel the sweet coating, others are irritated by the size of the dragee. Therefore, choose a preparation with a neutral taste and a friendly shape (consult your doctor or pharmacist), or divide the pill into two parts. Try tablets that should alleviate symptoms, e.g. the Pregna VOMI dietary supplement. In general, it is recommended to take the preparation on an empty stomach, because then it is easiest to assimilate, but some expectant mothers prefer to swallow it only after a solid, warm meal.
  • Don't overeat. Eat little, often, preferably every two hours. Don't wait until you feel hungry: a drop in blood sugar can make you feel sick. To prevent this from happening, carry an "emergency" muesli bar or a handful of dried fruit when out of the house.
  • Pay attention to what you eat. Avoid fatty foods. Deep-fried dishes in particular make nausea worse. However, fulfill your wishes. If you feel like eating high-calorie foods, don't give up on them for fear of gaining weight. If you are not overweight, and you indulge yourself a bit in the first trimester, nothing will happen. You and your baby need energy, and carbohydrates are a good source of them. Usually, pregnant women are rejected from anything that has a sharp, intense flavor. But when you fancy a herring or a pickled cucumber, try it with confidence. Most often, the body knows what it is doingand demands dishes that he accepts without sensation. Remember, however, that cravings are usually a symptom of deficiencies (e.g. acidic, when you lack vitamin C, chocolate with magnesium deficiency) and if they are severe or unusual (e.g. chalk), you should talk to your doctor about them.
  • Take care of vitamin B6 in your daily diet. It is responsible for the absorption of proteins and fats, and is also a proven ally in pregnancy nausea. You will find it in cereals, potatoes, bananas, wheat germ, tuna and lean meats.
  • Try some snacks. Whenever you feel nauseous approaching, grab an apple or a biscuit. You can also slowly sip cold sparkling mineral water, but remember that sodas can promote heartburn.
  • Don't force yourself to eat. The appetite will come back by itself. However, you must drink to prevent dehydration. Intensive vomiting during pregnancy sometimes ends with a stay in the hospital (to administer a drip), but not because of malnutrition, but because of excessive fluid loss. Therefore, give a drink of water or tea. Chamomile tea, with mint or lemon balm is perfect. Also try thinned jelly.
  • Take a snack just before going to bed. It is important not to wake you up in the morning by intense suction in your stomach. But don't overeat. All you need is a piece of crispbread and a glass of cocoa, yogurt or tea.
  • Reach for natural ginger. Pour boiling water over a slice of fresh ginger root and keep covered for 10 minutes. You can sweeten this tea with dark sugar or honey. Grated, fresh ginger is a perfect seasoning for salads. You can also add it to hot dishes, but then add it at the last minute.
  • Avoid intense odors. Your sense of smell is now extremely sensitive and you may not be able to tolerate the smell of detergents, cosmetics and especially food. Therefore, give up cooking, as preparing meals may be beyond your strength. If there is no one to help you, prepare larger amounts immediately and freeze. Explore eateries where intense fragrances greet you right from the doorstep.
  • Don't be a passive smoker, let alone be active. Not only because cigarette smoke promotes vomiting, but also poses a threat to the he alth of the baby.
  • Ventilate your apartment carefully. If possible, sleep with the window ajar, and in winter, open the window wide for at least 20 minutes before going to bed. Frequently air the rooms you are in, set the radiators to 20ºC. Overheated, thin air does not contain enough oxygen.
  • Wear loose clothes. Allow skin to breathe, avoid pressurefor the stomach and diaphragm. Choose a bra carefully, make sure that the panties and tights do not press on your waist. Rapid changes in temperature also increase the tendency to vomit, so wear a simple bulb, and on colder days, do not forget about a hat and gloves.
  • Brush your teeth more often. Not only after vomiting. At the beginning of pregnancy, many women experience a specific, nauseous taste in their mouths. You will most effectively defeat it by brushing your teeth or, if you can't, chewing sugar-free gum or eating a peppermint.
  • Release. Fatigue can also worsen symptoms. Take time during the day to lie down with your legs slightly raised. Let your loved ones help you with your daily duties. You have the right to do so, and they will feel needed.

You can try these remedies for nausea in pregnancy, but without a guarantee

"Proven" by other foods and drinks. From menu and snacks that make nausea go away, to online forums for pregnant women. Some appear especially often, so maybe it's worth trying:

  • citrus: a piece of mandarin, a lemon slice sprinkled with sugar, water with a lemon slice and ice
  • strawberry variations: frozen strawberries (for those who are dizzy after milk), buttermilk with strawberries, strawberry ice cream
  • cola: it is sometimes recommended even for children with food poisoning, because it has a disinfecting effect, so you can drink (preferably degassed), but you can't count on the effects, because vomiting in pregnancy is not caused by poisoning
  • fruit (watermelon, pineapple) and fruit and vegetable juices, i.e. he alth itself
  • extreme ideas: baby porridges, rice cake with a bit of mustard, herring with sauerkraut - these suggestions can make anyone feel bad, not only a pregnant woman, but who knows: the dishes are not poisonous, and the body of the future we have - unpredictable!

Acupuncture In recent years, there have been a lot of scientific reports (Swedish, British and American) on the effectiveness of combating pregnancy ailments (mainly nausea, fatigue and even bleeding) with acupuncture. If your ailments are very severe, and you are not afraid of needles and other methods have failed - it is worth talking to the gynecologist in charge of your pregnancy. Rather, do not look for a specialist on your own, much less try to prick yourself. Acupuncture is a difficult art and you need to get into the hands of a professional. Proponents of this method claim that the effects are brought by skillfully conducted, 20-minute sessions, once a week.

Acupressure Sometimes it is effective to press the point on with your thumbthe inside of the hand. It is located between two tendons, about 3 cm below the wrist. Put your hand around your other hand so that your thumb is exactly in this place and press down firmly. Hold for 5 seconds and release. Repeat 3-4 times. Do the same on the other hand. You can also try continuous pressure for five minutes at four-hour intervals. It certainly won't hurt, but remember - such a procedure only helps some people and only if it has been skillfully performed.

Remedies for nausea in pregnancy - forget about it, or harmful advice!

Nausea does not endanger you and the fetus, but some measures to combat it can be harmful. Therefore, in case of any doubts, it is better to give them up or ask a doctor for their opinion. Below are examples of malicious methods that have appeared on the Internet.

  • Blends and herbal remedies, e.g. for stomach ailments. They are not intended for pregnant women (unless you buy them at a pharmacy and the leaflet clearly states that they are safe to use in pregnancy), they can even be miscarriages. Safe herbs are chamomile and lemon balm.
  • Ginger tablets. Unlike tea made from a slice of fresh ginger, it can be harmful. Contrary to the beliefs of pregnant parts, even the manufacturer of Lokomotiv does not recommend using it during pregnancy and breastfeeding without the consent of a doctor. You only need to read the leaflet …
  • Over-the-counter medications. Maximum caution is recommended here. You should only take sedatives, antiemetics and even over-the-counter vitamins if specifically instructed by your doctor.
  • Withdrawal of prescribed medications. When the expectant mother notices that she feels worse after taking the preparations recommended by the doctor, she is tempted to give them up. Meanwhile, these may be agents with progesterone, enabling the termination of pregnancy, or iron, which is to prevent complications of anemia (including fetal hypoxia). Never arbitrarily stop taking medications! If you feel worse after them, tell your doctor about it.
  • A sip of alcohol. Advice: "A glass will not hurt", especially when it concerns strong alcohols (vodka), may have serious consequences. Even moderate amounts of red wine, which are believed to have a positive effect on the blood, can harm rather than help in cases of nausea.
  • Vinegar and soda. All you need to do is use common sense, and then drinking plain vinegar or a solution of baking soda will be absurd. Although soda in the right proportions and used on an ad hoc basis, it soothes heartburn (there are no reliable reports about vomiting), but the possible dosage and inLeave it at the doctor's discretion.
  • Fluid restriction. Refraining from drinking, especially during severe vomiting, may end up in hospital because you are dehydrated.
  • Aromatherapy. Although not all doctors are convinced of its harmfulness, you must remember that inhaled extracts and aromatic oils can also be harmful. Especially aromatherapy in the bathtub is a waste of time: hot water and intensely scented oils can even trigger premature contractions.

Don't take vomiting lightly. If you are concerned about the frequency with which they recur, are very bothersome for you, or have noticed that you weigh less - be sure to contact your gynecologist. You may need anti-sickness medications.

Herbal teas for pregnant ailments. What kind of tea to drink?

You can fight unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy, such as: morning sickness, energy drops, hot flashes, for example by drinking herbal teas. Check how to prepare an infusion of mint, lemon balm, chamomile and elderberry flower yourself, which will effectively alleviate pregnancy-related ailments.

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