The postpartum belt is designed to enable faster recovery after pregnancy. It maintains, inter alia, in the right position of the abdominal muscles, while minimizing pain in the lower back. However, in order not to hurt yourself, you need to learn the rules of proper use of the postpartum belt.
Postpartum beltis nothing more than a fairly wide, flexible material, usually put on over the legs or fastened with Velcro, possibly with hooks. It should be made of airy, air-permeable fabric, which on the one hand will support the excessively stretched skin and abdominal wall, and on the other hand, it should not restrict movement or put too much pressure on the abdomen, and thus internal organs.
Recovery from pre-pregnancy may take several weeks or even months, so it's no surprise that some new mums are looking for ways to get back into shape faster.
The appearance of the abdomen immediately after giving birth is a concern for many young mothers. During pregnancy, a woman's body changes - the skin first tightens and is tightly stretched, and then, after the birth of a child, it becomes flabby. The muscles are also stretched, which is why few mothers can boast of a flat stomach after childbirth.
How does the belt work?
Producers of postpartum belts emphasize that it can be used both by women after natural childbirth and after caesarean section. In the first case, it is all about keeping the skin, abdominal wall and abdominal muscles in the right position, which are stretched and weakened after pregnancy.
However, in the latter case, i.e. after surgery, it is to additionally prevent the risk of postoperative hernias and alleviate pain in the area of the postoperative wound. In addition, the belt stiffens the spine in the lumbar part, thanks to which it prevents the pain in the lower back, which is so common right after childbirth and in the first months of caring for a small child.
Worth knowingMany women also use the postnatal girdle for aesthetic reasons. There are ladies who put on too much weight during pregnancy and usually, even a few months after giving birth, they cannot lose excess weight. Sagging or spilled abdomen and excess skin stretched often make them complex. And the postpartum belt actually slims the figure visually, making women feel sure they are in itmore attractive. If we decide to buy it, the correct selection of the belt is very important. First of all, you need to carefully measure the circumference of the abdomen and choose the right size, because both too tight and too wide a belt will not fulfill its function.
Postpartum belt: how to use it correctly?
The postpartum belt has many advantages and is popular among young mums, but you need to remember a few rules for its use. Doctors recommend that you start using the maternity girdle about a week or two after delivering physiology and about three to four weeks after cesarean delivery. If we put it on too early, we may not only risk abdominal pain, but also the risk that the uterus will not contract properly.
ImportantAfter delivery by caesarean section, wait until the postoperative wound is healed before putting on the belt. Although the belt is made of breathable, air-permeable material, putting it on too early may prevent it from healing properly.
It should also be remembered that the postpartum belt cannot be worn all day, but a maximum of several hours a day. It is true that it keeps the skin and abdominal wall in the right position, but at the same time it can weaken the abdominal muscles if used for too long. Therefore, it is important to use the postnatal belt as an extra help in getting back into shape after pregnancy. At the same time, however, after several days or weeks (depending on the course of childbirth and previous physical activity), start performing appropriate exercises that will strengthen the abdominal muscles and the lower spine. It's best to check with your doctor when we can start exercising and what kind of exercise will benefit us most.