Flower pollen is an extremely valuable source of nutrients and therefore has a wide range of applications. It is famous for the fact that it improves concentration, supports the immune system, has antibacterial and fungicidal properties. This is only part of the properties of flower pollen. Check which other ailments are worth using pollen for.
Bee pollenis pollen collected by bees and partially processed by them. The collected pollen in the form of small balls are transported by the bees to the hive, and after further digestion, it becomes food for young insects.
Each of these small balls consists of about 100,000 pollen grains, including medicinal plants, such as St. John's wort, dandelion, rosehip.At the entrance to the hive, beekeepers set up a kind of obstacle that keeps some of the pollen in it. After drying, it goes to stores.
It is worth knowing that the preserved pollen isfeathers.
Flower (bee) pollen - composition. What vitamins and minerals does it contain?
Its color depends on the type of plants -the most common is yellow and light brownand in such colors you can buy it in shops and some pharmacies.
Modern research on the composition of pollen and its medical use have been carried out in many European centers. The results of the research showed that it contains over 200 different compounds. It is, among other things, an invaluable source of protein - it accounts for 20 to 40 percent.
The list of amazing properties would be incomplete without the mention of phytohormones and enzymes. The latter enable or accelerate many metabolic processes taking place in the human body.
Bee pollen - vitamins
Average content (per 100 g) of vitamins in the pollen concentration
| 0.9 mg |
| 1.7 mg |
| 0.5 mg |
| 15.5 mg |
| 3.0 mg |
| 18.8 mg |
| 0.06 mg |
| 58.2 mg |
| 13.3 mg |
| 56.0 mg |
Source: Kedzia B., Hołderna-Kedzia E., Composition and biological properties of pollen collected by bees, with particular emphasis on the possibility of using it in cosmetology, "Advances in phytoetrapia" 2016
Flower (bee) pollen - minerals
Average content (in 100 g) of minerals in the pollen deposit
| 515.0 mg |
| 400.8 mg |
| 163.7 mg |
| 141.3 mg |
| 65.3 mg |
| 10.0 mg |
| 9.0 mg |
| 4.8 mg |
| 1.4 mg |
Source: Kedzia B., Hołderna-Kedzia E., Composition and biological properties of pollen collected by bees, with particular emphasis on the possibility of using it in cosmetology, "Advances in phytoetrapia" 2016
Worth knowingThere are also 36 macro- and microelements in bee pollen, including:
- calcium
- iron
- magnesium
- silicon
- sulfur
- copper
- silver
- zinc
- chrome
- molybdenum
For example, calcium (100 g of pollen contains about 164 mg of easily digestible calcium) provides more than yogurt, cottage cheese, beans, dried apricots and pistachios. As a supplier of iron, it can be compared to liver, treated as the richest source of this bioelement.
It is also a rich source of water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins. For example, it contains more vitamin C than apples, potatoes, cabbage, and a lot of vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and PP (which seals blood vessels and prevents them from cracking and bruising).
Flower (bee) pollen - what are its properties?
Clinical trials have shown that the high content of protein and carbohydrate substances is helpful in supplementing protein deficiencies. It is for this reason that pollenIt is recommended for people who have an incorrectly set vegetarian diet, have undergone or are in the process of slimming treatment.A teaspoon of pollen dissolved in a warm liquid, e.g. coffee, tea or water sweetened with honey, is a great way to curb hunger.
Selenium, manganese and zinc are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. Iron, copper, cob alt and manganese play an important role in the treatment of anemia. Zinc has a positive effect on hair growth.Consuming pollen strengthens the bodyexhausted after long-term diseases and treatments. That is why it is recommended, for example, after radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
It is helpful in the treatment of chronic hepatitis and biliary tract inflammation, atherosclerosis and various metabolic disorders, in gastric and duodenal ulcers. It allows you to replenish the deficiencies of elements in a short time, which is whyis recommended for people whose diet contains too little fresh food , too much processed food. fast food.
It is also recommended for hard-working people, from whom constant concentration and intellectual efficiency is required. Just a few minutes after drinking pollen-fortified coffee or tea, we feel a surge of energy.
This product of bees' workalso has an antibacterial effect(its destructive effect on golden staphylococcus is proven)and fungicidal , just like antibiotics . It detoxifies the body of drug residues, nicotine or excessive caffeine.

Flower (bee) pollen - price, where to buy?
When you buy pollen, make sure that it is in the form of tiny colored balls.If there is dust in the jar, it may indicate that pests are embedded in it . In addition, the freshly opened pollen jar smells good. If you smell mold when opened, the pollen is unfit for consumption as it has been stored improperly and may be toxic.
1 kg of pollen costs about PLN 60. You can buy it, among others in he alth food stores and beekeeping products.
Bee pollen - contraindications, side effects
An allergy to honey and other bee products is rare, but it does happen. In such a situation, consumption of pollen may cause runny nose, conjunctival redness, hives on the skin, headache, diarrhea, nausea.
So before you reach for pollen, check it by taking a small dose and observe the body around the clock. If you don't have such reactions, feel free to take advantage of the benefits of apitherapy.
Flower (bee) pollen - application anddosage
The pollen must first be grinded and stored in a closed jar in a dry place. In case of weakness, fatigue, neurosis and other therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to take 4-8 teaspoons of pollen, i.e. 20-40 g daily in divided doses, taken at least 30 minutes before a meal.
In severe diseases, the amount of pollen can be increased without fear of overdosing. Prophylactically, a heaping teaspoon daily added to coffee, tea or warm liquid is enough. The absorption of pollen and its effect is stronger if these drinks are sweetened with honey, not sugar.