Potta's tumor is an inflammation of the bone and marrow of the frontal bone accompanied by a subperiosteal abscess, forming a pasty swelling of the skin and soft tissues around the forehead. The most common Pott's tumor is caused by bacterial sinusitis. What are the other causes and symptoms of Pott's tumor? How is the treatment going? Are the complications of Pott's tumor serious?

Potta's tumor(Eng.Pott's puffy tumor ) is an osteomyelitis of the frontal bone accompanied by a subperiosteal abscess that occurs most often as a rare but very serious complication after sinusitis.

With sinusitis, the infection spreads through the veins that carry blood from the sinuses to the frontal bone, creating an abscess between the frontal bone and the periosteum. Pott's tumor can spread towards the brain, causing a subdural and epidural empyema, a brain abscess, and cavernous sinus thrombosis, and can cause serious orbital complications, ranging from orbital inflammation to complete blindness.

Potta's tumor can also appear as a result of trauma, mastoiditis, malignant tumors, insect bites and acupuncture treatments.

Signs of Potta's tumor

Symptoms of Pott's tumor are primarily swelling of the frontal area, accompanied by:

  • fever
  • cough
  • nasal discharge
  • headache

As the disease progresses, the following appear:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • apathy
  • photophobia
  • focal defective neurological symptoms

Pott's tumor can occur in people of all ages, although it usually affects patients between the ages of 10 and 20.

Diagnosis and treatment of Potta's tumor

The results of laboratory tests indicate a bacterial infection - leukocytosis with a predominance of neutrophils is observed. The exponents of inflammation are also increased, such as:

  • morphology - leukocytosis with a predominance of neutrophils is observed
  • increased OB
  • increased concentration of C reactive protein (CRP)
  • culture of abscess material most often showsHaemofilus influenzae , Moraxella catharallis ,Streptococcus pneumoniaeandStaphylococcus ,Streptococcusand other anaerobic microorganisms

Treatment of Pott's tumor depends on the severity of the disease. It usually involves incision, drainage and cleaning of the affected bone and granulation tissue. Sometimes an endoscopic sinus incision is made.

Until the results of the culture are known, broad-spectrum antibiotics are given intravenously to h alt the progression of the disease. Once information is obtained about the microbe that led to the development of Pott's tumor and its sensitivity to specific antibiotics, the medication may be changed. The duration of treatment and administration of the antibiotic depends on the progress of the treatment - how quickly the local osteomyelitis resolves.


Remember not to underestimate bacterial sinusitis. Treatment of sinusitis aims to eliminate overgrown bacteria and to open the sinuses. However, if the inflammation is acute (lasting 3-4 weeks) or chronic (longer than 4 weeks), complications may occur - one of them is Potta's tumor.

Complications of sinusitis

One of the main consequences of ignoring sinus disease is the decline in immunity throughout the body. What else could be the consequences and complications of untreated sinusitis? Listen to our expert - otolaryngologist Michał Michalik from the MML Medical Center.
