Common oleander is a very attractive ornamental shrub. It is distinguished by beautiful, most often pink or white flowers. Due to the type of climate, pot oleanders are grown most often in Poland. Find out about their care and cultivation. Is pot oleander poisonous? What's the price?
- Oleander - what does he look like?
- Oleander - care
- Oleander - reproduction
- Oleander - he alth properties
- Oleander - is poisonous
- Oleander - price
Common oleander( Nerium oleanderL.) is a species from the toinaceae family ( Apocynaceae).
It comes from the Mediterranean basin. In these areas it is an evergreen ornamental shrub. It is also found in South Asia.
Oleander is grown in many countries around the world as a potted and ornamental plant.
Oleander - what does he look like?
Oleander is one of the most popular decorative plants. It is a shrub (or a small tree), 3-5 m high and up to 6 m wide.
Its leaves are dark green, thick, leathery and lanceolate. They grow alternately. They are on average 16 cm long and 3 cm wide.
In Poland, oleander is usually grown as a potted plant.
Oleander attracts attention above all with beautiful, always fragrant flowers. They reach a size of up to 5 centimeters and come in shades of pink, purple, red and white, and sometimes even yellow.
There are many varieties of oleander depending on the type of flower. They can be single (e.g.Monica ,Punctatum ) or full ( Splendens ,Grandiflora ).
Oleanders bloom continuously from May to September.
Oleander - care
Oleander care is not too demanding. It should be grown in pots in universal flower soil.
This plant needs to be watered abundantly in summer. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. Too little water will cause the plant to start shedding flowers.
Please note that oleander needs a lot of light. When it has too little access to sunlight, it grows strongly upwards. If this is the case, it should be trimmed in spring to get it startedgrowing across.
Since last year's shoots are also blooming, they should be shortened (the most!) By half.
In summer, oleanders should be exposed on terraces or balconies, because outside they are full of flowers than at home. In winter, however, oleanders should be provided with a cool, sunny room.
During oleander growth, fertilize every week. Young plants require replanting every year, while older plants should be replanted as needed.
Worth knowingOleanders are relatively resistant to various types of pests. It happens, however, that they fall prey to the scale markers. If an infection is noticed, the plant should be sprayed with a special preparation against scales.
Oleander - reproduction
Oleanders can be bred in early spring and summer. Slightly woody shoots should be cut (about 10 cm) and put in a container with water. In this way, with the right amount of light, the shoots will take root after a few weeks.
Seedlings should then be planted into the ground and cared for similarly to adult oleanders.
Freshly propagated shrubs start blooming after just one year.
Oleander - he alth properties
In ancient Rome, Greece and India, oleander was used to treat heart disorders.
Oleander was used for healing in the 19th century:
- malarii
- high fever
- chills
It was also used before World War II for heart rhythm disorders and heart failure.
Oleander leaf contains up to 1.5% glycosides, these are:
- oleandrin
- digitoksgenina
- neriantyna
- rozagenina
- Oleander glycosides are better absorbed than digitalis glycosides.
They are helpful in the treatment of angina, passive congestion and edema.
They also have a positive effect on the heart: they prevent hypertension and arrhythmia, and heal heart neurosis.
Overdosing on oleander-based remedies causes severe vomiting, diarrhea and painful gastrointestinal cramps.
Oleandra should not be consumed by pregnant women as it may result in miscarriage.
Oleander can also pass into breast milk and harm the baby, therefore oleander is also not recommended for nursing mothers.
Oleander - is poisonous
Oleander, although a beautiful ornamental plant with healing properties, is also highly poisonous.
If consumed in too large amounts, it causes:
- feeling sick
- vomiting
- pupil dilation
- shortness of breath
- no feeling in the mouth
- disordersheart rate
Its action can even be fatal.
Death usually takes place 2-3 hours after consuming an excessive amount of this plant.
In the past, oleander was used to commit suicide or poisoning.
Poisoning with oleander glycosides can happen even after taking twigs or leaves of a shrub in the mouth. For this reason, this plant should not be grown in homes that are inhabited by small children and animals.
Cut branches or leaves of oleander must not be smoked, as even smoke can be toxic.
Particular care should be taken when caring for this shrub. Be careful not to get the juice from the twigs near the mouth when cutting the shoots.
All parts of oleander are poisonous.
Oleander - price
The price of small seedlings ranges from PLN 10-30. Large shrubs, on the other hand, are much more expensive. A medium-sized bush costs about PLN 120. Depending on the size, their price can reach even several hundred zlotys.
About the authorWeronika RumińskaA graduate of Polish philology with an editorial and publishing specialization at the University of Warsaw. She developed her interests related to the editor's work already during her master's studies, actively cooperating with on the editorial path and social media. Privately, a lover of good crime fiction and horse riding.Read more articles from this author