Many millions of people die because of infectious diseases, also in the countries of the so-called civilized. And we are discussing whether it is worth vaccinating children. Because a lot of controversy, misunderstandings and misinformation have arisen around vaccination. Check that vaccines are safe and effective.
Are the vaccines safe?Vaccinate or not vaccinate? Parents ask themselves this question more and more often. This is one of the reasons behind the anti-vaccination movements that are undermining the effectiveness of vaccines.
- The most fateful was a 1998 scientific publication by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who in the prestigious scientific journal Lancet published an article suggesting that the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) caused autism in children. This information led to the vaccination crash in Great Britain, where vaccinations for these diseases fell below the safety limit - says Dr. Wojciech Feleszko, pediatric immunologist from the Department of Pneumology and Children's Allergology at the Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw in Warsaw.
- These arguments have been refuted many times as being unscientific and completely untrue. Dozens of studies contradicted Wakefield's information, and the magazine apologized for the publication. Unfortunately, this rumor still lives on of its own, also in Poland. Black PR has harmed MMR vaccinations, and as a result, in recent years, the number of cases of measles, a dangerous disease for which vaccinations are mandatory, has increased in many countries in Europe and the world, warns Dr. Wojciech Feleszko.
This is not the only case where unreliable research and biased information about its results have led to a decline in the number of vaccinations. In the 1970s, immunization against whooping cough in Germany was stopped, allegedly because of the brain damage that the vaccine could cause.
The French were told that the hepatitis B vaccine was one of the causes of multiple sclerosis. The news that vaccines - almost all of them - cause AIDS, infertility, and transfer deadly prions have also caused great hysteria.
And although none of these reports has been confirmed by many years of research independent of pharmaceutical companies, the social effects have always been serious.
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Vaccinations are effective in fighting diseaseonly when they are carried out on a large scale. Widespread vaccination against smallpox led to the elimination of this deadly disease in 1980. If a small percentage of the population is vaccinated or vaccination intervals are incompatible with vaccine dosing, pathogens may mutate, resulting in the emergence of new pathogenic strains against which no vaccines are available. are effective.

Vaccinations are safe
The fact that vaccines, like other drugs, can cause side effects: redness, swelling, pain at the injection site, less often - increased temperature, malaise, headache - should not discourage any reasonable person. - Vaccination should not be afraid - says Wojciech Feleszko, MD, PhD.
Each type of vaccine, both traditional and new generation, has its advantages and disadvantages, it was not possible to develop an ideal product - 100% effective. and not causing any side effects. Vaccines are produced in accordance with the highest technological regimes and admitted to trading after multi-stage studies. They are also subject to the strictest storage conditions (in refrigerated conditions at every stage and distribution).
Prevention of infectious diseases through mass vaccination is one of the greatest achievements of medicine. Even if some people experience adverse vaccine reactions after receiving the vaccine, it should be remembered that complications from an infectious disease are much more common and can be fatal.
- Vaccinations are a recognized and safe method allowing to increase immunity - says Dr. hab. of medical sciences Józef Haczyński, internist at the Damian Medical Center. - Thanks to vaccinations, it was possible to eliminate many infectious diseases and reduce their he alth consequences.
Vaccinations allow you to train your immune system and prepare it to fight the real enemy. Compulsory vaccinations are included in the vaccination calendar, and additionally the vaccination calendar includes non-compulsory vaccinations - adds the expert.
- The parent decides about the optional vaccination together with the doctor. As an experienced and elderly physician, in my work I have encountered many complications of diseases resulting from the lack of vaccinations. Of course, any medical intervention carries a risk of complications. However, the incidence of vaccine complications is not high, and the risk-benefit ratio always tilts the balance towards the benefits of vaccination.
Our body encounters a huge amount of antigens (factors that stimulate the immune system) every day. Currently produced vaccines contain selected and purified antigens in small amounts. None of us parents would like our child to suffer an infectious disease due to our imprudence and risk its complications - says Dr. Haczyński.
Mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde - should we be afraid of anything? What's in the vaccine?
- In addition to antigens that induce the body's defense mechanisms, vaccines may contain various auxiliary substances - says Dr. hab. Ewa Augustynowicz from the Department of Serum and Vaccine Research of the National Institute of Public He alth - PZH.
- These are primarily adjuvants that enhance the body's response to the administered antigen and preservatives, and many others that are necessary for the vaccine to be effective and safe. The function of these substances is, colloquially and simplifiedly speaking, to create a favorable environment for the antigens contained in the vaccine. - says the expert.
- The vaccine may also contain substances from the production process, for example, formaldehyde, which is used to inactivate the virus or inactivate the bacterial toxin used in the vaccine. However, we are dealing with trace amounts of this substance. The presence of the above-mentioned substances and many others that can be found in detail on the preparation leaflet does not mean that they pose a threat to our he alth - adds Dr. Ewa Augustynowicz.
- Knowledge on this subject is the result of many decades of research and testing - emphasizes Dr. Ewa Augustynowicz. - Besides, it is not the very fact of the presence of the substance that matters, but most of all the dose with which we are dealing. A good example is formaldehyde, which is naturally produced by our body as one of the many products of metabolism.
Formaldehyde in each of us is present in a constant concentration in the blood (about 2.5 µg / ml of blood), compared to which the amounts present in the vaccine are trace amounts, and the dose that could cause harmful effects is several hundred times higher - convinces the expert.
Worth knowingWhere can I find reliable information on vaccinations?
1. From your specialist doctor or, in the case of children, from a pediatrician or neonatologist. Our doubts must be dispelled by specialists who have real contact with us, not "voices" from internet forums.
2. If we want to search for information on the Internet, let's check what about vaccinationscredible public institutions write. The following websites are worth recommending:
- Ministry of He alth -
- Chief Sanitary Inspector -
- of the National Institute of Public He alth, National Institute of Hygiene - immunization.
You may also find it helpful:
- websites of hospitals, he alth centers, clinics
- the website of the campaign "Zaszczać się się", where you can find up-to-date information on vaccinations, interviews with experts and analyzes
1. Medical arguments tip the scales in favor of vaccinations,
2. Mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, or the whole truth about what is in vaccines,