Killer - the training program, whose full name is Burning and Modeling, is the most effective of Ewa Chodakowska's ways to lose unnecessary kilograms. In 40 minutes of intense exercise, you can burn up to 600 kilocalories. How to do it?
Ewa Chodakowska's Killeris a training program for advanced people. Extremely simple in form, it engages the whole body to work and does not give you time for even a moment of respite. Thanks to this, although difficult, it is also extremely effective. A 45-minute set of exercises requires really excellent condition, so if you are just starting your adventure with Ewa Chodakowska and her trainings, try a slightly easier program, e.g. Skalpel.
Killer training program: what is it about?
Ewa Chodakowska's trainingconsists of three blocks of intense exercise, divided by breaks, during which we perform cardio exercises, while regulating our breathing. One block consists of a series of exercises that must be repeated three times. The exercises focus mainly on the work of the legs and abdominal muscles. They are not complicated in execution, but the pace imposed by the trainer and the number of repetitions performed intensify the effort.
It is the intervals (interval training) that make the Killer effective. During training, the body works all the time, only the area of used muscles changes. 5-minute cardio training increases performance and improves condition, while 10-minute sets of strength exercises strengthen certain parts of the body.
Unfortunately, for most people the first crash with a Killer is guaranteed soreness, but it is not worth giving up at the start. At the beginning, only in a few cases is it possible to do the training correctly and completely, but successive exercises (2-3 times a week) will allow for a fairly quick improvement of the form, and the moment when we perform the entire Killer will give a lot of satisfaction.
This will be useful to youIt is important to do the exercises at the right pace, which can be very difficult especially at the beginning, because Killer, as the name suggests, is really demanding.
See the duel of Ewa Chodakowska and Dziarski Grandpa
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What effects does it giveKiller by Ewa Chodakowska?
What distinguishes Killer from other workouts by Ewa Chodakowska is an extensive block of cardio exercises, helping to get rid of unnecessary kilograms and improve endurance. This part of the training consists mainly of exercises such as jumping jacks, running in place or jumping. Interestingly, paradoxically, it is this part that gives you a moment to regulate your breathing. Even if we care more about sculpting muscles than burning calories, we should not give up this block. It is cardio exercises that will improve your condition and circulation.
Note! Thin people who decide to train with Killer may develop thigh and calf muscles, so if you have massive legs, Killer is not for you.
Strength exercise blocks, mainly based on abdominal tensions and the work of the thighs and buttocks, help to sculpt the figure and get rid of the circumference of a few centimeters. If at the beginning of training with Ewa Chodakowska's Killer you are not able to complete the entire exercise program, do only 1-2 cycles and go straight to stretching. Once you feel more confident, try to survive the entire training session.
Killer Advantages
The high difficulty level of the Killer affects its effectiveness. In addition to positive changes in appearance, the correct performance of this training gives great satisfaction, because it requires from us full commitment and a large dose of self-denial. What are the advantages of Killer?
- improvement of stamina and endurance;
- strengthening the abdominal and leg muscles;
- loss of extra kilos;
- oxygenation of the organism;
- increasing the level of serotonin (the happiness hormone).