Frequent long-distance running can cause injuries. In order to avoid them, it is worth performing efficiency and biomechanical tests. Such advanced research can provide vital information about their own body not only to marathon runners but also to amateur runners. They allow you to assess the body's efficiency, detect any abnormalities in the work of the muscular and skeletal system, and also determine which parts of the body are most exposed to injuries while running.
You must do endurance and biomechanical tests if you want to run in complete safety, prevent possible injuries and measure your fitness level. Thanks to advanced measurement techniques, the tests help to check the work of the entire motor system and the runner's efficiency during exercise. The information obtained in this way makes it possible to adjust the training loads to the condition and to improve the running technique.
The research is best carried out when the frequency of training is reduced - e.g. during the period of non-training.
Biomechanical examination: video analysis of walking and running on a treadmill
During the examination, the patient enters the treadmill, and the recording cameras track the movement of his feet with an accuracy of 200 times per second. The analysis allows to detect uneven pelvic work, valgus position of the knees and feet. Based on the video image, the specialist is able to determine what changes in the running technique should be introduced so that the effort is more effective and does not pose a risk of injury.
The analysis of the walking and running on the treadmill also allows you to assess whether the foot has a tendency to pronation or supination. The information on foot positioning can help advanced and novice runners in choosing properly contoured footwear.
Biomechanical study: gait and run analysis on the podometric path
The podometric path shows how the individual parts of the foot press against the ground while running and walking. The examination detects areas of increased pressure that are exposed to overloads, painful pressure, and even fatigue fractures of the foot bones.
Analyzing your run on a sub-meter path is also helpful in determining what level of cushioning your running shoes should have. Proper cushioning prevents the formation of points of increased pressure.
Biomechanical study: stability analysis
The stabilographic test is carried out on a special dynamic platform that allows you to assess the efficiency of the muscles in terms of maintaining the stability of the body. This is especially important for the analysis of the phase of the run in which we fall to one leg - the better the balance and neuromuscular control, the better the body's cushioning. This reduces the risk of torsion injuries to the ankle and knee joints.
Biomechanical test: measuring moments of muscle strength
The test is based on the analysis of the strength of the bending, extending and rotating muscles in the knee joint. Statistically, it is these places that are most exposed to injuries and overload. Thanks to the measurement, we can objectively determine which muscles require strengthening in order to improve the biomechanics of movement and the effectiveness of training.
Fitness test: spiroergometry
Spiroergometry is a complex study of the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems. Until recently, it was used only by professionals, today it is more and more often performed by amateur runners. It can be used to analyze your training progress as it allows you to track how your breathing capacity and exercise tolerance change over time.
Contrary to appearances, research is not complicated. Initially, the doctor measures the patient's pressure and auscultates the heart. Then the patient enters the treadmill, where a heart rate monitor and a special mask are put on him, by means of which the efficiency of the respiratory system is recorded. Additionally, the examined person can be connected to the EKG apparatus.
The entire test takes 15-20 minutes. Parameters that can be measured by spiroergometry include:
- VO2max , i.e. the maximum intake of oxygen delivered to the body during one minute. In he althy people it is about 40 ml / min. The higher the value of this index, the more oxygen the muscles can use, which translates into better training results;
- Lung Minute Ventilation- Determines how much air flows through the lungs per minute. When idle, the indicator is approx. 7 l / min, but after a few minutes of running it can increase to even 200 l / min;
- heart rate- thanks to the test, it is possible to determine the maximum heart rate in detail and define the boundaries of training zones (e.g. determine the stage of exercise, in which anaerobic metabolic processes begin to prevail over oxygen metabolism).
Biomechanical and performance testsis a helpful diagnostic tool also for beginners who just want to start running training. Thanks to them you canSpotting mistakes in running technique in time and prevent possible injuries.
In turn, spiroergometry can be useful in the overall assessment of he alth and diagnosing possible contraindications to running. The study also provides a basis for observing sports progress - measuring your performance at the beginning and during training allows you to observe how the body has adapted to changes in physical activity, and also increases motivation.