Protein cocktails are an extremely valuable source of protein. The demand for this ingredient is increased among people who train intensively due to the increased catabolic processes during prolonged physical exertion. What's the best time to consume protein shakes before or after training?
Protein cocktailsare very popular among athletes. They are based on protein-rich foods, such as milk and dairy products, or commercial protein supplements. Fruit, grains or vegetables can be added topost-workout protein shakes . Such composition makes cocktails a valuable source of not only protein, but also carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the athlete's body.
When to drink protein shakes - before or after training?
Protein, the source of which is protein cocktails, plays an important role in the response to exercise. It is necessary to repair damaged tissues during training and to build new ones, including muscle tissue. During prolonged exercise, the catabolism (breakdown) of body proteins increases. Therefore, to cover protein losses caused by physical activity, it is recommended to consume them immediately after exercise, preferablyup to 30 minutes after training , up to 2 hours at the latest. This time is called anabolic window, i.e. the period in which the body is able to most effectively absorb the nutrients lost during exercise.
It is recommended that you consume 10 to 20 g of protein immediately after endurance training. This will contribute to the repair of damaged muscle tissue and increase adaptation to the next training. On the other hand, strength athletes should consume 20 to 40 g of protein immediately after exercising. This will allow for the regeneration, growth and maintenance of muscle tissue. In addition, the addition of carbohydrates to protein cocktails will accelerate the restoration of glycogen and proteins in the muscles and accelerate the regeneration of the body.
What should a properly prepared protein shake consist of?
A properly prepared protein cocktail should consist of products that are a source of wholesome protein, i.e. milk, kefir, buttermilk, yoghurt or cottage cheese. Protein is an essential part of everyone's dietathlete, accelerates muscle regeneration after physical exertion and increases muscle mass.
An addition to the cocktail can also bepurchased protein supplements , which include whey proteins, casein, soy protein or egg albumin. Their undoubted advantage is the high content of high-quality protein characterized by good solubility and high bioavailability. Protein supplements from the store, compared to products of natural origin, contain practically no carbohydrates and fat. However, not all protein preparations available on the market are of high quality, so you should pay special attention to the composition of the supplement when choosing it.
Carbohydrate products should be the next ingredient in protein shakes for athletes. Among them are oatmeal, muesli, honey and fruit. Carbohydrates are a substrate for the production of glycogen, the appropriate level of which determines the improvement of endurance during prolonged exercise, delaying the onset of fatigue.
You can also add fruit or vegetables to the cocktail. In addition to the taste, these products are a source of valuable vitamins and minerals that are necessary for athletes after intense physical exertion, because their level in the body is lowered due to accelerated physiological processes, increased oxidative stress, and increased urination and sweat secretion.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreThis will be useful to youAdditions to protein shakes
You can add to protein cocktails: bananas, raspberries, currants, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, apples, cucumbers, spinach, nuts, oatmeal, almond flakes, muesli, raisins, honey.
How to prepare a protein shake?
Preparation of protein shakes doesn't take much time. You only need ingredients that you can easily buy and a mixer or blender to combine dairy products with previously prepared additives, mix and ready. Protein cocktails are very varied, delicious and nutritious. They can be prepared only with the addition of fruit, vegetables, but also both of these products at the same time, depending on your preferences. You can also add spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, chili, basil or freshmint or lemon balm leaf.
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