Yoga of the chakras is based on the assumption that there are places in our body where energy channels intersect, and thus energy flowing through the body. We feel and think with what has filled our chakras. Chakra yoga is designed to help us remove the negative thoughts and feelings that we have accumulated, and to cleanse energy channels from them. Learn the asanas that will make it possible for you and read what functions specific chakras are responsible for in the body.
Yoga of the chakrasaims to activate, strengthen and purify them by practicing specific asanas. Chakra (chakra) are clusters of energy that swirl around our body - they accumulate prana energy and cross the nadi energy channels. In Sanskrit, "chakra" means "wheel" and the word is meant to reflect the shape of the chakras.
Yoga of the chakrasassumes that they are invisible to the naked eye, but are responsible for the harmonious functioning of our body. Each of the seven chakras running along the spine - from its base to the top of the head - has a different role and each has a different color. Thanks to yoga of the chakras we activate the chakras which move clockwise and open like flowers, restoring our physical and spiritual balance.
Chakras spin - the faster they do it, the more they can produce and give back energy. The frequency of their energy display increases with successive chakras - the root chakra, located at the bottom of the spine, shows the least, and the crown chakra, located at the top of the head, shows the most. The intensity of the colors in the chakras also changes - from red to purple.

First chakra - root chakra
The root chakra has a blood red color.
As chakra yoga assumes, the Base chakra is located at the base of the spine. In Sanskrit it is called the muladhara chakra - "mula" means "root" and "adhara" means "support".
The chakra is supposed to play the role of the root in the structure of a tree in our body - when it is weak, the whole organism will malfunction, but when the base is strong - and the whole works better. The root chakra is responsible for contact with the Earth, because it draws energy from it - it is in the root chakra that the network of nadi energy channels begins, through whichenergy is distributed throughout the body. By connecting with the Earth, the first chakra is responsible for everything that is "mundane", material, for our state of possession.
When it doesn't function properly, we become too greedy for material things. On the other hand, the root chakra is responsible for our self-confidence, self-acceptance, when its work is disturbed, we become dissatisfied, we start to feel anxiety, we often run away into the world of dreams. The first chakra is also related to our fertility and our will to survive.
Element: earth
Sense: smell
Gland: adrenal glands
Second chakra - sacral chakra (sacred)
The sacral chakra has an intense orange color.
In Sanskrit it is called svadhisthana chakra - "sva" means "something that is mine" and "dhisthana" means "the present place of what is mine".
The sacral chakra is located just below the navel - above the pubic hair. She is responsible for our creative strengths as well as for sexual matters. The first chakra is primarily about survival, the second chakra - also with pleasure. She is responsible for our relations with the opposite sex, for our attractiveness and whether we can (or not) attract someone to whom we feel desires.
According to chakra yoga theory, the sacral chakra is the opening through which two lovers exchange their energy during sex. It is worth adding, however, that they will feel charged with this positive power only when the rapprochement is accompanied by a feeling, otherwise there will be mental and physical weakness.
Element: water
Sense: taste
Gland: testicles, ovaries
Third chakra - Solar plexus chakra
The solar plexus chakra has an intense yellow color. In Sanskrit, "mani" means a jewel and "pura" means a city.
Its front part is located in the fovea between the front ribs, and the rear part - right behind it. In yoga, the chakras are considered the human energy center, and its element is fire.
The solar plexus chakra is responsible for many negative emotions: anger, anxiety, jealousy, selfishness, greed, hatred. Only when it is functioning properly can we tame these feelings. Thanks to the balanced third chakra, we can be assertive and mentally strong. It is in the area of the third chakra that most problems arise and the most intense work is done on its proper operation.
Element: fire
Sense: smell
Gland: Spleen
Fourth chakra - heart chakra
The fourth chakra hasgreen color. In Sanskrit, her name is "anahata", which means: "invincible".
The heart chakra is located in the middle of the breastbone and is responsible for our positive feelings: love, compassion, and its task is to maintain the balance between body and spirit.
It is thanks to her that we can admire works of art: moving images, outstanding reading or beautiful music. The heart chakra makes us sensitive to the beauty of culture and nature, but most of all - it enables us to feel boundless love. However, if the fourth chakra is weakened, we will become oversensitive and will be easily injured.
Element: air
Sense: touch
Gland: Thymus
Fifth chakra - throat (laryngeal) chakra
The fifth chakra is blue in color.
The throat chakra is located on the neck - above the interclavian fovea and is connected to the second chakra - the sacral chakra. In Sanskrit, her name is "visuddha" and means "absolute purity".
The throat chakra is the junction between the lower and upper chakras, between the body and spirit. It is responsible for our ability to communicate with others - the ability to communicate and express our own thoughts.
If the throat chakra is overactive, we become too talkative, we do not let our interlocutors come to a word, but when it is underactive - there may be problems with speaking and too little patience with interlocutors. The throat chakra is also responsible for being truthful - not only towards others, but also for not lying to yourself.
Element: space
Sense: hearing
Gland: thyroid
Sixth chakra - third eye chakra
The sixth chakra is indigo (navy blue). In Sanskrit, its name is "ajna" and means "command".
Yoga chakras finds the third eye chakra located between the eyebrows. This chakra is responsible for our ability to see - not only in the literal but also metaphorical sense - it governs our intuition and wisdom. It is also responsible for the work of other chakras, except for the first - basic chakra. It is also related to paranormal issues, it is supposed to open to the ability to see the future and is responsible for our ability to think abstractly.
Element: sixth sense
Sense: sight
Gland: pituitary gland
Seventh chakra - crown chakra
The seventh chakra is purple. In Sanskrit, its name is "sahasrara", which means "having a thousand petals".
The crown chakra is located on the top of the head and is the seat of perfection in man. He respondsfor feeling reality in a spiritual way and for spinning the remaining chakras at higher frequencies. It is through her that the energy is sent out.
The crown chakra is also associated with our sense of inner harmony and with the relationship with the divine power - it is thanks to it that we are to experience unity with the supreme deity. There are no energy blockages in this chakra, but the chakra can be more or less developed.
Element: cosmic energy
Sense: ether
Gland: pineal gland
Yoga chakras - symptoms of proper and malfunctioning of the chakras
Symptoms of the proper operation of chakras are closely related to specific functions performed by each of them:
- the root chakra- when it is functioning properly, we have our feet firmly on the ground and we are financially resourceful when it fails - we become too greedy for material goods or we cannot cope with matters related to with money;
- sacral chakra- when it functions properly, we feel physically attractive and we have no problems with establishing contacts with the opposite sex, our urinary system and genitals work well when it is damaged - we have problems with the sexual sphere: we either cannot open ourselves to sex, or we indulge in it without love;
- solar plexus chakra- when it functions properly, we feel calm and mental balance on a daily basis, when it is disturbed, e.g. due to stressful work, we are nervous, we get irritated quickly, we have problems with the stomach and spleen;
- heart chakra- when it functions properly, our heart and thymus work he althy, and we are able to admire the world, we are empathetic, we can bestow affection for others; disturbances in the functioning of the heart chakra lead to the inability to enter into a long-term relationship, focus on oneself and one's negative emotions;
- throat chakra- when it is functioning properly, we have no problems communicating with other people - when we speak, we clearly express our thoughts; if her work is disturbed, there are problems with speaking and patiently listening to the other person;
- third eye chakra- people in whom it works properly have a highly developed intuition, they can see what kind of aura surrounds a given person; those with disturbances in the functioning of the third eye chakra are not so sensitive to signals coming from reality or from other people;
- crown chakra- a person whose crown chakra is working properly is at peace with himself and the world - each day welcomes you withjoy, feels connected with the universe and the divine being, while those who experience disturbances in its functioning feel a constant fear, especially of death, are closed to spiritual matters.
Yoga chakras - asanas to unlock the chakras
Some yoga positions have the power to unblock malfunctioning chakras. See how to exercise to improve the flow of energy at those points in your body that are causing you to feel unwell.
1. Asanas to unlock the root chakra
Stand upright, hip-width apart. Place your feet firmly on the ground, with your arms hanging freely along your body. Press the soles of your feet even harder to the ground, and press the thighs together. Then lower your tailbone, lift your breastbone, and open your chest. Extend your arms along your body, lengthen your spine, and point the top of your head towards the ceiling. Make sure that your body weight is evenly distributed over the right and left leg.
Virabadrasana 1
Stand upright on the mat, and then throw your left leg far back, but keep it steady on it all the time. Press both feet firmly to the ground, and then, on the exhale, bend your right (front) leg at the knee. Inhale, raise your arms above your head, straighten your elbows, and bring your hands together. Stay in this position for 5 slow inhalations and exhalations.
2. Asanas to unblock the sacral chakra
Janu sirsasana
Sit on the mat, bend your knees and position them so that the feet of both legs touch. Then straighten your right leg at the knee and keep your left leg bent. Inhale and toss your arms vertically upwards, on the exhale, grasp the toes of your extended leg with both hands - so that you feel your spine stretching. Remember to keep your back straight. If you can, grab the side edges of your foot - get down lower and lean forward even more. Then try to bend down even tighter and take hold of your heel. Keep your abdominal muscles relaxed and slowly return to the starting position, then repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Sit on the floor with straight legs. Then bend over, trying to grasp the fingers of both feet with your hands, or grab your legs where you can lean the most without bending your knees. Inhale and then exhale bend - starting at the hips, through the chest, finally tilting your head. Relax your spine, neck, and neck, then, inhaling, raise yourself slightly and straighten your spine. Try to make each subsequent bend deeper, but don'tdo nothing by force.
3. Asanas to unlock the solar plexus chakra
Sit on the mat with your heels together with your knees together, your palms in your lap. Lean forward slowly so that your head is lightly touching the mat. When your arms are straightened, they should be relaxed next to your body. Then, spread your knees a bit and lean your arms and torso forward, take a few inhale and exhale, then come back to the starting position.
Sit cross-legged with your back straight. To help you get into the correct position, place your hands next to your hips, prop up on your toes, then lift your buttocks and sit down so that your sacrum is vertical. Place your hands on your thighs - they can either face in or out. Relax your hands, bend them at the elbows, keep your fingers slightly bent. Hold in a posture for a few inhale and exhale.
4. Asanas to unlock the heart chakra
Kneel in a position with your thighs slightly apart, place your hands on your hips, and take a deep breath. Gently bend your spine back and tense your thighs as you exhale. Then place both hands on your heels or the soles of your feet and tense your buttocks. Let your head fall freely backwards. Push your thighs and hips forward, pressing your hands on your feet. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then release your arms and slowly sit on your heels. Lean forward to touch the ground with your forehead. Hold this position for a few breaths in and out.
The chakras, although arranged along the spine, are not physical in nature.
Lie on your back with straight legs, bend your hands slightly at the elbows and place them under your buttocks. Bring your weight to your elbows and lift your chest up. Tilt your head back so that the tip touches the ground. Now shift your weight onto the buttocks and try to hold this position as long as possible while breathing freely. Slowly return to the starting position.
5. Asanas to unlock the throat chakra
Lie down on the mat (for ease of use, you can tuck the blanket under your shoulders and elbows), your head should lie freely on the floor. Then bend your knees and slowly begin to raise them towards your chest. Lift your buttocks up, put your feet behind your head, and straighten your legs at the knees. Place your hands firmly on the floor. There should be a right angle between the chest and the floor. Place your hands inside out on the mat. Fold your palms together so that the insides of your elbows point to the ceiling. Hold this position likelongest and then come back to the starting position.
Salamba sarvangasana
Lie on your back, place your arms alongside your body and join your legs together. Then contract your abdominal muscles and lift your thighs and legs up to a right angle with the floor. Raise your buttocks and lower back with your elbows bent from behind. Straighten your legs while keeping your balance. Support your ribs with your hands, pinch your fingers in your straightened legs. Remember to breathe all the time, try to stay in this position as long as possible.
6. Asana to unlock the third eye chakra
Sit down with your legs stretched out in front of you. Place the palms of the palms facing forward under the buttocks, the elbows of both hands close together. Then bend your elbows and lower your forearms to the ground, place them parallel to each other and lean on them. Then raise your chest to the ceiling, arching your back. Lower your head back so that it is freely touching the ground. Take a few deep breaths in and out in this position.
7. Asana to unlock the crown chakra
This asana is difficult to perform, it is not intended for people who are just starting their adventure with yoga. Shirshasana means standing on your head, and how to do it step by step, and how to prepare for it, you can read in the article below.