Jen Selter is a fitness trainer and social media star who specializes in buttock exercises. Jen herself can boast a round and firm bum without cellulite, which is envied by millions of female fans around the world. What's the secret of Jen Selter's training? Discover the best buttock exercises that the trainer recommends.
Do you want to have protruding, round buttocks? Try theJen Selter exercises ! This is a specialist in firm buttocks. She boasts of her seductive shapes on Instagram, where she is followed by over 11 million fans. Although she has achieved enormous success in social media, her career was not so easy at all.
Jen Selter - from black sheep to fitness star
As a teenager, Jen had a lot of complexes and didn't like her appearance - she thought she was too skinny and her nose was too big. The situation was made worse by the fact that for a long time she had been the object of mockery among her peers at school. She was particularly affected by the malicious comments of her friends under the photos she posted on Facebook. Today, Jen considers it a paradox - social media, which first tried to destroy her, later contributed to her spectacular success.
Read also: Ewa Chodakowska's success - what is the Success training and what are its effects?
A post shared by Jen Selter (@jenselter) on Aug 7, 2016 at 8:58 PDT
Jen Selter's career began when she took over as a receptionist at a fitness club. Using the available devices, she worked hard on her body every day. She especially liked the exercises for the buttocks - this is because many people immediately started paying attention to them.
Soon Jen set up an Instagram account and started posting her photos online. It was in 2012 - it was a good time, because then running fit instagram was not so fashionable. Her profile quickly gained popularity and began to attract the attention of advertisers. The amounts they offered were so attractive that Jen Selter quit her job as a receptionist and only took up posting photos on social media. Today he has as many as 7 accounts, and each of them is followed by millions of followers.
Jen Selter exercises for buttocks - TOP 3
Jen Selter is famous for full,round buttocks that are 100% natural - although at first glance you can have doubts. However, many people who collaborated with her during photo sessions confirm that Jen's pupa is the result of hard work, and not aesthetic medicine treatments.
Jen Selter exercises 5 times a week. In each training, he combines exercises on the stairs with strength exercises. One training session does not take more than an hour.
What's the secret behind Jen Selter's perfect buttocks? Exercise, exercise and more exercise! Here are the top 3 that the trainer recommends:
1. Stair training
This is the basis of Jen's glute training. Climbing stairs combines two types of exercise: cardio and strength, thanks to which we simultaneously burn fat, eliminate cellulite and model the gluteal muscles. Jen Selter works on a special machine called the stairmaster, but you can do the same training indoors or outdoors. Here you will find a ready plan: Training on the stairs - advantages, rules and training plan
A post shared by Jen Selter (@jenselter) on Mar 15, 2016 at 6:35 PDT
2. Exercises with a chair
You don't have to go to the gym to carve your buttocks. Jen Selter recommends exercising with a chair - this inconspicuous home equipment gives you a lot of possibilities!
Jen Selter reveals her patent for smooth and firm skin on her buttocks - she rubs it with coconut oil.
The basic exercise is to stand in front of the back of the chair, rest your hands on it, bend slightly and kick backwards with your leg. The leg is to be kept straight. When the foot is high, additionally tighten the buttock muscles. Alternately, exercise one leg or the other in 3 series of 20 repetitions. You can also stand sideways to the back of the chair and lift your extended leg to the side (remember to do the exercise on both sides). To make the exercise more intense, attach additional weight to the ankles.
3. Squats with pulsing
To make the traditional squat even more effective, set your feet wider than your shoulders, point your toes outwards and when you come down, stay in this position for a moment and pulse slightly up and down. You should feel definitely stronger work of your buttocks and thigh muscles.
A post shared by Jen Selter (@jenselter) on Dec 7, 2015 at 12:57 pm PST
Watch Jen Selter's workout for buttocks:
Diet Jen Selter
A he althy diet is essential for optimal gluteal exercises. Jen Selter strongly advises you to completely abandon fast food. According to the trainer, suchthe food disgusts her. In addition, it contributes to the formation of cellulite due to its high s alt and trans fat content.
Jen usually eats porridge with milk with fruit for breakfast, and during the day she uses sea fish (e.g. in the form of sushi), which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which ensure skin firmness. For dinner, he chooses a juicy steak - although it is caloric, it is the best source of easily digestible protein in everyday training, which is needed to build muscles, including buttocks. Importantly, Jen advises to drink 4 liters of water a day and avoid alcohol.