Water kefir is a drink obtained from Japanese crystals - a culture of beneficial bacteria and yeast. The properties and application of water kefir are very wide, but in alternative medicine it is used primarily in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Check how water kefir works and in which store you can buy it.
Water kefiris a drink obtained from a combination of water, sugar and water kefir grains, which are a symbiotic community of bacteria and yeasts - SCOBY (Symbiotic Cultures of Bacteria and Yeasts). These grains are known to be in the form of small, white, translucent granules that grow rapidly with regular "feeding" and are known as: crystals orJapanese crystals , Tibetan pearls,algae Japaneseor sea algae. Contrary to their name, these microorganisms have nothing to do with the well-known marine algae. They also do not come from Japan, but probably from Mexico, where - according to some reports - they grow in certain species of cacti. They are called tibi or tibicos. Water kefir grains resemble traditional kefir - an ancient bacterial culture used to ferment milk from the mountains of the Caucasus. However, they are not directly related. These are completely different cultures.
Water kefir - he alth properties and application
Water kefir belongs to the group of fermented products that have a positive effect on the digestive system. They also help to strengthen immunity in he althy people and improve general well-being. It includes i.a. sugars, alcohol (its content depends on the amount of added sugar) and B vitamins. However, the most important component of water kefir are probiotics.
Probiotics are live bacteria that are essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system. They inhibit the growth of some pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses) in the digestive tract and regulate the work of the intestines. Water kefir can therefore be used to restore the natural intestinal microflora (e.g. after antibiotic therapy, diarrhea), and to support digestive processes. Probiotics have also been shown to relieve symptoms of dietary lactose intolerance.
Undergoing researchon the flora of water kefir grains, it was discovered that "it consists mainly of lactic acid bacteria and a small amount of yeast."
In addition, probiotics eliminate toxic substances from the body. Water kefir also improves the absorption of minerals and vitamins (during the fermentation process, the food is pre-digested, thanks to which the nutrients have greater digestibility).
Water kefir increases the body's resistance. Lactic acid-producing bacteria (and such bacteria are found in water kefir) increase the activity of cells of the immune system.
The healing properties of water kefir have not been scientifically proven, but it is considered an extremely effective probiotic. However, despite its many positive properties, it is not recommended for everyone.
Water kefir is not for everyone! Contraindications to use
1) People with immunodeficiencies Elderly, cancerous, HIV-infected and other immunodeficient patients should not consume a drink made of water kefir produced under inappropriate conditions (especially at home where it is difficult to maintain sterility) because the drink may be contaminated with pathogenic fungi, for example from the genus Aspergillus (Aspergillus), which produce toxins that can be particularly dangerous for people with immunodeficiency.
Take care when consuming fermented foods. Their action is quite strong. It is better to eat them often and in smaller amounts than rarely, but in large amounts.
2) People struggling with ringworm
A diet rich in carbohydrates can accelerate the development and increase the populationCandida albicans- the yeast responsible for mycosis. Therefore, people struggling with this disease should limit the consumption of carbohydrate products, including certain types of fermented foods, such as the drink made from water kefir grains.
2) People with diabetes
The drink based on Japanese crystals contains sugar, although in small amounts, so people with diabetes should not reach for it. In addition, diabetics should not drink it because of the alcohol content, which can, for example, interfere with injected insulin and diabetes medications.
4) Children
Due to the alcohol content, water kefir should not be given to children.
Worth knowingWater kefir - in what store can you buy? What's the price?
In Poland, the easiest way to get water kefir grains is from a person who already uses them. Regular use of thesecultures allow them to multiply rapidly. Everyone who uses them probably has more than he needs. Many sales offers can be found on online marketplaces. The price for 14 pieces of crystals is about 7-8 PLN. Japanese crystals can also be bought in foreign stores, e.g. kefirshop.co.uk
Based on the book "The Art of Fermentation", published by Vivante Publishing House.