Atherosclerosis is a real bane of modern times. However, we are not doomed to this chronic disease. However, atherosclerosis does not have to affect us. All you need is a proper diet and an active lifestyle. Treatment of atherosclerosis: chelation modern method.

In order to effectively prevent atherosclerosis, it is worth taking care of your he alth from an early age. It protects against atherosclerosis mainly by an active lifestyle. Unfortunately, the currently dominant model of spending free time is an obstacle. We are also making progress in the treatment of atherosclerosis: see whatchelation .

What is atherosclerosis?

What is atherosclerosis? Another common name for atherosclerosis is arteriosclerosis.Atherosclerosisis a chronic disease.The symptoms of atherosclerosisare: degenerative and productive changes in the inner and middle membranes of the arteries. The aorta is the most endangered, as well as the coronary and cerebral arteries, less often the limb arteries. Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of hardening of the arteries. This disease is already relatively well recognized. It is known that it can lead to, inter alia, diabetes, hypertension, improper diet, blood clotting disorders or simply stress. It is also known that it is influenced by bacteria of the genus chlamydia or nanobacteria. Atherosclerosis is more common in men and worsens with age.

Prevention of atherosclerosis

Many young people spend too much time in front of the TV or computer stuffing themselves with junk food. This is a simple way to get atherosclerosis in the future. Prevention of atherosclerosis is primarily exercise, as well as a proper diet (avoiding saturated fatty acids and cholesterol). Fortunately, we live in such times that we can enjoy the benefits of other cuisines. Mediterranean cuisine will protect us from atherosclerosis - light, but also tasty. It is also worth taking the advice of the French: when you feel like eating something fatty, eat it with a glass of red wine. It will be good for our heart and arteries. Older men brought up on greasy Polish cuisine should check themselves regularly to see if they are at risk of atherosclerosis. There are no jokes with atherosclerosis. It can lead to cerebral ischemia and mental changes. Moreover, atherosclerosis facilitates the occurrence of vessel ruptures and strokes, especially when it is accompanied by hypertension. Atherosclerosisit is also one of the causes of coronary heart disease. And atherosclerosis of the aorta can lead to an aneurysm.

Treatment of atherosclerosis: chelation

Treatment of atherosclerosisdepends on the severity of the disease. Patients with atherosclerosis are prescribed medications that lower blood pressure and clotting, and reduce the amount of cholesterol. In the treatment of atherosclerosis, it is also used, inter alia, surgical procedures to remove atherosclerotic plaque, angioplasty (widening of the arteries and flattening the plaque), bypasses (implantation of vascular prostheses). One of the methods in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis is chelation. Sometimes the arteries are so clogged with the so-called atherosclerotic plaques that neither lifestyle changes nor tablet medications help. Then, a method that may prove helpful in the treatment of atherosclerosis, although it has been practiced with us for several years, is not yet very common. This is chelation, where a special substance (EDTA) is injected into the arteries. It is a synthetic amino acid that combines with substances forming atherosclerotic plaques in the bloodstream, dissolving them, and thus cleansing clogged arteries from deposits. Compounds dissolved in this way are unnecessarily secreted by the kidneys along with other body fluids. And you can say - after the trouble. The only difficulty is that the chelation procedure (the name comes from the Greek word "chele", meaning forceps, and it is something like sticking off an atherosclerotic plaque) is performed through a drip into a vein. During this time, however, you can listen to music, talk, read or even work at the computer. In the United States, where chelation has been performed for over 50 years, it is used in many civilization diseases, mainly in those cases where there is a risk of high cholesterol.