Habitual constipation in adults is usually the result of dietary mistakes. The use of a lean diet, which contains very little fiber, weakens the perist altic (worming) movements of the large intestine and, consequently, contributes to long-term stool retention. Check what are the causes and symptoms of habitual constipation in adults and how to treat this type of constipation.
Habitual constipation in adultsis functional, not caused by any anatomical lesions, long-term stool retention as a result of weak perist altic (helminthic) movements of the large intestine or excessive contraction of its muscular layer . It is worth knowing that the concept of habitual constipation mainly refers to the consistency of the stool, not the frequency of its passing. A bowel movement, even every 3-4 days, but free, with normal consistency, can be considered normal. The normal frequency of faecal excretion is assumed to be from 3 times a day to 3 times a week.
Habitual constipation in adults - causes
- low physical activity (sedentary lifestyle)
- wearing tight clothing
- irregular consumption of fine grains and foods that do not contain fiber
- neurasthenia (neurosis with increased excitability)
- increased nervous tension of the autonomic system as a result of excess stress and stimuli.
Habitual constipation is also favored by the regular intake of certain medications, the side effects of which are constipation. This group of drugs includes i.a. painkillers containing codeine, antiepileptic drugs, and diuretics (drugs that increase the amount of urine you pass).
Habitual constipation in adults - symptoms
1. The hallmark of habitual constipation in adults is a low-volume, dry, compacted, usually highly foul-smelling stool with an admixture of mucus, usually with the appearance of sheep's (sheep's) faeces, dark brown or black.
2. No feeling of full bowel emptying after often difficult and painful defecation. In such a situation, the accompanying symptoms may be flatulence or painful gas discharge.
3. AdultsPeople suffering from habitual constipation also often complain of:
- sleepiness,
- dull headaches
- feeling of diffuse pressure and fullness in the abdomen.
Habitual constipation in adults - treatment
Due to the fact that improper diet is the most common cause of habitual constipation in adults, disturbed regularity and diet should be restored. Pharmacological treatment should be used as a last resort, because it gradually becomes less and less effective and requires a constant increase in the dose of drugs.
Habitual constipation in adults - prevention
1. Avoid the stresses and tensions that trigger excessive contractility of the intestinal muscles.
2. Be physically active.
3. Eat meals at strictly defined (constantly the same) times of the day in order to regulate the work of the digestive tract.
4. Try to pass your faeces regularly, even when you do not feel (initially) feeling any pressure or need to pass it.
5. Include large amounts of intestinal irritating fiber in your diet (e.g. vegetables, fruit, wholemeal bread, buckwheat, green beans).